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Dec 2014 · 4.7k
Whimsical fancies,
Dreams on the back of your eyes:
Reality masked,
Only the daylight remains;
The blackest night is shattered.
Dec 2014 · 5.0k
Haiku: Shine
Light will shine on you
When you decide to let it
Instead of hiding.
Nov 2014 · 926
Just Breathe
Just breathe,
I know you’re cold inside;
Just smile,
I know how much you’ve cried.

I’ll make it better,
I am yours, you are Mine;
Take heart, I’ve overcome:
Let My light shine.

Don’t worry,
I have it under control;
Do not fear,
I have your soul.

No one can take you away,
I’m guarding you forever;
No one can remove My love,
I’m holding you together.

Just breathe…
Nov 2014 · 3.9k
Haiku: Wings
When you found your wings
And you could finally fly
You stayed; this was home.
Nov 2014 · 789
I'm Back, I'm Home
I'm back, I'm home,
I'm no longer gone!
Too far on the hard road I've traveled.
Returned, renewed,
I've found strength to go on!
All of my stress has unraveled.

— The End —