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re Jun 2018
i have my own man-figure
my own man figure

i believe everybody has it too

three letter,
makes world better

my dad is really a superhero
i bet the avengers can't even beat him

he is so strong
don't need muscle,
just conceptacle

he is a real keeper too
he keeps me from the evilish
he keeps me from starving
he keeps me from bad dreams
and he keeps his tears
from running down his cheeks
and he does it all invisibly

he is really great, isn't he?

he is a clown
for my own

he is the annoying too

he doesnt talk much
but i still love him anyway

no no no
you deserve better too
'i love you' seems not enough
to say i love you,
missing dad so much
796 · Feb 2018
oh, man!
re Feb 2018
oh, man! oh, man! oh, man!
what is so special about moon?
just a brightly-shines-gray-round
when night falls.
just a place where there is a set of
reflected staring eyes of the giving up,
hopeful, and the wanderer ones.

oh, man! oh, man! oh, man!
who dial the noon?

"me" i said.

oh, man! oh, man! oh, man!
i prefer neptune

"what's this time?" he asked.

i prefer neptune.
i like neptune.

might be can't make the light by itself.
not like the moon.

and that's why i always say
"love you to neptune and back"

but take me to neptune,
we might never come back. forever.
we have endless time.
just like our stories.
it's a long flight.

but the moon
she can be our witness.
i'll tell her.
i would like her to tell
every particular story
of our journey to everything
that lives.

it's immortal.
644 · May 2019
jumpa takkan terlupa
re May 2019
terasa sesak dalam benak
saat kata 'sampai jumpa' tak terelak

terasa sedih dalam raga
ketika berhenti saling menjaga

akan terasa siksa dalam kalbu
saat nanti tiba rasa rindu yang menyerbu

ingatlah, jumpa ini takkan terlupa
segala hal yang telah ditempa
segala hal yang berujung nestapa
semua insan yang telah menjadi siapa-siapa
takkan bisa terlupa

berhasil mencairkan
berhasil menguatkan
hilang dalam percakapan
hilang dalam dekapan

jangan sesali jumpa ini
isak tangis kini
jangan biarkan membebani

masa depan menanti
impian tak mungkin berhenti
si pelerai jumpa memang tak punya hati
namun, jangan berkecil hati
percayalah kita kan berjumpa lagi nanti
semesta pasti mengerti
bahwa ini adalah bagian dari rencana si takdir pasti

tetapi tenang
rencana si takdir yang dicanang
takkan dibuatnya kita terus berlinang

terima kasih kepada semua insan
yang berpapasan
yang telah menjadi panduan
yang telah memberi acuan
yang telah berlisan
merajut angan
612 · Apr 2017
as the night
re Apr 2017
as the night started to glimmer
and i was sitting at the balcony
curiously seeing a city of madness
wondering the tragical tragedy
that could happen for thrice

my eyes could barely see
a rhythm that keep spinning around
on the sightly stars

my soul was trying to reach out hardly
but still trapped in this seductive frame
words by words were running through my teeth
on this peculiar night of nights

then the fact that i smiled
even wider
meant to the blissfulness
upon this endless grief
433 · Oct 2017
for the readers
re Oct 2017
i honestly feel so difficult
to write this
i don't know if this is
such a pep writings or
is this just me
forcing my mind
to fight all the insecurities
and deep sadness inside

we deserve everything in this life
all the little things

we deserve everything

those things that make us feel alive
make us happy
peace comes
all of the sudden

just believe in that
we will see better days
where we'll not feel
empty anymore
no more heartbreaks
no more promises
no insecurities

i'm not hypocriticalling myself

we are same
hear all of the happy songs
but your soul keeps playing
all of the sad songs

everything is fake
but i believe no more ache
in the future fact

just keep trying to
        the most
422 · Aug 2019
a haiku
re Aug 2019
loving you with ease
it is where i find my peace
won't tell me to gease
410 · Apr 2020
re Apr 2020
you expect the perfection
i expect the acception

what a negotiation
392 · May 2018
re May 2018
we trapped in these four walls
in the moment of eye-rolls

we trapped in each others' skin
wondering what other place could we've been

we forged into one vessel
seems like we were in a carousel

we love like a little kid
that always want a bid
367 · Apr 2017
re Apr 2017
the sky turns grey
and then the patters
softly fall down
dampen my clothe
it feels so cold

stand between the unvailing decisions
stare at the old fool
cry for the unsure
stuck in this skittish

i know i should run
unchain my soul
should i let this cracky heart
just fall onto miserable surface?
329 · Apr 2019
re Apr 2019
i am the strongest
of the strongers


i am weaker
than the weakest
just having a bad day and it ***** huft
306 · May 2017
the lost part
re May 2017
i woke up
5 am as usual
my mind was open slowly

i awoke
still the same
it was like
my eyes couldn't really open
was i still dreaming?
what did i dream about?

felt different
couldn't feel my feet
the feet that i used to walk you
step by step

couldn't touch my shoulders
the shoulders that you used to
fall back down

couldn't move my fingers
the fingers that you used to touch
and play

but wait

i could still lick my lips
that we used to kiss
imagined it could happen again
269 · Mar 2017
re Mar 2017
3 well-turned letters
makes my tongue bitten
by my own encomiast teeth
259 · Jul 2019
an understanding
re Jul 2019
going through many phases
handling another faces
all you have to know is
not everyone deserves you
because you are more than
they ever think about
254 · Dec 2017
re Dec 2017
so i said i wanted
you to stay
even though
nothing could stay
the same
in the mood of david levithan
216 · Jan 2020
roses > lavender
re Jan 2020
all the roses win
the lavender gets no way in
212 · Aug 2017
re Aug 2017
eye to eye then
I to I now

us then
ash now

it feels just a second ago
doesnt it?

we used to be magnets
now we are on a same pole

getting harsh

we used to be ←→
before →←

→magnets' law←

there is something
controlling us
is it just us
losing our fascination?
#pathetic #nowandthen
203 · Apr 2020
re Apr 2020
these days are hard for us
to be unmistaken
thought we got lost in the rush
or merely we’re not yet awaken

rise and recline
all the way stuck in this cycle
satisfied and then brood over
just as fast as the eyes-goggle

we repetitively
have been metamorphosed
and hopefully
turn into something immortalised
201 · Dec 2020
do i
re Dec 2020
do i ever cross your mind?
do i ever cross on your every eyesight?
does that bedsheet still make you blind?
does my last phrase stuck still in your every fight?

does the eleven-eleven thing still you be wished?
every countdown you thought you could fix
3, 2, 1, your heartbeat stopped in the same doorway you pleased
does her love give you the same feels?

been a rush, my fault
for the sake of a hush, it had to be yours
as taylor said you would come back to me
sure thing, it couldn't be a future tense

barely made it
a bit more space and faith
but solely, again, honey,
i dodged the warning;
determining a peace for two
would never be a dream come true
200 · Jul 2020
re Jul 2020
you promised me the light
but i was left unguided

you promised me a forever
but we were the worst we could ever

— The End —