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10.6k · Apr 2016
The love of my life
White Owl Apr 2016
"There are no words to describe how I feel."
That is one of the most common phrases ever used.

But it is true and so is "I love you."

From the day I first talked to you I knew there was something.
The first time I video chatted with you I had a certain kind of feeling.
   Something that I never felt before.

Everyone always says they know what love is but you never really know until you have met the one.

I fell for you the first time we talked.
I started falling in love at first video chat.
I fell in love with you before I knew what was going on.
You had my heart on an Un-breakable chain that was tied to yours.

The day I met you in person the butterflies could have carried me away.
I carried the biggest smile on my face with nerves hidden behind it.

My nerves where sky high. You where perfect. You were hot! You were smart. You were funny. You made me smile.
We were in love!

When you asked me to be your wife I started to cry. Happy tears. Our life together was just beginning.
We were in love and everyone knew it!

I wake up in the morning with a huge smile. The butterflies still lifting me up.  You are perfect. You are hot smart kind and funny. You are laying next to me! I hold you close. I am never letting you go.

I love you.
Written for Mr. Fiancé

You are mine. My everything. My one and only. My forever and always. My other half. You will always be mine.

If you ever see this. I love you no matter where we are In life I will always love you. You are my one true love.
3.8k · Jul 2017
Domestic Violence / Abuse
White Owl Jul 2017
As I watched my mother get beat,  as a child,  I was convinced that if I were to call the cops something bad would happen.
I have watched my father slam my mother in a car door.
I have watched as my father threw pans at my mother.
I have seen my mother walk out covered in bruises.
I have seen my father break a printer with my mother's head.

I remember running to my room crying and covering my head with a pillow. Hearing him curse at her calling her every bad name he could think of. My brother and I would blare the radio and still hear screams of my mother,  as she was beaten.

We were young when it started out; I don't remember a period of time when it was not happening.

My mother tried to leave him time and time again. My brother and I begged of her. Just leave him, we would cry.

She was with him 18 years. She was put through Hell for 18 long years.

Peoples first assumption is why didn't she leave, why didn't she stay away. This was a question that,  even to me,  was hard to see; I just recently was able to understand and see what was wrong with this picture.

She was beat physically but she was abused emotionally as well. People only tend to see what they can literally see and forget what is laying behind the bruises. Day after day she was degraded, called names, told she was worthless. She began to belive it. It was now in her head that she was worthless and no one would love her. No one would put up with her, she was a *******; or so she thought.

Taking the courage to leave that is a lot, she was mentally unfit for certain jobs and her health began to decrease. She was a woman who felt that she could not succeed or provide for her children without my father, or another man.

Leaving my father for the last time was the hardest thing that I believe she had to do. She wasn't just leaving anyone. It was the father to her children, the man she has relied on for 18 years, the man that had her believing she was worthless. He done everything except brainwashing to get her to stay.

Also, my father is kind sweet and caring to everyone outside of our family. Even to our family he was nice but he had times were things of this nature,  behind closed doors, would happen.
My immediate family was not the only ones who knew he beat my mom. Everyone on my fathers side of the family knew. They always made excuses or turned their heads. Some people on my moms side had questioned it but she always made excuses because she thought that she loved him.

Domestic violence is nothing to joke about. Everyone should know the signs and report anything suspicious. There are a few things to know. The person being abused has to want help to get out. The cops and social workers can not do anything unless the abused come forward when approached about it. The exception to that is when there is kids involved, like in my situation.

Domestic abuse hotlines:
1-800-799-7233 | 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

Not sure if it's abuse?:
Domestic violence does not only harm them in the present but haunts them in the future
3.6k · Apr 2016
My Bestfriend Re-Opened
White Owl Apr 2016
My best friend how ignorant of I to believe anything can tear us apart!

We laugh together
We cry together
We fight together
We love together
We hold together
We never let go..... Together
We are better..... Together.

You are a part of me that I could never lose. My other, other half. The sister I never had but always wanted. My cousin. The one who has been there for me no matter what I did. My secret keeper.

The best friend a girl could ever ask for.
If you ever read this. Thanks for inviting me to Florida. I never would have made it where I am today without that. I looked up to you because you where the first person that showed me the right things. We may not have been perfect Angels together. But thank you.
2.4k · Feb 2014
ungrateful i am
White Owl Feb 2014
This life,

These hands and feet
I can walk and touch
Its not enough

These socks and gloves
The warmth of it
Its not enough

The shoes and clothes
Protection and coverage
Its not enough

I want rings, and bracelets
all great things
phones and cars.

Big house with the best yard
silly unnecessary things
Bikes and chalk

Nothings enough
wanting more
Nothing to give

I get,
You get
We get
But still want
1.5k · Aug 2017
Abused Mother
White Owl Aug 2017
I remember locking myself in my room
blasting the radio
covering my head with a pillow
Even while I was doing that
I could still hear my mother screaming at my father to stop
I heard glass breaking
pans hitting the floor
dishes crossing the floor

After the fights
I would always come check on my mom
sometimes she was covered in blood and bruises

As I looked across the floor as she was
cleaning the mess my father made comma
glass everywhere
Everything from counters and tables
were scattered from kitchen all the way to living room

917 · Oct 2014
White Owl Oct 2014
The ignorant decision and her mistake
Always together until
She met him
She left
Not able to pull her back
She's gone

No longer is she my friend
Rather is she just family
The love of what once was friends
She pulled herself away

Angry sad betrayed how could she leave She didn't stay
Without a goodbye she left to make an ignorant mistake.

One month she knew him
Now she has gone to stay.
Twenty; she could not be stopped
She was his for him to take.

You are gone.
You are grown.
I fell down.
Now I'm on my own.

Goodbye my best friend,  for our future will not be the same.
No more sleeping in late or acting silly at night
No more finding late night snacks just to go work them off the next day
No more random pictures
No more zombies or forced multiplayer
No more.
He has stolen my bestfriend. You live so close yet youre so far away. Be careful, I ask of you, my Cousin.
861 · Jul 2017
Dear Mom and Dad
White Owl Jul 2017
When I was younger we moved from place to place. I remember,  even from a young age,  worrying about where we would lay our heads after we left this place. I remember yall being at home a lot but not being around us. I remember you both going into rooms with people,  that I met for the first time,  and you all spending hours together with a locked door. Sometimes afterwards, I remember staying up late doing crafts and playing games until the clock hit 3am. I remember being able to do pretty much anything I wanted to do. I remember waking up crying and finding comfort that you both where still awake. I remember the house smelling bad. I remember you telling me to lie to social workers about things. Like if there was powders in my house or if I have smelt any bad smells or even about how yall act.

It wasn't until I started getting older that I realized that you both were on drugs. I started to realize that the reason you both where at home is because you did not have a job. I realized that is why we had to move so many times. I realized that you went to your room to hide the drugs from us. We knew they were bad. I realized the new friends that mommy and daddy made were not friends at all but drug dealers and inhibitors.

It took even longer for me to realize that pain pills and maraujana were not the only drugs you where doing. I began to pay attention in class when they spoke to us about drugs. I knew that both of your reactions didn't add up. One day I found a **** pipe wrapped up and hidden in plain sight. I can still feel the anger that rolled out of me that day. I remember wanting to bash it across the wall and walk out. I knew that I'd get hurt by dad if I did that. I walked away and left it.

That's when I realized that the reason you where still up when I woke up from bad dreams is because you could not go to sleep. That when you wanted me to lie about any white substances that is why.

I am not angry at either of you. I am thankful. I have pushed myself. I will continue to push myself. Not only for myself but for my future family.

And mom I am proud of how far you have come in the last 5 years.
Personal mom and dad separate to follow
549 · Jul 2017
White Owl Jul 2017
You are too ******* yourself for your past. You need to look at what you have now and your future.

I may have not had the best child hood but you are doing your best to make up for "lost" time.

I apologize for watching as my father beat you, and not calling the cops. I'm sorry that all I did is run away, hide in the room, and cry. I remember countless times of him hitting you, pushing you around, and calling you every name except for the one he should be calling you by.
I remember him slamming your legs in the door. I remember you hiding bruises and making up excuses for him. You where bound by drugs and "love" that you couldn't wrap your head around to walk away.

I watched countless times as you tried to walk away, but walking away is not that simple. Every time he seemed to find his way back. I remember as we  begged you to leave him time and time again.

I now realize that he degraded you so much that you felt worthless that you felt you had fallen down to his level. That he was the only person you felt that could love and support you the way you were.

After years of him destroying your self esteem I know how hard it was for you. When you finally left him. I was gone to Florida, and when I got back I was told what happen. I remember a elephant being lifted off my shoulders, I could once again breathe. Hoping that this time was for good.

That year we bounced around from place to place more times than I can remember, once living in a camper. I didn't care where we stayed; I knew it was better than what we have been in. You struggled to keep me a place to sleep you cared for me and loved me.

On my 15th birthday you were checked into rehab for the last time. You struggled to stay in there your whole time even with every one there supporting you. I remember coming to visit you and your personal changing. You where happier, you where learning to respect yourself, and trying to love yourself again.

I know that when you got clean you felt as if I was pushing you away but I was not meaning to. I was trying to adjust, I am still adjusting. This was all new for me. I apologize for not being able to adjust quicker, to forgive faster, and love stronger. You are my mother I will always love you. If it wasn't for you I would not be where I'm at today. Thank you, mommy.

I could not be more proud of who you are today. I want you to forgive yourself from your past. I want you to love yourself like you never have before. You are strong and you can do anything you put your mind to. You have went through some of the worst things on this earth, and survived.

The only thing I want to happen for you now is to get baptized at your church.
526 · Feb 2014
White Owl Feb 2014
realizing that dark is the absence of light
there is not a dark,
yet I'm afraid
this darkness holds mysterious things,
thoughts of what it and what could be in it I fear,
this nonsense of a fear I have and can not conquer.
I run from bed to light switch,
from light switch to bed
as if touching the floor
while in the dark means something will get me.
this fear
we grow attached to as kids,
these movies and people
put these STUPID thoughts in our heads.
they never leave,
they never go.
its a scary thing.
they will never end!

— The End —