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  Aug 2015 Vivek Rao
I find you in a room of a hundred walls where you can’t find yourself. You presume you too can find me, but I can’t feel it. I move my feet towards you and scream:
“I EXIST. YOU EXIST. I EXIST. YOU EXIST.” But you don’t seem to slightly hear me. Your eyes still pitch black, darker than the night but glittering and shimmering brighter than a million constellations. Does that indicate a near burnout? Or are you still in the process of combustion? Maybe you’ve exploded many light years ago but the aftermath is still demonstrating in your eyes fierier than ever.

“Insignificant.” You mumble.
“I exist, you exist.” I weep.
“I exist, you exist. But do exits exist?” you smirk, and I no longer want to exist.
  Aug 2015 Vivek Rao
RL Glassman
I found a mend for a friend
amidst the soft dew
I hear bells in our shells
when our quarrels - they were few
I found art in our heart
near the sandy beach
I feel my spirit is much near it
when the sky we do reach
The sun has fire so much higher
when our hands are close
I feel more within my core
when our eyes had light the most
So let us stay in this pleasant way
As fiery as mars
Let us hold this glowing gold
As we dance amongst the stars
Written April 20th 2015
  Aug 2015 Vivek Rao
Tawanda Mulalu
I would have rather been Orpheus,
travelling to various hells for you
and singing songs to save you
even though you couldn't save yourself:
stop looking back. The flames aren't worth it.
Let my eyes burn brighter than the abyss.
Just whatever you do don't turn your face
away Eurydice. Hades will have his Persephone
and you are not her.

It's better this way I guess. I would have looked
back at you and watched you crumble into
a shadowy pillar of salt as did the wife of Lot
when she looked back at *****. I am faithless,
which is why I cannot sing like Orpheus. I am faithless,
which is why I would have watched you melt into
a shadowy memory of the underworld even if I could.

Instead, I was a messenger of these strange myths.

Wings on my feet, I raced against the multitudinous
skylines of the worlds I do not inhabit, skipped across
volumes and volumes of rows and columns of planets and
stars written by dead old men and women. They spoke presently
of the voluminous presence their absence had created, and did so
without having known of the secrets of this absence when
they wrote about their respective presents. Presents conferred
to winged-feet wishful thinkers who spiral uncontrollably with their mouths
to sudden and dangerous depths: Every serious reader remembers
the time they stopped whispering controversies and started shouting them
without knowing that they were shouting them: Ideas are messy things
that don't need loudspeakers: Decibels violently shudder themselves out
of being the moment you mention to your mother that God
might not exist and Camus said so: Existence itself implodes outwards
like how plants produce seeds that make themselves when novels
start at their ends which are really their beginnings: Children
**** their mothers through birth: Boys with wings on their feet
take the library too seriously.

This is
I flew towards you without a chariot

and found you in your various hells, one book at a time,
and why I would have rather have been Orpheus
because at least then I could have sang you songs
before you ended up retreating back into your various
selves. It could have been my fault then for looking back.

It could have been,
   could have been,
   could have been
you that was Orpheus. You who looked back.
You being the reason that I crumbled into a pillar of
shadow and salt because, as did Lot's wife, I looked back.

We both did, and watched the whole world invert itself
on its axis, then turn and twist and shift itself
into superimposed images and shapes and dreams
that changed you from muse to poet and
dream to dreamer
and Eurydice to Orpheus
and to Lot then his wife
and to this: which you always were.

              Those wings on your feet: When
the librarians changed the positions of the bookshelves-
and therefore our imaginations: our movements
and stanzas and scenes and days and nights-
               Those wings on your feet: When
that happened they must have stopped fluttering
for a second. I tried flying again and fell.

I haven't been much of a messenger since.
Mess, mess and more mess I guess.
  Aug 2015 Vivek Rao
Daniel R Burns
A bad situation,
The darkest cloud.
a fantastic creation,
Covered in a shroud.
A man no more,
a beautiful ghost,
to the aforementioned
we raised a toast.

The more I marched,
the more I carried,
my soul parched,
I wept as we buried.

Chances gone, chances wasted,
the chances I scorned,
and the lies that precede,
I beg the forgiveness of those I mislead.

Further I fall,
my traits disappear.
"I am not me!",
shouts my soul from the rear.
Happiness eludes me,
failure is certain.
I retire, I retry.
Yet, I lose again.

Still, here I stand,
A man just the same.
*The darkness is winning,
But I shall rise again.
  Aug 2015 Vivek Rao
I write a song for you
So you could sing it for her
I pour a poem for you
So she would feel like the stars and oceans and thorns and thunder and earth and sunrays and moonlight and rivers and wind

What you ask me to do
My heart the ink
Of the prose you'll give
From me to her.

Indescribable, once again

The storm and monsoons and trade winds and fall and winter and summer and rain and rain drops and atomic theory and i

All at once
Beautiful and powerful and hurtful

All at once
Lovely, serendipity, a mix of desire

All at once
All the words

Give it to her, recite my scribbles destined for you

Give it to her, the envelope concealed along with my hidden feelings for you

Give it
All to her
Be happy,

Let her read
Let her savour
Let her love the words
That describe where I revolve

My forests my snowflakes the beams of the sun and the sun itself and typhoons that break people and the ineffable entirely

All the beauty in the world that illuminate you
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