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 Dec 2017 Tishka
 Dec 2017 Tishka
Sometimes you expect more of someone,
Because you
Would do that much.
And it hurts to realise
That you don’t have:

A rope to grasp,
A wall to lean on.

That you walk on a floor,
Whose tiles unfeelingly dissolve,
Letting you fall into the abyss,
With no rope to grasp.

That the one that haddock your turns to wind,
Letting you lose your balance,
With no wall to lean on.

An emptiness so vast,
Barley contained,
Held within a fist of flesh,
Pulsing with despair.
 Dec 2017 Tishka
Run and stand
 Dec 2017 Tishka
Run to make distance
With those who catch up.

Run to observe
Whose who torment.

Beware, lest tou run
With ease and length
For these catch up.

Run fast and short,
Stop and turn,

Those who torment catch up.

Stand firm,
Those who catch up keep going.

Thoughful, weave through
With knowledge observed.

Let those who catch up
For they can’t turn back.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Helen Raymond
She sews her wounds with silver thread
Not all storm clouds bear silver linings, you were mislead
Silver scars shimmer in the sun
Beautiful reminders of the battles that she's won
Beautiful souls are often those who've suffered most
 Sep 2017 Tishka
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Recently I've noticed, that the world's skin deep. We've stopped looking past our features, and started scanning from head to feet. Closed minds don't matter, when your legs are open wide. Just like a personality is worthless, when you only want physically inside. We say we want to find love, but only indulge ourselves in lust. Just  to wind up brokenhearted, and wondering who we can trust.
This is just a short poem I wrote when I was dealing with some fake people.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Took you to my room
Locked the door; swallowed the key
Then I swallowed you.

Rolled up my sleeves... high
Pumped you through my veins... again
Turned off all the lights.

Hi again, old friend
I am high again, old friend
I am high on you.
Three haikus written instead of sociology homework.  Unfinished.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
EP Mason
when I'm high I can't control my head
when I'm high I go up and up
down the lane
and I taste mermaids tongues
I make the sweet ones cry
when I'm  high
I shiver and smile
when I sense it's over
**** me when I'm high
In an attempt to combat writers block I got ****** and just wrote whatever came out. This is the result?
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Bo Burnham
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Bo Burnham
When I was little,
I killed ants with a magnifying glass.

And now I'm big.
And I worry I'm doing the same thing with you.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
she whispers. "hey."


"you're my boulder."

he chuckles. "what?"

"you're my boulder. you're
stronger than a rock. you're
the one who keeps me
from losing myself. you're
the one who keeps me
grounded. you are my boulder."

he grimaces. "but if i'm a boulder
then i'd crush you...i would
hurt you."

she laughs quietly. "well then, you're
a gentle boulder.  soft and fluffy and
all that stuff."

he stifles a laugh. "so do i just have
a bunch of fluffy green moss
growing on me?"

she nods. "you're
my big, gentle, sweet, moss-covered

he smirks. "well...
then i guess you're
my pebble."

she looks into his eyes. "how so?"

"you're my pebble. you're
small but not easy to break. you're
seemingly fragile but you're
stronger than you look. you're
part of me and you're
the one who can either break me
or make me whole. you are my pebble."

she smiles
and he wraps his soft green sweatshirt
that he's wearing
around her
shoulders. "mine."

she murmurs. "my boulder."
he whispers. "my pebble."

and finally,
both of them
are found
as they gaze at the stars
and into each other's eyes.
A small scene that popped into my head...just something short and sweet.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
our story is
it is not like
all of the other
stories that
fill up libraries
and occupy
the minds of
people on this

our story is
it is not absolutely
flawless or
but yet,
its imperfections
are what makes
it different.

our story is
it is not at all
cliche or
but yet,
its craziness
is what makes
it beautiful.

our story is
it is not, will not
be anyone
and still
its characters
are what makes
it different,

and love,
i love
our story.
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