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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Joe Cole
You know when I was a kid we used to have seasons
The bitter biting winds and cruel frosts of winter
Seemed to vanish overnight
Green shoots would appear as though by magic
Biting winds replaced by a gentle wind and cold lashing rain
Replaced by a gentle breeze and warm spring showers
Summer appeared over the morning horizon
Crops were ripening and we swam in the streams and basked
In the warm summer sun
A time for camping and family picnics
To our young minds the hot dry summers
Seemed to last for eternity
Then almost without warning the leaves turned from green to russet
To yellows and reds
Apples suddenly tasted much sweeter and there was an abundance
Of all things edible
Mums were suddenly busy
Pickling, preserving, making jams
That was also the time the Christmas pudding was made
What glorious halcyon days they were
Suddenly it turned colder
Spider webs gleaming under a coating of night time dew
Early morning frost on the grass
Glinting in the morning sun
Like a million diamonds
Where oh where have our seasons gone?
Beneath the bends of Barrymore
On the southwest winds she chants some more
The clouds scoot by beneath the moon
Some say she's crazy like the loon
Dressed in black she cackles back
Tossing ashes from a sack
She throws her body down
And moans and sobs into the ground
A dagger she does draw it forth
Holding it up for all its worth
She shrieks and damns her birth
And plunges it deep into her heart . . .
So ends the life of the despised young **** . . .

Now the owls come silently in
Alighting next to still warm skin
All walk around the disposed young beast
Only uttering "Who" to say the least
Then the great owl comes fluttering in
He'd be a giant if he were made of men
He collectively surveys the scene
Takes a few steps before he says a thing
"Take her body to Evermoor"
The great one orders and implores
And all the owls take to wing
Holding the remains of the breathless thing
And take her earthly shell away
And as drops of blood fell from the flow
to the earth a white rose would grow
Leaving a trail
To the land as some will say
To the sacred woods of Evermoor
Yes sacredness in evermore
A halloween special
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Zyrah Samar
Writers are brave
for every time they write,
they rip their chests open,
and let the world know
what is inside their hearts.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
She is just like any other, only she harbors a dark secret inside.
On the outside she smiles and laughs, but within she has already died.
But hey, smile, make them believe the lie.
I bet you didn't know, all she does at night is cry.
But hey we all have our secrets, I bet even you bury them within.
She isn't dead, because she was raised to believe Suicide is a sin.

She goes to the only safe haven she knows, words.
They sing the most beautiful song of the birds.
They wrap her up nice and tight.
They hold her until everything in the world is right.
Words are the most beautiful thing in her world, the only thing.
They ease the pain of the blade, take away its sting.

Nothing matters when she falls into the world of words.
She finds a sanctuary with the nerds.
There is a hole left in her soul.
She is searching for her missing piece to finally be whole.
She has a secret even bigger than the storm ragging through her mind..
She has battle scars covering he whole body, they are  unkind.

The horrific scene on her body is nothing like the damage in her head.
her body is cloaked in dread, she knows she should be dead.
They bully her more than anyone knows..
That's probably because it never shows.
Haven't you ever wondered about the sweatshirts and pants?
They way she moves as though she is in a trance?

Going through the motions, holding together a shattered life.
She drags the blade of a knife...
It takes a lot to hold together the razor edged pieces of a broke heart.
She is a masterpiece, a true work of art.
The angels made her special, inside and out.
Best believe she will make it through this world, no doubt.

The pain will one day subside.
She will know she could have always done more; tried..
She won't give up, because a few don't want her to be on this earth.
She will stay, fulfill her dreams, be a mother; prove she has worth.
This isn't the ending, but a whole new beginning, one she will choose.
It will all begin with Love as her muse.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
His smile is what makes my day.
The way he tell me he loves me without knowing what i may say.
He and I are so good together, it seems unreal.
I never knew this is how love could feel.
His voice makes me smile for hours.
It's like he has these magical powers.

He is broken, just like me.
It's crazy how he understands all the parts he was never supposed to see.
I haven't felt his warm embrace, i dream of his arms holding me tight.
He makes all the wrong in my world seem right.
I know we haven't been together long, but the way you make me feel..
You give my life meaning and make my shattered heart feel real..

The way this is, it's something of fantasy.
I am waiting for the dream to end, because this doesn't happen for me.
The amount of trust you have..the amount of love you have of mine.
If i lose you, i don't think i could ever be fine.
The insecurities you have, are what i love about you.
Because they give me reason to shower you with my love.
The way you talk of our future, is the peace of a dove.

I know i am not the best.
I know i am different from the rest..
But i will love you with my whole heart, now and forever more.
A Letter Between Lovers, what could fix all of mine which has been tore.
I don't want this to be like those of the past.
Because it will ruin us fast.

We can make it through anything in the world, cause lovers fight.
We fight for what is our right.
Our right to love, and this letter is our secret bond bein sealed.
You are the only one who has been able to help me get healed.
So, what im tryin to say is, i love you for who you are.
You are the best thing i have, my very own shining star.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
Do demons ever sleep?
    If so, do they ever dream?
Or do they just live in us,
   Only as real as we allow them to be?

In my dreams
of demons,
Sorcery of Horror
Takes hold while I'm sleeping
I wake up screaming
In the oblivionic darkness
Cold sweat and shallow breathing
I don't know what it means
but I think Nightmares could be
A gateway for your mind to see
into the Dreams
of Demons...
Late night, mostly asleep ramblings
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Your beauty punctured my soul while I slept,
I woke to realise,
The music had stopped playing,
You were pumping through my blood,
And now through the holes,
A thousand poems spill out.

They say there's strength in numbers    

But I just want the voices in my head

                                . . .

                     TO GO AWAY
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