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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Deafening silence,
I can hear my heart pumping.
I need company.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
MV Blake
When you went to sleep today,
I counted all the steps
That sat between you and me,
Like miles and miles of roads,
So many twists and turns;
The path was lost without a trace.

Is it strange to think
That we judge our love
By distance to our hearts?
Or do we choose to use
The ground between us
To fill that empty space?

So explain these tears
That fall together,
Sliding down my cheek
To join my other fears,
Of romance and careers,
As we drive this finite race.
For my Uncle Alec, who passed away this morning.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Crouched in a bath
in a house in my hometown.
5AM and the moon's out.
Kevin hands me a rolled up bank note,
and tells me I'm innocent
all in one breath.

There's blood on my hands,
rolling down my wrist.
Big, fat, poppy teardrops
blooming like the cherry trees
in my university.
Home is a funny thing.

I'm not a cool kid.
Just a drugged up, loved up,
half pretty girl with a good brain.
after the wrong people
in love with every
broken soul.

I'm just chasing dreams
and welded differentials,
the car turns and screams.
One hand on the steering wheel
and one on my thigh -
can't you just need me for a weekend?
Can't you just
sigh your little promises
and chew my ear?
Whenever is ten,
I swear my heart beats faster
Than a drowning man
In the shadows of a gam

The voices that eavesdrops
Are like the devouring poltergeist
In the widerness
At dusk

You bades it beautifully
Like an Xmas gift
And retires to your paradise
Of roses and candles

As blah creeps on my face
I groan
And croon them like a dirge
And wake nigh them

Singing and singing
Till your wake
But flak out
Somewhere along the line
This is my frailty
I know and admit

Oh!but how I wish
Sleep had being a man
To have bait him
With all the ***
Or all my all

Just a night
That's all I ask for
Just a night with you.

A Poem Written By
©Historian E.Lexano
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Chase Allen
There is no haunted house scarier than the place I speak of.
No creepy woods late at night compares.
The scariest place a human can be, a place no one is safe from.
To be alone with your thoughts can be the most devastating place anyone could be.
You are trapped with only thoughts and feelings and nothing can save you but yourself.
Some people are easily able to evade the thoughts and move on to other things, but some of us aren't that lucky.
For those of us who are trapped inside the tunnels of our minds we constantly are interrupted by overwhelming thoughts and nothing can stop them.
It's easy for people on the outside to think we can just turn off these bad thoughts but for us trapped there is no escaping this horrifying place. It's a constant battle of worry and misconceived ideas that we aren't good enough, that everything we do isn't enough for someone.
But never give up the internal battle with the demons that hide in your tunnel. You are good enough.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Just Me
Determined journey has left us cold and silent
Never had I imagined that we would be as such
Words would flow at ease to the calming comfort, that once was
The calming of such that would bring us to slumber
Beside one another through the still of night
Your guided will  no longer mine, our thoughts no longer intertwine
Our differences set in stone, now my nights are all alone
Thoughts of you rush through my mind, I wonder if you miss me at times
A dream that was once you and I has become a determined journey of I
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
I promise myself
you'll break
if I keep pushing hard enough.

You are an angel of liberation
How could you ever love **** so hateful?
It must be a lie, it must be fake
But I can make it true if I break you

Heavenly creature, let this creature come to you
Smother you and shovel all his wretched love in you
The way a golden goddess glows, mortals always follow
And only through destruction could she love a fiend so hollow

At your weakest, I strike
A predator in love
I convince myself you'll feel the same
If I damage you enough

I will teach you to love me
So that you can teach me why
What a Demon's meaning is
In an Angel's Eyes
A metaphorical self portrait of the obsessive, destructive, vile lunatic I am.
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