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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
DaRk IcE
My love searched the open fields of perfectly red spoken words
Perfectly red spoken words
I traced in golden sands along the shores of paridise
Perfectly red spoken words rolling off my spanish tounge for your ears only and eyes to enjoy.
Perfectly red spoken words I sing to your soul as we become one enchanted in dances of gods of powerful beauty
Perfectly red spoken words I desire to embrace your gaze upon my chest and we shall grow roots that cannot be severed

              Perfectly red spoken words you
whispered to me among daisies and lilies surfing in the wind of an unwarranted force.
Perfectly red spoken words you painted in my image in vibrant sequences of romance among your brush
              Perfectly red spoken words You poetically illustrated to my tears of beauty hanging onto every verse of my sunshine.
As one
Against the
*Perfectly red spoken words
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Shylah S
I will meet the "right" person
in one who constantly
surprises me
In a good way :)
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
with an old record neither
of us ever remembered
buying playing in the
background and your
hands around my throat
i finally felt your love
She Is completely relaxed and peaceful
The warm sunshine above her little head
A smile so large that was once so dull
The joy that Is handled by a small thread
The water brushes the souls of her feet
The way that the wind blows her bouncy curls
She bobs her head to the beautiful beat
She Is different than the other girls
What makes her happy, yet to understand
Profound at the joy discovered alone
Happiness found without presence of man
She begins to rethink returning home
Deciding between hurt and happiness
Leaves her on a beautiful beach fearless
Shakespearean Sonnet #2
I just want to write a poem no one ever thought of writing
It must have the same effects as walking on the moon
It must trend faster than a meteor as it  hurdles through cyber space

I refused to love any man, who dislikes my poetry,
My man must support my passion ..
not only the warmth of my body
but the passion within this poetess, my secretive mind he must be able to balance:
Without wondering why a woman like me is so naturally secretive
I am always embracing the dark side of my creativity
Dropping little hints here and there throughout the years,

Sidney   J. Harris once said something that left pondering thoughts
He said “When he hears somebody sighs,
'Life is hard,' he’s always tempted to ask them, 'Compared to what?'
I would simply say dog-gone it: Compared to struggling poets whose tries to make a living as a writer

While an upcoming rapper like Chief Keef
signed a several-million dollar deal
with offending lyrics in today music industries:

I just want to write a poem no one ever thought of writing,
With lots of intense emotion bursting through each line:
Because a poem can’t exist without a poet's multiple voices
and most of all his divine missions
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