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The world I used to think
What a wonderful world
But now that image is gone
It's been replaced by the dark
Darkness that's ever been so mysterious
But never so sure to be safe
You get stuck in this abyss
Abyss of misery
Once you've come in
It's hard to find the exit
Because you're too clouded with useless thoughts
And thoughts that might even ****
A soulful voice
That yearns to be heard
My ears are filled
With golden honey
How soothing can it be
My heart is filled with healing
My cluttered mind that's been refreshed
A song that flows through me
I long to hear that voice
The voice renews me
Thorns of rose
You came and chose
A lady fair
No hopes to share
Some kind of auction
For mere attraction
Your careless romance
Was made a missed chance
Stupid actions
I ponder about you
Planning approaches
And small talks we would have
So silly of me
To daydream about you
But never forget
This fool has already fallen for you
whenever things fall apart,
people say
"it wasn't supposed to happen this way"
but you cannot learn
to pick up the pieces
until someone knocks them out of your hands
everything is as it is supposed to be
Frantic with boys
I don't know how to act
Short comings and words
My heart is under attack
Thumping in its cage
Rose cheeks coming out
Please take it slow
I am under no control
(I am sick of writing love poems for you, so here’s another)*

Do not fall in love with me, I am a poet.

I’ll scrawl down your every word,

Your most innate gestures,

Your bent and whims;

That you will grow conscious of your natural being,

About how your skin breathes,

You’ll run your fingers down your face wondering if you are even normal.

Do not fall in love with me, you’ll hate me.

I’ll write about you incessantly and obsessively.

When I’ll hold your face to kiss you,

I’ll leave ink stains on your aerial lips.

I’ll write till my fingers weep and lungs rip apart.

Do not fall in love with me, you’ll feel empty.

Because I’ll kiss this crooked stick between my fingers more than your lips;

This pale paper brighter than your smile.

I won’t smell of perfumes and lilies,

But ink and *** and cigarettes.

Do not fall in love with me, I am a greedy scribbler.

I’ll make your every colloquy an artwork (against your will)

That you’ll crave normalcy.

I’ll stay awake to watch you sleep at night

For my words, for my penniless art.

I’ll feed on you like a parasite,

I’ll script your existence in my veins,

You’ll have nothing of your own.

Do not fall in love with me,

There will be days when you’ll be talking to me in a fine-looking coffee shop

But I won’t be listening,

Because I’d be writing in my head, nodding along, smiling mindlessly

And your soul will ache.

Do not fall in love with me because more than anything

I want to be an obsessive writer.

I’ll forget your name,

Thinking if I should call my character Kurt or Keith.

You will feel trivial and ignored.

Do not fall in love with me,

I won’t love you like an ordinary girl,

I will be self-absorbed and oblivious.

But oh my darling, my flame, do love me, else I’ll have nothing to live for.
you loved and destroyed me
*but came back with tragedy

Dedicated to my character's actor--Severus Snape.
(Rest in peace, Alan Rickman. You will be remembered.)
 Jan 2016 Marshie The Mellow
*I cry alone
Because that’s how I stay strong,

I cry alone,
Because that’s how I protect myself

I cry alone,
Because that’s how I stay ahead
of the game the next day.

I suffer my own struggle alone
And you wouldn’t why

I’m hurting inside
And you wouldn’t know why

I isolate myself
And you wouldn’t know why

I’m lonely
And still you wouldn’t know why.

just needed to get this out of my system.

thank you for reading,
with that its all enough...
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