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Tea Jan 2020
I've been closing my eyes very frequently the last few weeks...
I try to keep the tears from rolling over my cheeks...
But they keep falling...
I don't want to be seen crying...
The world inside the walls I've built is safer than outside...
Some people might mind that I hide...
But somehow I don't care...
Life is just not fair...
Love has somehow become a lot smaller...
And sorrow grown much taller...
Sometimes I burst with happiness...
But then not long after, I am surrounded by sadness....
I must teach myself how to love my family again....
I've no idea when....
But I do know that I will be alright....
Someday I'll stare at all the starlight....
With my favorite human by my side...
And we'll just listen to the sounds of the tide...
Tea Jan 2020
I'm thinking of you...
And I don't know what to do...
I want to start a conversation...
But I can't get myself into action...
I keep wondering, what happened between us?
What is making a fuss?
Shall everything heal?
Or is it a too big deal?
Shall everything stay dull and dark?
Or will everything turn to life with a big spark?
Shall I keep on feeling hurt everytime I hear your name?
Shall everything stay the same?
I wonder what is happening to me...
This is not the person I want to be...
Why am I so quickly upset and emotional?
It's not good of me at all...
But what am I supposed to do?
Why am I talking to you?

Why is my family about to crumble apart...
One wrong move and everything goes back to the start...
Why doesn't anyone seem to learn out of their mistakes?
Are they going to listen after earthquakes?
Maybe even that won't help at all...
And I must sit and watch how they fall...
I can't help them, no matter how hard I try...
They will just take away what I love and make me cry...

Now I'm here...
Maybe in the wrong gear...
I don't know what to do...
So now I'm just writing this rhyme to you...
I completely understand and I see...
You don't need to talk to me...
I'm just sad...
And I make people mad...
Tea Jan 2020
Oh, tree...
Please listen to me?
You don't have to do anything...
Just listen as I sing...
I've no idea what I should do...
I can only talk to you...
I wonder if I can wrap my arms around your bark...
Maybe then I won't feel so dark?
If I take one of your leaves will you be hurt?
Will your roots dig deeper in the dirt?
Tea Jan 2020
Everything was dark and dull...
Sometimes I would see a ship's hull.
If I were lucky, I'd spot sea animals...
There were no walls...
But I was trapped...
The sea bottom was not mapped...
And I was stuck down there...
I couldn't go anywhere...
Till someone helped me up to the surface of my troubles...
We popped the sea bubbles...
We laughed together...
Even though it was windy weather...
I will never forget that day...
I hope the happy memories will stay...
Tea Jan 2020
My heart is bleeding...
I feel like crying...
I miss him so...
Where did he go?
Is he still even there?
I can't seem to find him anywhere...
I hope he will turn up on Monday...
But it is still such a long way...
Why do I need to wait?
Is this my fate?
Will I ever see his smile?
I guess I need to wait a while...
Every day is a painful wound...
Every hour is another disappearing piece of ground...
Every minute is making me dizzy...
Every second is driving me crazy...
But I know I can survive...
Even though I don't feel very alive...
All I can do is wait till he's back...
I'll eat a snack...
I'll get something to read...
I'll answer my sister's plead...
I'll imagine my Kingdom...
While being doomed to boredom...
Tea Sep 2019
My heart is crying...
My happiness is dying...
I am bored frequently...
I'm hurt, mentally...
My life is dull and boring...
I wish I could talk to my king...
But he is away on a trip...
So I'll just climb on my pirate ship...
I will sail to the ends of the earth...
Because all the trouble will be worth...
But maybe he is too busy?
Too busy for me...
I guess I'll just wait...
I feel my heart's rate...
I look at my wall...
I wonder if I will fall?
But I can't be weak...
I can't afford to be meek...
I'm a queen...
Probably the youngest you've ever seen...
I must be strong...
Or am I wrong?
Should I let go of everything?
Should I maybe sing?
I sink on my knees...
I smell the seas...
I close my eyes to the sun...
I really want to run...
But I'm stuck...
I need a bit of luck...
Or do I only need to rest?
Will I then be on my best?
I have walked on my ship's deck...
But it has turned to a wreck...
I'm stuck on the island of loneliness...
I wonder what happened to the pirate princess?
I guess she is no more...
I believe she has withered to her core...
But maybe she has turned more powerful...?
Has she turned more colorful...?
Has she renewed completely...?
Changed greatly...?
Or will she stay the same...?
And not change from "princess" to "dame"...?
Tea Aug 2019
When he's gone, I'm not well...
I wonder where is that protective shell?
I wonder where he is...
I wonder when will he ever read this?
I hope I will survive until he comes back...
I know it is my best friend that I lack...
Without him, I'll die...
Right now I want to cry...
But my tears may not flow...
I just can't let it happen right now...
It's hard to wait...
It is getting late...
But I can't stop thinking of my one friend...
I wonder when this eve will come to an end?

Probably at midnight...
I will give my sister a fright...
She will scream high...
As she thinks she's gonna die...
I will laugh very mercilessly...
Then she will cry helplessly...
And when I dissappear...
I am someone to fear...
For my stubbornness goes beyond death itself...
My evilness is in great wealth...
So beware...
I'm there...
When I wrote this rhyme I was rather bored and completely went off subject in the end. I decided to make it two separate rhymes.
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