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 Dec 2018 Shyanna Aubin
he's an artist
with a beautiful soul
flowers growing from his chest
they're clinging to his heavy heart
and just like his flowers
he needs the sun to thrive and bloom
 Nov 2018 Shyanna Aubin
lost count of days i've wasted
trying to come up with ways
to make you miss me.
 Aug 2018 Shyanna Aubin
 Aug 2018 Shyanna Aubin
in a world full of colour,
i am a blank canvas.
Sometimes I can spend a whole day
caught in my mind
so absorbed in the chaos of my thoughts
i lose track of reality
detached form my being

Everything feels completely foreign
like nothing truly belongs to me
 Jul 2018 Shyanna Aubin
If I play my music loud enough,
Can I deafen myself?
Deafen myself from the evils of the world,
From the insults,
From the lies?

Can I blast what I love
To block out all the misery?
 Jul 2018 Shyanna Aubin
The orchid is flowering
a living mandala
Next to my bed
I hear it in my dreams
It's telling me very strange things
About the chemistry between us
And what being a flower really is
And what it really means.

There's a lot to learn.

The orchid whispers in chemical symbols

I danced through the night one night
I drank water in the desert
The sweetest taste, I've ever known
I heard a sound I've never heard before
The buzzing of Chi
Blowing in
while the curtains fluttered
In the night time wind.

Our time I know is limited
Forever wilts away

But while the orchid is flowering
That's for another day

I find myself longing for the scent of the night and at least
One more dream to go.
This came as a total surprise, 100%! Never expected. We all channel our internal poet, a conduit from within, dictated somehow. My experience at Hellopoetry has been life changing  and the community we are all apart of is truly a sacred circle, for that and this moment in time, I am grateful.
The poet, well, he's sleeping now, but I will pass it on when he awakens. Many thanks, to one and all, you continue to teach me what it means to be human and an artist in this world.
 Jul 2018 Shyanna Aubin
Aaron Bee
I only loved you
when it was
I'm really sorry
that I  didn't think
of you
( When it really mattered.)
What's the matter with my
soul? It isn't correct
but nothing feels wrong.

I feel something , I don't know
if it's "sorry".

Looking into the void.
I think I seen you.

Reached out.
We met again.

For the first time.

It was love

Possibly maybe.

holding on to right now.

Frozen. your face perfection.

Eyes closed.

Waiting so anxiously for you
to open them.

You don't.
   My heart arrested by your beauty.
   Shatters when you chose not
   to look at me.

I don't feel any signs of growing.
Been feeling like escaping into romantic perspectives. Wrote this at 1am this morning at work, listening to "on hold" by the **
 Jul 2018 Shyanna Aubin
I could never tell you
exactly what's going on inside my head,
so I'll write instead.
Drown my thoughts in paper & lead.
Keep my hands alive,
and my expression dead.
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