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Yasin Jan 2018
Thinking about the job
How bad the treatment is
Everything's too materialistic
Of course resign is an option
Mhhm... maybe next week
*******, now it's raining
outside the frame

Next to the employee, petite brat
After a while he observes the landscape
The shifting mountains, the rippling sea and the mysterious forest.
The curious boy smiles and shouts
Why do you look at me? Look outside
I know Mont Blanc is stunningly beautiful.
No just look outside - the rain is so sad.
Yasin Jan 2018
Look at the magnificent world
Just a mask.
Unearthly to look beneath
The surface.
Except caves reveal the look
Of a fragment.

The thick crust
Hides the ugly truth.
Natural catastrophes
Express the instability.
One day or other
Everything breaks slowly
Into million pieces.
At the end
The truth reveals itself with every ugliness and magnificence.
Yasin Jan 2018
Anxiety is...
Angst is the absence of security
Grabs your throat until you
witness a desperate scratching
Apparently a quiet squeak appears
It feels like a filthy, stuffing beast
you can't sense it clearly, lucidly
Breath is just a sluggish blaze
Hurting everything on his path
till it leaves thick scars
Bleeds deep darkness behind

No need to panic.
Everyday improvement seems to seethe
By time everything has been melted away
but every last drop of the urge to live
flows gently away until it closely solidifies.
Remaining hope securely condenses
****** sure-fire
After I had some negative thoughts I just wanted to distract myself and set my feelings down.
Yasin Jan 2018
I bore myself for 17 years now.
Let's talk about you.
Do you like to be alive?
Interesting and ...
What fears and anxieties do you have?
Mhhm okay...
What you think we have in common?
.... Do you like having it? ...
What are you feeling after you said it?...
What in world makes you the happiest human? ...

Wow you are very interesting.
Some extraordinary hobbies?
Any siblings? -
How was your drive? -
What's your job? -
Do you hate small talk?

It was nice to meet you.
Hope to see you again.
Of course you can answer the questions.
Yasin Jan 2018
Deep down inside my well
Observe the outside blissful world
The whole cosmic space
Trapped, fallen under her spell
Caged, cursed to be covered by dirt
Blink through my face.
I will live forever in my head.

Never stop thinking
Otherwise it gets boring
Never stop sinking
Even myself digs down below
Until the mine inside my head circles
That's my property, the doom loop.

Soon I'll see my blissful white orchid.
Life's great, but I am still grateful.
Yasin Jan 2018
Every Monday when I face you.
Your ball-shaped absorbing eyes.
Your pointy little nose as I observe a mouse.
Your reddish hot-lip.
Astonishing colored auburn faded into fair curvy hair.
All in all a fascinating facade.
But at all, just a facade.

She drowns behind her mirror.
Broken under the surface of the ocean.

Too often I think about her, to help her.
I ask her what she thinks about the world.
I know she has rotten roots inside her.
Carries and buries them deep inside her.
That's why I want to help her.
Illustrate the importance of her.
Create an urge to live and love.

We see us eye to eye.
Ask her to figure her situation.
An incomparable conversation.
It's like apples and oranges.
I let her know that her style is magnificent.
I wanna hug her. After I asked
May I hug you?
She feels cosily warm and comfortably soft.

Slowly I realise that reality distorts my reality.
Confused, I realise that we never talked
Swiftly, I perceive that we just looked
at each other.
Sadly, since we know that we like
to one another.
Finally, we admit that we are
broken beings.
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