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Yasin Jan 2018
The true virtue's chaos.
Chaos is a fascinating state,
Even better, as a state, chaos is everything.
A glimpse of hope that human solves the chaos,
but then it's gone...

You can't control and it feels exhausting.
Feeling of losing control, humanity tries to solve chaos,
Create an order.
Obviously not possible, it leaves a negative feeling.
Inner squeezing as if you got pulled by a strange hand into a
dark abyss.
It shackles ,your spirit, squashes everything out of your
pinches your bones till you hate it but then.

The only notion, admit. The only alternative, love the chaos.
Humanity tries to make and keep everything in boundaries.
These are fruits. These are vegetables.
Gas ***** up in the sky are stars.
They are students and the audult people
on the right side are teacher.
In the the end they are citizen,
human, animal, creature,
energy maybe an assemblage of molecules, atoms.
But when a new thing comes that does not fit in,
A new boundary will be created and more and more...
Humanity can't control that anymore, too many.
An apple is a fruit, honey is an artisan good, not for me...

The counteracts against chaos creates even greater chaos!
I love, but sometimes my darling makes people drive made,
Humanity is not ready to face the chaos in another way.
Chaos creates disorientation and orientation.
My inner me donned to a shackle, slowly squeezed, and
sag confusingly in nothing but everything.
A vessel made out of clay with a rough surface and a crumbling facade.
A powerful stream of happiness embraces every servant of chaos.
Yasin Jan 2018
Poems are magnificent,
everything can be misunderstood.

Attempt to express what I feel,
all my anxiety, fears and hopes.
My inner entity, my inner creature
Au naturel everything in me.
My inner companion me
Some day it fears, my inner demon me
But otherwise sort of Buddha me
Enough of me

I need more words
to fill the gap.
I just cant connect
through the crackles of my consciousness.
have a crack to hone
Improve, progress just words of today,
in a negative way.

Some folks say life is awful, some say it's exceptional
Of course, everybody has another view.
But why the question? Is there an alternative?
I would not answer this rather I fear my inner voice.
Who makes me cry and want to answer.
Then I approve my answer.
Ideas swirling in my head,
Maybe brilliant but then it's gone.
Thinking to store these ideas, never works...
The past feels more realistic than now .
Try to erase some memories, never works...
Some are gone by itself, but not the feelings.
Where am I now? Is this later gone?

Remember erased an emotional masterpiece.
These days i discovered that human is empathetic,
Never saw that coming.
Ideas too fast in my brain.
Everything's a fragment
Exceptional everything
Even incomplete human being
Where am I? I am lost.

A little twitch of an idea rattles
Every other. Understand me?
Words are the best way to communicate
Whether talking or reading them.
Where are more words?
What impression can someone convey with so less amount of words.

The brain is fascinating,
The complexity is beautiful,
It can do many things,
Talking, Reading, Processing,
Everything is a product of brains,
Neuronal connection rule everything,
The only beauty about a bad expression.
Although just few people hear you,
Rendition is a sophisticated process to handle,
There are too many opportunities  to process.

Some notion will rest for the time being,
A long lifetime not for everyone,
There is something missing.
Another notion will resist to leave ,
If somebody is here, feel free to sense ecstasy,
Is the gap filled? Not enough, need more.

Made by Brain, human's most trickiest stronghold,
Former age was simplicity itself,
Hold everything plain to pretend mistakes,
This is a vast blemish.
Even nature appears simple,
But in reality it is the complicated thing on earth.

Simplicity is a virtue while expressing.
Another virtue is empathy,
to feel what others feel
Human is poorly at understanding other being...
... Misconceptions occur
Those virtues counteract themselves.
This is my first written poem. I was inspired by a YouTuber whom I will mention later. At the beginning I started to write about my feelings, but then I noticed that I wrote it so difficult so that just me can understand it, decorated with hidden easter eggs. A new idea was that I write about my expression, I like to paraphrase even when I talk with other individuals and they have a hard time to understand me. It took me nearly five hours, but I was in a state of flow so I finished before I began.
Yasin Jan 2018
Today I am gonna visit my buried memories.
Not in a graveyard, no...
Mine are concealed deeper,
So deep that I have to get *****
I admit, it frightens me.
Dig, dive, fly, swim.
There is my lost elder companion.
Reminders of my past.

Kept in a safe made out of  hard wood.
                                             rough    pine

'searching in a dusty pocket'
But I need a key.
Maybe I lost it.
Sigh of relief streams out of my lungs.
Maybe next time.
Yasin Jan 2018
Everyone is watching
Some humans are deducing
Singing, humming in their mind
Surrounded by flesh and bones
Neurons and skull
The true me bears a hat
Reliability buries mind control
The higher consciousness
belongs to astrophysicien

Your body is a vehicle and
you are driven by many influences.
You sit inside a vessel with a vast palette of buttons and a huge wheel.
A passenger sits beside you and both of you rotate the wheel.
The car is secretly controlled by an other force.
The one who has real influence to stop the other force has the potential to become complete.
Sincerely, Joy
But one thing's sure
The end.

— The End —