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Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
Judge if you want,
we are all
going to

I intend
To deserve it.
This is supposed to be kind of dark but also this is a train of thought I have had and most likely will continue to have for a long time.
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
The definition is:
A condition or quality of being sad.
It's more than that,
It is...
well--- how do I put this?
It's a way we express our displeasure with something sadly.
Sadness is an emotion, an expression, a state of mind.
Sadness its weakness...
but also,
Sadness is a state where we feel sad and express how sad we feel.
Some of us express sadness by, crying, hiding, and being quiet.
But sadly some of us cut, burn, mutilate, and starve ourselves.
Sadness is good and bad.
Sadness is something I give off as I write this poem.
Realizing what I have done and what I will do.
I strive though to change.
Sadness is something,
Good and bad,
Sadness is something that is seen as,
Strong and weak,
Sadness is seen,
as a state of mind and thought
What I meant by me being sad when writing this was because I recently started cutting again, and I was fixing up my arm, and poems seem to help me not cut so thank you for reading this and listening to me ramble on.
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
I have had many people tell me,
I have had many people tell me,
"We will be friends forever! BFF's!"
BFFs are not real.
You are lying when you call someone your BFF because,
You don't know if they will stay with you.
I have known many people,
and had many friends.
one tried to drown me in the second grade,
we haven't seen each other since.
One stole from me, attacked me, bullied me, and hated me,
I thought this was normal since I didn't have any other friends beside the girl before her and it took me a year to trust her, I made a wrong choice.
I still have trust issues.
Another person ruined a friendship between me and a boy,
she is now that boy's girlfriend and he left me.
I only have My Lady and my group of misfits.
I have said to many "Goodbyes."
I don't care anymore.
My heart.
Is done.
I don't trust anyone because of these people and more people.
I don't want to tell anyone "Goodbye."
I know how much it hurts.
I only have told someone "Goodbye." once.
Only once.
I am only not saying "Goodbye." To those, I love because they need me.
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
I found someone,
they make me whole,
but one thing,
well, maybe more than one thing,
those things are,
I am insane,
But she convinced me other,
or she thought
but I still plan things that people will say I am crazy for planning,
She still loves me
and that is what love is.
The ability to hold someone's hand when they are not perfect or are having a bad day, or maybe just crazy.
That is what love is the ability to stand by someone no matter what.
Amy Duckworth Nov 2018
Blood is red.
Bruises are blue.
But I learned to love through it and stay true.
Amy Duckworth Nov 2018
I love you.
I said it.
I. Love. You.
please accept me.
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