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4.3k · May 2020
My smile
Once lost her beam.
To vices , the vicious and vile.
Her crown
Fell down
At once,to drown

Deep in the ocean blue
My lips expelled
Dangers and woes.
My heart
Like my face spelt 'red'.
Words weighed void, equating emptiness.

Darkened darkness.
Rumoured wars
Could not revive her.
Lost in the dust...

My smile
Had no chance of survival
Till I rose
To praise the beauty
Of the morning sun.
It's scattered reflection on and on.

To see
The wetness underneath my feet
An evidence
Of the rain being
Blessings from
A planet of many waters.

To hear
The sweet tweeting
Of little birds.
To see the  wind swaying the heads of the trees
The beautiful petals of  an emerging flower.

To behold
The fluffy royals
Floating in the skies.
The gorgeous setting
Of the morning
Into noon.

Then my crown
Banished, from the bottom
Of the sea.
Re-coronating my smile
No longer exiled to drown.
A smile could make one feel better
I am learning to dwell on the positives.
1.3k · Apr 2023
Worries swarm about my mind
Like angry bees about a hive

Buzzing, hungry for fury
My heart jitters in doubt

History revives its might
resilient it becomes. Resilient.
Thoughts in one's mind can determine how they feel.
1.2k · May 2020
she scatters shimmery splashes
Surrounding Sally's street.
Submerging submissive skies
Swinging slowly
Sauntering softly.
Sweeping soft swimming skies south.
Spraying sparkling sprinkles
Shinning splashing springs. Spreading sunshine's shimmery sparkles.

Sing-song sparrows sway, singing sonorously, sky-bound.

She swings, spluttering shinny splashes
Showering sweet solemn shades.
Suntanning skies
Suntanning seas
Suntanning streams
Suntanning species
Surrounding survival space.
Suntanning Sally's supple skin.
Sally stares, squinting.
Sunshine strikes.

Sally stays star-struck. Speechless, sober Sally slides.
Sweetly savouring sunshine's shrewd styles.
Swallowing some sunshine sparkles.

She swims
Spreading sparkles solemnly.
Sally sees. Sally  sighs.
Sally's street saw students scream sweet songs.
Sally's street served sweet shopping sprees. Since suddenly Sally's street screamed silence.

'Stay safe' Sally's screen suggests
Sally strolls sadly
Shaking solemnly.
Sauntering sheepishly,
'staying safe' Sally's shopkeeper's sister salutes, smiling sardonically.
Silence suddenly screams sacred scaries.
Sickness stole Sally's street.
Silence swallowed sweet songs students sang.

Shredding sanity.
Shaming sweet surrounding state.
Sickness seduced stress.
Stress succumbed.
Seducing several sins.
Slaughtering sanity.
Sad Sally sneaks,
Sitting, sipping snail soup.
Softly sobbing
Sorrowfully singing.
Just a self-challenge on the s-word alliteration kind of poem. Anyone is welcome to try.
994 · Apr 2024
Birds dyed in neon colours tweet
Enchanting tunes
As if they attempt to invoke
Morning's presence.
Hi... can you beam a smile for me?
889 · Apr 2023
Weeping willows wail, wondering why winter walked away without wanting to wave goodbye.

Wintry winds and wild whispers weave their wishes in wantoness. While I watch warmth wrap my wrist and well-built waist.

Warm, warm, waveless waters.

Whist, windless wornout weather wins.
Change in seasons
701 · Apr 2023
The path seemed

endless on my journey

to realization.

Halfway there a storm

confronted me

with a shove for a hello.

I leap into the future.
491 · Apr 2024
Night flees in darkness,
     day sleeps. Now knocks on my door
             shall I say "come in?"
Time is the only luxury and relevant currency. It's the key to life.
465 · Jun 2023
She turns her compass

at her wish

Joyful or sad

pleased or mad

She inches  or flees

372 · Jun 2021
Trigger warningVery disturbing
Dear sir, I write to you at a time when
Bloodshed has become a trending hashtag.
When genocide is another word for good morning.
When a mosquito bite has resulted in a bird flu
and the bird owner has been quarantined.
"The bird should be discarded" you decree.
On its wings it conveyed passion, ideas and businesses.
A confidant, a pillar it has become.
A pillar of support no government parastatal offered.
I write that you reconsider for from my little knowledge, no one can cage a bird.
It is meant for the skies so let it fly.
Yours faithfully, a very lazy youth.

Nigerian government has banned Twitter. I say this with my two hands covering my face in shame. While deaths are occurring thanks to terrorism, all he can think of is banning Twitter because his tweets were deleted.
332 · Apr 2024
Ride or dive?
Saiĺing in life's boat
Tides rising high, shall you ride
Or dive in water?
Life has ups and downs . What do we do when life's boat is unstable, jump in water?
299 · Apr 2023
My fingers triggered me to write. 

My hands were not ready, they took to flight.

My pen walked over to my paper and in rebellion, the duo walked away hand in hand.

I blinked and blinked in disbelief

Probably these blinding lights 

Did the trick.

Unsure I was about it all.

Yet when I searched and searched 

I realized they were gone.
259 · Jul 2020
Why should I
Hold on to pains
And failures of the past?
Am I not mama nature's own?
Even trees in the fall
Let go of their leaves
For come spring,
Anew chapter shall begin.
239 · Jan 2021
Hymns of chaos are all my vocal chords sang, while the blissful sun approached the morning. All I could feel was ebbing darkness, fading away and carting my hope away with it oh hymns of chaos, sung in sweet harmony ! How your notes blend with the climate of my melancholy!
It's been a while since I visited this app. Alot of activities and happenings prevented this, but I am back! It's nice to be with my colleagues here again.
180 · Apr 2023
The dandelion sends off its seeds, hoping they'll land on the moon.

I too look up with hope in my heart, though I taste the sour cream of defeat on my tongue and my skin is scarred, thanks to my experiences.

I hear a voice whisper "The brutal winds shall tarnish all of your efforts" Deep down within me, I feel convinced that I shall still give it a try.

The field, which was once gold and brown, littered with dead leaves, is occupied by fresh green grasses.

They are so green and bursting with hope. Then the most convincing smell of victory approaches my nose.

I sniff it in, I am consoled when I see that the dandelion sends off its seeds, hoping they'll land on the moon.
179 · Mar 2021
I sit upon my throne of pain, to my left and right are precious stones of gold, silver and diamond sparkling challenges in my direction.My crown of agony sits majestically on my head.I wear it with pride. For what makes a queen, roses or thorns?
177 · Aug 2021

Dazzle me with your aura
suspense weakens me.
my heart heats up in impatience by the minute.
the other day, when the flowers spoke about you, they expelled the fragrance of admiration.
the birds in a tweet assured me
that I shall be bamboozled at your wonder.
I am itching to meet your acquaintance.
save me from this flood of anxiousness
before it drowns my existence.

#admiration #anxiety #nervousness #dazzleme #supriseme #sweepmeoffmyfeet
169 · Jun 2020
My days!!
Whose eyes are on duty
At this ungodly hour?
None but mine.
Who then shall watch me
Dance to the tune
Of beautiful INSOMIA?
Oh sweet disease!
I threw it's pills
Consented to its thrills
For diamond moments like this.

Yes fam.
Why shall I dose on pills
When mother earth is pregnant
With burdens?
Shall I not dwell
On it's thrills
Exploring my allowances?
How I worship
The magnificent repercussions
Of your presence!

For I,
Mute of words
As my tongue fell asleep.
Fingers crave.
Mind tortured, matyred for words.
My pen releases ink,
Innovating a remdesivir
To cure the world
Of the pandemic burdens
Of hate, segregation and violence.
Dare I say everything has an advantage, or will the word many be more appropriate?
157 · May 2020
The birds whistle away
Tweeting favourite lullabies.
The sun has transformed
From her brilliant yellow hue.
She vanished,
Hiding in her room.

The day
Which once posed
In bright neon shades
Of noon,
Has tasted the shadows
Of the moon.

A slice of the moon
Flaunts herself
In the naked, neutral dark skies.
The earth rages queerly.
Vomitting  a warning sign.

My mind dabbles
In its ignorant guessing
As I gaze upon
The uncertain skies.

I feel like a meteor
Might fall to the earth
Sometimes I feel like I can predict the next minute but it turns out I am not always right.
156 · May 2020
Your lungs of courage
Breathe easy the air of hope.
Is our only
Hope can take one farther than they ever thought they could go.
144 · Nov 2024
Self realization
Flipping through a bundle
of identical sheets
I realise there is no difference between us

I, like the sheets
Hover the earth with no specific goal
Waiting for someone to scribble
an endorsement

But no-one comes
Because I am the paper and the ink
My experiences are my art
freely given materials

With which to bless,  beautify and build
When you realise noone is coming to save you
139 · May 2020
Dark clouds may read gloom

Yet they give the skies

Another hue.
Even dark clouds have their purpose. They are temporary, thankfully as things always get better.
136 · Jun 2020
Morning has arrived
Radiating pretty colours
Another day
Explored indoors.

Poking my head
Outside my window
I behold birds whistling with glee,

Why must I be restrained
To the patios
And windows? Where is Ekab,
My friend who lives next door?

Shuffling off
In a sigh I headed out of my
Room. Mom I heard a'sobbing
In quiet muffles. She whispered to dad.

"Back then as a kid
When life was simple and washing hands was mere hygiene. The only Corona I knew was the car mom drove'
The world keeps evolving. Children experience different things in their attempt to adapt to the evolving world.
136 · May 2020
My mind
sang a song
I did not
pay heed to.
It played a rythm,
I craved no time
to dance to.
they whiled away,
conniving with cunning time.
They evaporated
like wild whiles do.
Snatching away the secrets
my dear mind once crooned.
My ears were too defeated to listen.
My memory too occupied
to pay attention.
Now, I stand here
numbed with regrets..
For my mind,
sings no more.
At times there are key things I know I should not let slip by, yet I let procrastination capture me. I remain a prisoner in her den.
Edit: Intuition is a special gift.
134 · Jun 2020
We need no pills
To heal.

Is no remedy still.

Nothing can mend
A broken heart like WORDS.
Positive words heal.
130 · May 2020
The wind whispered
I whispered back.
In that moment,
The ignorant little birdie strode by.
Tweeting  it's concerns
about my health
and it's essence,
while I basked in another world
innovated by the wind and
I - Humind.
My feel of the wind on my skin and how wonderful it might seem.
130 · May 2020
Music might be
sung in grief,
in joy,
in sonorous voices.
With high pitches,
and tones.
Leaping much too deep.
A loud and clear,
periodically wordless tone.
A music piece
might be a love note,
with pure emotions
running deep.

A piercing of life's purity.
Of trust's transformation
into pitiful betrayal.

Dirge's death tune.
An ode, a praise song.
An elegy,
with instruments finely shaped.
The result of an innovative
craftsman's energy.
Music could anything we term it to be. Sometimes poetry is my music. What is yours?
129 · Apr 2024
Age of the sun
In the near-night morning

When the sun

Battling timidity

Avoided approaching the skies.

When birds laid slain with sleep

When the day

Had of late, been begotten

And laid suckling in the rocking ***** of time.

Upon an insomnia-provoked thought I pondered.

Wondering what the age of the sun might be.

Delved into some critical reasoning here.

Danced to the beats of deep philosophizing there.

Borrowing Plato's cloak....

The sun

Impregnated with heat

She sprays the earth with good shining.

Negotiating with darkness

She innovates light.

She constantly radiates a golden smile.


Alas! Alas!

My thoughts procreated futility.

We may never know the age of the sun.
How old is the sun?
129 · May 2020
Ode to time!
Her royal cunning...
Planting seeds of her abundance in our hearts.
With her cooing whispers as that of an infant.
Sweetly engaging us in a lazy conversation
persuading us to delve into the path of procastination.
She mocks at our simplicity.
While she mounts her chariot and rides away.

Ode to time!
Her royal sauciness.
Her disregard cuts through boundaries.
From Lords to the lowly.
With no strain of consideration, she rides.
Not perturbed about
the slim chances
which last between waste and conservation.
Hissing at our ignorance
exploiting our regrets.

Ode to time!
Her royal disease.
And shall we not all be plagued?
This mortal body,
we all shall submit
young and old alike
shall drink of the same cup.
The elderly and youthful shall dance
to the
sovereign bidding of time.
This speaks of time and describes her in my very eyes.
128 · May 2020
My intimate friend,
a companion I  have never met.
I bet I shall love and cherish your fragrance,
the very essence
of your existence.

My passionate guide,
a consultant I have never had.
My guts tell me
I shall adore your aura.
The overwhelming tranquility,
of your ability.

My dream oxygen,
an air I have never breathe.
You shall be
the colour of my skin.
Your everlasting beauty shall radiate
upon my everything.
One may not fit into every situation. It doesn't make such a person weird. It just means they are supposed to stand out. No one should feel wierd. 'Normal' should be the way we see ourselves.
125 · May 2020
I sing a poem
With sealed lips.
No sound produced
My tongue fell asleep.
Vocal chords
Not uttering
A note,
Yet various textures of sound I do hold.
My teeth dwell together
Still I do not utter
A hoot.

My mind rummages
In a busy mind's clan
Presiding over meetings
Of Notes,
Up and down
In their musical
Jazz, R&B,Soul,Rock

And what have thee?
For contract's sake
They lobby to get ushered
Through the mystery tracts
Of my vocal chords,
To the limelight world of words
From the walls of my tongue.
On to the lines
Of my still-blank sheet.

Into characters
Voices And emotions
I scribble away,
Notes,Sounds, cues
And Ideas, moulded into a hobby for me.
Sometimes it's hard to find words to express one's self on paper.
125 · May 2020
I have sauntered quite a distance
from the known to unknown lands.
I trodded past the steams
and skidded past the rivers.
Children singing and clapping,
women gisting through their washing.

Then blows the wind of tension,
then all becomes faint.
Like the world has
come to a halt.

One road becomes multiple,
then two in opposite directions...
And there I stand in the centre,
looking  to the left and right,
which way to go.
A times confusion sets in and it's hard to make a decision.
124 · May 2020
I am mother.
My fingers must burn
so you will not go hungry.
I am mother.
I deny myself sleep
for your comfort.
I am mother.
I endanger myself that
you may be protected.
I am mother.
My voice must be heard
So you shall learn discipline.
I am mother.
My body must be hurt
that I might bear you.
Mothers play a significant role in the family and in the society.
124 · May 2020
A shattered heart
no longer broken.
A torn conscience
no longer lost.
A tormented mind
no longer conquered.
A depressed being
no longer shaken
by emotions' digression.
A defeated being
no longer vanquished.
Activated mode: evolution.
Things happen that makes us change from who we once were to who we are.
123 · May 2020
An artist I am
My fingers? My paint brush
My words? My pictures.
My emotions? My colours.
My mind? My easel.
The world? My canvas.
I paint the world
In colours I deem fit.
I paint the world in colours that scream 'ME!'
Poetry is an artistic feat where you paint the world in whatever colours you deem fit.
118 · May 2020
These grim moments,
reoccurring  untowardly.
Thoughts take turns in my head.
Like a whirlwind,
entrapping every atom of joy'
in its enclave.

Void depression,
Steal these priceless gems away.
I scoff at my foolishness,
and sometimes at my existence.
reaching out to a raging storm,
to wipe out every thought.
To set my captivated soul

all must depart.
For their roots scream evil.
Some sinister,
others negative,
None shall I retain,
no one.
For like a riptide,
they reach out to swallow me,
into non-existence.
For their sakes,
I dwell in  this world, entrapped.
As though my sorrows may never dry.
As one with whom troubles, have been assigned to reside.
Like my sun might never rise.
Like the moon,
stealing over the sun's shine,
has left my hands, paralyzed with depression.

A void nothingness.
Enthusiasm, has been  pointed out,
a culprit,
to the dwellers of my heart.
empty nothingness.
free of weightiness.
Some moments have their skies all dampened in black. All we need to do, is keep your heart open. Empty all negative thoughts. Envisage tomorrow as a day with brighter skies.
118 · Jun 2020
Releases me
From my world
Of warmth. From the
Edges of the environs.

Not worry about
It being safe. For my lover
Has my back.

Ideas into
My head. She whispers.

Is my
Cosy cloak
My warm milk,
While the emotions of
My heart spits 'chilly' like the
Climate of  Winter fell.

Is my
Three-eyed raven.
I am her Brian-the-broken
Even in the darkest of nights
She illuminates upon my pain.

She is poetry.
The food I feast on.
The liquid which I gulp.
My love for poetry is more than I can express.
118 · May 2020
I look forward
To holding you
In warm embrace
Inhaling the seductive fragrance
Of your supple baby-like skin.
To heed the controversial drumming
Of the heartbeats.
Diverting in their separate musical rythm
The wind hesitates not
To caress the tips of the hair
On our skin.
'These two are a happy lot'
The sun shall say,
Showering upon us
Happy rays.
A golden goodness of warmth
Another day of stillness
Meddling in sweet  romance.
118 · Jun 2020
Nature's first
Born. Covering the
Skies, concealing deeds.
Cleansing the environs for the mornings while,
Casting upon us the sweet
Slumbering spell.

A friend to
The stars.
The house of the moon.
Shielding us from
The rat-race-syndromed world.
Sentencing our minds a wandering in Dreamland,
As she nights away.
Without darkness there will be no night. Darkness is beautiful as we rest in it.
118 · May 2020
These days
She combines for
Me, more in number
Than ever I reason may
Be. Of melancholy she sends
A sincere gift. While I deal with
The endless drought.Emanating from
beautiful challenges, a proof of my existence.

They brush
In a while, later
Their crannies are void.
Choked with vacuum. I bask in
The uniqueness of my tomorrow. Then
Hope hugs me. She embarrasses  me with endless suspense. Whispering like never  
Before. Seducing me like an icy-cold ice-cream.

Melting away
In the sun's
Merciless  heat. Praying to
Be savoured on the tongue.
My tongue, precisely. Sooner
Than I may conciously realize. Like
A mirage they all voyage into extinction.

I gasp
In astonishment
As sluggishly I clad
Myself with hope when all
Seen may be supposedly washed away.
Life is a constant chameleon, always changing. She serves us hot and cold meals. We decide how well we can adapt.
116 · May 2020
I am not here to pay homage.
I am here to bid thee

For  an eternity
I have been your slave.
Dwelling patiently and submissively
In your custody.

All my profiting
From you are more anger and hate.
My heart hangs there,
In the world's angry bait.

I am choked with reason
Intoxicated with decisions.
To paint the world in bright colours,
So I begin, as I bid you farewell.
It's about descisions. 'Old habits die hard' but quiting, is worth the try.
115 · May 2020
Once we encountered

a planet's weather.

The atmosphere's air

as light as a feather.

I would ****

to relate my ordeal.

Yet I wondered

'how shall I commence?'

For her story is a big deal.


could not smear her streaks on

us there.


was lost in the dark shadows.


were our bright shinning stars.

Fear, the pillow underneath our heads.
Life sometimes guises herself in this form. It's a temporary phenomena. It always fizzles out.
114 · May 2020
He watches
As through my mouth
Substance flows out.
Making way through my ears
And nose too.

'Oh my what shall I do to help?'
He calls out,
Scurrying to my aid.
"Do nothing'I plead
Just watch me bleed.
Let me bleed
These words and emotions away"
At times words come out like blood, spraying allover....  Making one seem like they're in an abnormal situation.
113 · May 2020
Please I
Cannot breathe the
Smoke of  brutality chokes my

Please I
Cannot breathe the
Stench of hate is

Please I
Cannot breathe the
Teargas of veto power is
Choking me out!

Please I
Cannot breathe, l
Presume I was human
Yet I gasp for the
Breathe of human empathy.
We are all human irrespective of the colour of our skin. We love our pets, we love our plants and furniture. Why is there hate amongst us, of the same race?
111 · May 2020
You need no skies to shine
For I am skies
You need no light.
Earth gazes upon you bright
How bright they are
The sun rays are
These cloudy skies,
For the  sun in anguish
Has gone to hide.
Her bossom
Is emptied
Of her pride.
111 · May 2020
You hide your tears
beneath the sheets
of your bed. For fear....
I know that feeling.
I have felt that way too.

Your anguish surges
like a tsunami.
Your agony
vandalizes faster than
a tornado. I know that feeling.

You frown
in suprise at my utterance.
A stranger cannot have an inkling
to my hell.  I am no stranger baby.
I have been there. I know that feeling.

I see a beaming star called you.
in all your deeds. Is the whole world skies enough for you to shine?
For the moon is also at your service.

This blood of rejection
once ran through my veins.
Why shall I not call you family?
For I realized that all in all, we are
stars enough for the skies!!!
I realize that there is no need to feel rejected despite what life may have served me. I am who I feel I am....
110 · May 2020
Tomorrow's beautiful plains
are difficult
to behold,
from behind shrubs of fear,
growing by streams
in the valley of doubt.

Her glory
may never be felt
by those
who glory,
in emptiness,
and defeat.
Sometimes thinking of the future may make one nervous. We may eventually feel reluctant to try but it's better to face our fears, so we could look back and smile.
108 · May 2020
To him who has made
of my existence his routine,
I say thank you.

To him who has scorned
my dreams,
relegating her to the very foundations mother earth,I say thank you.

To him who has derived pleasure
posing a living blockade, in my way.
An everlasting thorn in my skin, an ache in my heart. Mày you be  enriched.

For the blessings,
measures of wisdom
and experience you have procured for me, I thank you.

You posed a barrier,
yet you are a stepping stone.
You created a hedge,  it is my wall of challenges, now. A distraction, which has set new focus. I thank you.
What did not **** me made me stronger.
108 · Jun 2020
I shall saunter
on and on
upon this road,
without you.

Your presence
I yearned for,
in past times when ideas were scarce.
Like a lion,
will patrol about its cubs.

Like a giraffe
would her baby spank, to life
with a few loving kicks.
I craved,
that you nurse me....

To believe
in the possibility of my dreams....
Yet I called out to you
and darkness responded.

You haunted me in my fear's shadows.
You tormented me
without relent
in my loneliness.

You scorned my every move
to excel.
in maintaining 'miserable'
in my existence.

I stopped to conquer,
now at my feet you lay...
on bended knees,
bound in the fetters
of a deadly plague.
When those who should be there  for someone,has forsaken their roles. Instead they make them feel it is an unattainable feat they are about to delve into.
108 · May 2020
When the storms of life
are increased upon you.
When it seems you can no longer
control the tides.
Grab on to courage.
Hold focus tight. Let determination be your guide.
Paddle on...
Dive in , with your boat.
Ride upon your storms
and contend with them.
Enjoy the agonies.
Pains and miseries.
Soon you shall be free,
for no storm
can drown
the sun.
One day, she must rise!
At times challenges need to be faced and battled like a visible enemy, without backing down. Things will change. They always do.
104 · May 2020
Dry up your tears
my little friend.
To whom the
name is given:clumpsy.
That word which made you
feel out of place,
and of low regard.

That word they spoke,
as though
a plague had come
upon you.
Good radiance
to the ones who called you
for they are not worth
the tears.

For if everyone
was ' a swift' or 'smart'
tell me,
what shall this world be?

It is the slow
and the steady, the clumpsy
with wisdom to whom,
the earth pays her dues.
People are different. Everyone cannot be the same.
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