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 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
Be my muse tonight, my love.  
Inspire me in my dreams.
In poetry, I'll think of you
where starlight always gleams.

As Morning Glories catch the sun,
I'll capture you in rhyme.
My heart will sing your praises
while you make my spirit climb.

The raindrops are a mockery
that try to match my tears,
which fall like diamonds on my cheeks
each time our parting nears.

Your eyes like pools of amber
often take my breath away.
Your lips demand attention
and my ardor doth obey.

Be my muse tonight, my love.  
Ensnare me with a kiss.
Enslaved my heart shall ever be
a prisoner of your bliss.
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
How wondrous,
the romantic heart
that beats
within my breast.
Often do I listen
and within
my mind caress.

The thoughts and sights
that float before
the fantasizing eye.
'Tis much more fun
to dream and
let reality go by.
**** reality
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
Behind the gauzy veil of dreams in early morning mist
I'm held by the shadows 'neath the moon, a dark somnambulist.

I strive to awaken and arise, yet it eludes my demands.
Like faith that leaves beleaguered souls adrift in shifting sands.

What do the shadows want with me in realms of weary dreams?
My brain draws near but my body is paralyzed, it seems.

Am I a treasure of a sweet caress? Or my light like a lover's kiss?
Is loneliness their punishment or is it more than this?

I relax and try to rise. The dream will not subside.
Specters hold me down inside spreading panic in my mind.

And so I go adrift again. In faith I hold on and on.
I'll find my way back into zen with the breaking of the dawn.
Anyone ever experience sleep paralysis?
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
Breathe the bright moments in life
and hold them nearby.
Let them go gently as you would
release a butterfly.

Let love come to you
as a soft summer breeze.  
Let it find you in a quiet moment
under a shade of trees.

Love will return in perfect passion.
Grasp passion with both hands
and hold onto it
until you have wrung
all the heat from it
you can.

Then release it as a sigh
of contentment.
Savor the perfect moment in life
but dwell in every remnant.

Life, love, passion & contentment
come to us all, friend ...
but they stay with those
who appreciate them.
Idk... just appreciating life.
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
There's a key
      that unlocks rainbows
             that I keep within my heart.
It's a little "catch"
      within my chest
             where melancholy begins to start.
It unlocks walls,
      emotions hide behind
              (for my protection).
And it cracks the shell
      surrounding me,
              to give my soul direction.
Without this key,
      I'll always be
              a fire detachment smothers...
An empty vessel,
              bereft of love for others.
But with it...
      ah...then life becomes
              a carousel of feelings.
A roller coaster
      ride of love
             with ups and downs revealing....
all the colors of the rainbow
       all the tastes,
                the sounds, the rhythms..
all the warmth of sacred lovers
       and the heartbeat
               that's within them.
And the key is dual
        in purpose
               with it's compass so unerring;
Guiding to my soul-mates
       with a lifetime
               that's worth sharing.
So, when I've found my heart's desire
               I'll set the rainbow free.
Unlock the words
      within my heart
               and throw away the key.
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
Friendships come and friendships go,
some may wither, some may grow.

Some die from a careless word
and some from rumors one has heard.

Some fail when "connections" die
and some die from a toxic lie.

But some are nurtured from the start
by "fertilizer" from the heart,

loyalty and "being there"
when others fail, when they should care.

So, as a friend I'd truly be
always listening, if you need.
For a friend that's going through a tough divorce...
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
There is a place that I go
that exists within my mind.
And when I'm feeling troubled,
I can leave this world behind.

On wings of gossamer
I'll sail in airships made of mist
to sparkling shores of diamond dust
the golden sun has kissed.

There are unicorns with silver horns
and friendly dragons too.
There's griffins, fauns and centaurs
why, it's heaven's petting zoo.

The rain falls gently on my face
from tears the angels shed.
And blessings from The Father fall
like leaves on every head.

I'll swim in lakes of lavender
and also float upon my back.
to see a glittering rainbow there
with no colors does it lack.

There is no evil in this place
no envy, pride or hate.
For if I wish admission there,
I check them at the gate.

I'm kin to every heartbeat
and a soul mate to each star.
And I'm never lost or scared
for He's never very far.

And everyone is family there
the humans and the beasts.
There is no *******.
There's no "greatest" and no "least".

Someday, I'll find thy solitude
and there I shall abide.
And I'll join the souls
that I have missed
upon thy mystic tide.
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
Pristine dreams of gossamer
in fantasies of white
This is what i hope will guide
my slumber on this night.

Rainbows in a sky of blue
with clouds of grey beyond,
Ripples lapping lilypads,
upon a golden pond,

Butterflies and hummingbirds
in acrobatic arcs,
Shade in grass beneath a tree
with choruses from larks,

A cool breeze on a summer's day,
my love within my arms,
Clouds that block the blazing sun,
a coyish smile that charms,

Stimulants for senses
in a countless, vast array,
Gratitude for blessings
i enjoy most every day,

All these things and more i ask
when sleep mine eyes doth close,
But most of all, a peace within,
and love that always grows.
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
Shall we dance to melodies
that only we can hear?
Shall we kiss in arbors green
when no one else is near?

Shall we catch a rainbow
when the storm has passed us by?
Shall we share a dream of clouds
and sail upon the sky?

Shall we listen to the leaves
'neath melancholy trees
That watch us as we use their shade
to just enjoy the breeze?

Shall we look back on the years
and sigh with mild regret
Or look toward the laughter
in the years that we have yet?

Shall we try to count the stars
that wheel above our head?
Or shall we find our sweet repose
together in our bed?

Shall we discover all the things
we've never lost?
Shall we risk our everything
and never count the cost?

Shall we count the petals
in a game of "Love's me not"?
What a waste of time is that
for answers never sought.

For I will love you, rest assure  
and if you did not know
My love for you is in all things
and it can only grow.
I live in love
 Feb 2019 Wendi Schneider
Let the stars fly away
and leave the moon shining,
With You and I dancing
under the light until morning,

Hear the music playing
to the tune of heartbeats
Spiral waltz into the atmosphere
in the circle of our heat.

Swing under the moonlight
and be lost in love’s delight,
Souls in unison, while shaking,
and twisting in the night,

Fantasy performed in the body
moving from side to side,
Magical pleasure the souvenirs
reminisce with pride.

Imagine the night where the moon
glows in a fountain
The tiniest lives from natures hive
paddle in the ripples,
Lift the mind into the songs
with a picturesque scene that dazzles

And you smile in that moment
to cast a wishful token,
With one look into faith
at dreams destiny create, unspoken

The amazing aura in which
our desire can participate,
Leaving moves in photos
to embrace the ambiance found.
Being romantic; the party stood
silhouette around,

Shadows swing from the walls
unto the dance floor,
You hear the sound but your body
cries out for more.

Into the moonlight
eyes blinded by heavenly bliss,
And the glittering stars appear
in the halo of a kiss.
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