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Michael A Duff Sep 2019
a girl so clever, prideful, a ego so large to fool you into thinking you were at fault and undeserving, the one mistreating her.

She'd have in the corner as she told you your feelings and how you were to be,  and all you wanted was more.

Blind to the fact she was drowning you with her presence,  walking you to deep waters of sadness, and twisted truths.

She smashes souls and closes the door without a mere glance back, to bait another into the fog of disfunction

Sadly she had my heart completely, she opened it, filled like never before and crushed it because she could in a matter of years

Hearts mend, but the scars are permanent
A girl had me completely like none had ever had, twisted me turned like a sail in the wind, and one day without notice found fault in me so deep to cut me in two, and leave me, my life scrambled and heart broken in tiny peices not easily found
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
With so many people in all the wild world at once it would seem that none are special. But it is your time, so precious you spend with the ones that makes them important to you. You spend your time, limited by your life that you might tame the ones you choose from their wild world. When they are tamed they become unique to you in all the wild world, and even when they are invisable from you it is only with your heart you can see them rightly.
The ones we invite in, the ones we make special to us can hurt us the most and even in the hurt we try to find love
Michael A Duff Jan 2018
The sounds not heard are the most precious we can understand; a heart breaking, a glare thrown, a kiss blown.

They place us in very different feelings and sometimes leave us beaten, and battered... but also in others hopeful.

We wouldn't be who we are without that past and it helps us move forward to better sounds; the sigh of contentment, and the giggle of new love.
just because it's bad doesn't mean it has to be that way forever. love comes and goes, enjoy the good and learn from the tough times, take none of it for granted.
Michael A Duff Dec 2017
Like the serenity of still water, or the space between a heart's beat, now is where she is. Now I when love grows because now is all we have
living in the NOW is beautiful it erases the pain of the past. now washes over you like cool water on a warm spring day.
Michael A Duff Dec 2017
She could be both a colorless tasteless poison or the elixir of life it was how she felt that decided your drink.

Stinging souls to their core,  with her way she could both capture hearts or release them to her fire as she desired.

Damaged ego, too much pride, and a victims heart helped her slip past happiness to find fault in the other half.

Always running away but going nowhere, putting things behind her only to weigh her down, a victim of her own deeds, blameless.

She's blissful in her isolation, a prison she wishes she could break however that requires more than a glance in the mirror of honesty.
a girl so prideful, a ego so large to fool you into thinking you were at fault, and undeserving, the one mistreating her...Sadly she still has my heart, she opened it and crushed it in a matter of years,
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
She was drown in the shadows of a past she dare not escape.

Bound by an invisable chain, anchored, and weighting her down.

In a painful comfort of dysfunction, this chain rubbed raw places in her mind.

Like an addict in her ways, kindness and happiness slipped through her open grasp, so she could wade into the familiar waters once again wrapped in her sadness.
it is sad how some you love SO dearly seem to love their problems and past more than the life they could lead in the present. The observation is this damage creates a dysfunctional behavior where the victim thrives on problems, not happiness, and can and will help everyone but themselves.
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
In the magic of love discovered like treasure unearthed, she was a diamond amongst common stones.

Polished, cut by time and events, she had a unique sparkle, like nothing experienced.

Her shine became cloudy, as if the light no longer bounded through her.

A diamond no more, he was fooled by a stone that pretended, capturing his hopes but ultimately being just another rock.

it might as well have been thrown at him....
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