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Nov 2019 · 127
Burning up in flames
Mie Juul Nov 2019
Like flames, a spark came to life.
You looked me in my eyes
And I in yours

You put a smile on my face
Oh, a smile with a hint of regret
How come I didn’t see it?

I was happy
We had an agreement
One I liked, we both had our freedom

Except now, I know it is going to be me
I am the one who will end up with a broken heart
Because feelings never obey your rational part.

- M.J.R, 16/10-2019
And now that we're caught up with each other, I still worry
Jan 2018 · 735
Thightened ballet shoes
Mie Juul Jan 2018
Shoulders back
Head up

Weave through the crowd
yet slower
shoulders back, straight posture.

An opening ahead
clear space
light seeping through.

Like a moth to a flame.
and wait
breath in, breath out.

Surrounded by silence
than by darkness
the first tunes strike.

Head up
a broad smile
spotlight on

jump and mesmerize.

Tunes fade away
applaud is roaring
the smile fades.
Do I dance for myself or do I dance for validation?

MJR 11/01-18
Mar 2017 · 870
Mie Juul Mar 2017
It's so weird
how one little thing
can destroy so much.

The butterfly-effect
small causes
can have large effects.

MJR. 22/03-17
A poem dedicated to my stupidity
Mie Juul Mar 2017
Look into my eyes.
Do it.
Look at what you have done against me.
toyed around with me,
created pouches beneath my eyes,
turned the deep, brown color grey,
caused ephemeral moments where all life vanishes from my eyes.

YOU did this,
you caused this pit of hatred inside me
in the sparkle in my eyes.
Don't even want to look this over, just needed to let go of some anger.
Mar 2017 · 744
Raindrops have feelings too
Mie Juul Mar 2017
      i                                                   only I
      t                                               had known
                                                  you a few years
      h                                    later. All the confusion
      a                                and all the tiny heartbreaks
      p                             would never have occurred. We
      p                              are like shooting stars;  always
      e                               passing each other by a mere
      n                                   inch. Waving hello and
      s            t                           always goodbye
                   t                                 s
                   I                                 i
                                 t                   l
         t                     y
Feb 2017 · 882
Tidal wave
Mie Juul Feb 2017
I'm 18
Where am I in this life
I was 14
I knew where I was heading
I'm like a tidal wave
The ocean
Nuances of blue and black
Calm before the storm
Raging in different directions
Every single way
I'm able to go in all directions.
The sun sets behind my horizon
The wind is blowing
Taking me east
Now west
Calm before the storm.
Dec 2016 · 591
Mie Juul Dec 2016
It all starts with misunderstandings, if you would try to look over your own nose, you'd see.
You'd see that I am just trying
to reach out.
With false hope, I got shot.
I thought it meant more.
Nov 2016 · 644
Do you see
Mie Juul Nov 2016
It's closing in
once again
water falls
leaves descend.

Night becomes darker
light deprived of its ember
fumbling around, on knees
struggles getting harder.
Inspirations and aspirations.
Nov 2016 · 787
Dear diary
Mie Juul Nov 2016
Dear diary

Today I lost
Today I lost
I lost to the fury flames
The bonfire you lit
The bonfire that is taunting me tonight

Please don't play with fire
Please don't play with fire
I have a short fuse
Trip and fall
The fire can't be undone

Dear diary
Today I lost
Aug 2016 · 731
Childlike eyes
Mie Juul Aug 2016
I think a part of me have died. Is dying. Will die.
I think it happens to all of us. We're all living different lives,
but every breath we inhale and exhale again brings us closer to the same ending. Death.
That is our shared, final destination. Nevertheless, this other individual death happens through all of our life.
Someday we just realize that we are not the same person as we used to be; as we were just yesterday.

Think back a year. Who were you there?
Not the same as you find yourself to be today, I am sure.
Our naivety, our innocence on this world dies.
For every day passing by.
When one stops, dead-end in his or hers track to wonder about this,
this phenomenon,
they will always be looking for a cause,
a beginning.

For me?
It all began almost 8 years ago. And 5. And 4 years ago.
I bet it seems odd.
You cannot have 3 beginnings to your death?
You can have all the beginnings you want,
because it is a different piece of you, of your mind, every time.
The You who is dying, is sacrificing itself
so the newborn You can live.

An improved You,
more knowledgeable, graceful, stronger.
Yet flawed, since stronger in this case means colder and more calculating. Tougher. Closed.
Yet with the face of a newborn, ready to explore the world.
With a fragile mind and a fragile heart.
Not really a poem like that, but. a little bit of ourselves die everyday and a little bit of ourselves get born everyday. That's just a thought I've hadd ffor a while now.
Sep 2015 · 656
Mie Juul Sep 2015
Walking in where everything is black,
you see contours together,
close and far away.
But none is close to you.

Flashlight from your hand walks about,
shining on contours,
just to see them disappear.
You stand all alone.

wrapped up in the battle inside yourself,
fighting for friends,
fighting for the contours.
But they don't want you.

Guilty and defeated,
Fighting to stay,
keeps getting pushed away.
Realisation hits.
Jul 2015 · 447
Is it just me?
Mie Juul Jul 2015
Nothing seems to make sense
Everything inside me screams into the void
This is a living hell
I'm nothing but confused!

It's indescribable
It's hurting you
It's trying to pull you in
At the same time, it's taking care of us.

Sadness and depression in this raw form
Devours you completely
It's wrapping me into a numb blanket
and telling me to go back to sleep.

I'm just so confused.
Is it helping me
Or killing me?

It can't be a help, of course not.
but feeling well is frightening.
So is it just me or?
Jun 2015 · 603
But I would be a monster
Mie Juul Jun 2015
I'm just standing in the shadow of you.
Everyone loves you, adores you.
You are so popular, that I just fall into the shadow of you.
Even our family cares only for you,
they always talk to you, but me?

This is nothing close at being your fault,
But it still hurts me, that I'll never be enough
or even close at being visible again.

But I would be a monster
for ever mentioning this.
It'll be nothing but a painful
Floating around
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Mie Juul Feb 2015
Did style happen because I copied you or you copied the magazine?
Did I like that activity in special because everyone else did?
Did I change into someone whom I'm not because being myself weren't good enough? Or because I didn't resemble the rest of you?

Is it really so wrong to try and break free from the normalities so I won't become a part of the large crowd. I want to break free and be me.

But to be free and outside of the crowd is lonely. They don't drag you back in, because in reality, where everybody is one and the same; they won't notice when you're gone. If you're gone?

Didn't a part of you stay back?
Didn't a part of you still want to be in the crowd?
Didn't you in reality never leave?

Weren't this not just a part of wish thinking? Imagination?
Feb 2015 · 928
Longing is worth dying for
Mie Juul Feb 2015
I miss you..**
Every little vulnerable fragile inch of me
miss you..

My gaze upon the moon,
hoping for that you look at it as well
so I can feel closer to you again.

An innocent little tear,
gathering in my eye.
Slowly falls,
leaving even more space
for me to miss you in..

My heart aches, cribbles in sorrow.
Words cannot describe how much
I possibly miss you..
I. I hope you can find peace. Until we meet again; I'll take care of your grave.
Feb 2015 · 858
Looking in.
Mie Juul Feb 2015
Everything will just never be the same.
I don't know why.
I'm just a root of sadness
and my part of the root has been torn
apart from my flower.
Now I'm going to
slowly exhale my last breaths,
while i watch my
in pain.
What kind of life is this even.
I wish I had legs,
so I would be able to walk.
Walk away and plant myself.
Become a seed.
And at last;
Jan 2015 · 785
Eternal hope
Mie Juul Jan 2015
There's been planted hope in my heart.
Just a little seed.
It's cold, oh it's ever so dark.
I can't see,
I don't know if you will sprout.

Oh little seed are you all alone,
Oh tiny seed are you all by yourself.
Isn't there anyone to take care of you.
To help you grow and see your struggle with spreading your alluringly, bewitchingly, weighed petals.
I don't know,
I can't see in the dark.

If I should ever wander off and get lost,
I beg that I will stumble upon you.
And see your wild eternal hope take root.
Lay myself down beside you and become the mold which you consume.
To be the the one who made you see the lucent light.
Your own dangerous light.*

MJR. 17/01-15
To find hope can at times be very hard, but when you find it, you'll know it was worth it. Hope holds the same power as love, you give yourself into it and at the same time you give it the possibility to destroy you.
Jan 2015 · 2.4k
Mental stages
Mie Juul Jan 2015
Water falls. Fast. Furious. Melancholic.
I could watch it all day.
My ill mind won't let go of me.
I watch the water fall.
Everything slowly spins around me, I **** it all in.
I breathe in, I breathe out.
No thoughts, no complexity, just the water.
Filling my whole scene. Filling all of me.
Fast spreading mental illness. Furious judging voice, telling me not to let go. Melancholic mind, capturing me, pulling me down.
Under the water.
Breathe in, breathe out.
My lungs are filling, water falls, down in my lungs.
Filling my whole scene, I draw my last breath.*

MJR. 16/01-15

— The End —