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Mia Sadoch Jul 2018
I have no name to write in the sand of my beach.
I need my heart capsized again, shaken even by speech,
Caught in a storm of emotions, leaving me a shipwreck.
I miss your company on this deck.

Love, please return into my sea.
What is my poetry, if it's for nobody?
Is there something wrong with me,
Always trapped in this strange duality?

There is no spice to contrast this uneventful sweetness,
No pain to oppose my happiness.
But just like that, carried by the current, you float away…
I'm stranded. Please, stay…
Sorry for the long absence, I had to study for exams and then went on holiday. Thankfully, this holiday inspired me to write this poem!
Nighttime beaches are so beautiful... and painfully romantic.
To the other lonely person on that beach that night... hang on.
Mia Sadoch Jun 2018
Lying in cotton clouds
I feel myself getting heavier
The radiant wings of serenity surround me
And suddenly, it fades to black
I wish you a good night.
Just a short one I made up in class. It was pretty boring. I almost dozed off!
Mia Sadoch May 2018
Where did we go wrong?
A love that cut us down, blood and tears falling
As if the links we’d established suddenly meant nothing
It was an abrupt end, a false note in our bond’s song.

Cold stares followed the warm ones we shared
Acting like nothing had happened before
Those embraces, these kisses-- we abhor
But we’re no strangers, we loved, we cared!

But let it rest. Let it settle.
Time is the best medicine; it will all be fine.
Now, we can look at each other: a good sign!
Now, we can speak to one another: there was no need to meddle.

And now, we talked. A necessity.
A heart-to-heart a year in the making.
All of it was useless, this negative thinking…
I reckon that we can again be friendly.
A poem I wrote shortly after having a talk with my ex. She was not as bad as I made her out to be after our fight, and I hope to be able to stay friends (just friends) with her this time!
Mia Sadoch May 2018
We went to watch a movie tonight.
You and I went to watch a movie tonight.
We were not close, again. You went with your friends. It's understandable.
But I'm selfishly in love.
My heart selfishly belongs to you.
I don't know if I should take the blame for it.

All I ever wanted was to share a moment with you, but now here I am, writing.
And I seem whiny. Again.

Should it hurt? Should you hate me and rip my love away like a band-aid?
Or should I keep living this guilty pleasure of a lifetime?
Tell me please. I'm lost without you. Lose me, so I find my way-- no stay.
Do it. Free me. From doubt, from love. I want you. I can't want you.

What's this gray area? You made it clear.
I'm your friend. Why must I carry this amazing feeling? I love it! Take it away!

If I could hate you, it would be so simple.
But I will never hate you. I am physically incapable of hating you. There's nothing that will make me hate the wonderful person that you are.
But you can hate me. Do it. Despise me like you never despised anyone.

I'll try to come back. I'll ask you to stay. But I can't live this way... even if I want to.
Kiss me goodbye. Take advantage of my feelings to give you an opening and run away. Just don't stick around, or that might not be just a kiss.
Am I of value to you? Then prove it. Do what's best.

As always, in your hands,
That boy who doesn't know what he wants (but does know who he wants)
I'm very lost... I think I'll attempt to stick around again, and if it's too much, then...
Mia Sadoch May 2018
We used to go together like pen and paper.
But you ran out of ink, and ripped me apart.
I was pure and always present, yet I saw your care never
For all you wanted was to darken me to my heart.

And you succeeded. I was a shadow.
I crumpled myself up, and thought of hurting myself,
Scatter myself to the winds, burn me so.
But there was something you did not think of.

I am not alone. I never was, really.
As long as others will read me,
As long as they will understand my story,
I’ll have no need for your black calligraphy.

Now, I see the difference between you and me.
I never have ran out of ink, of love, of care.
On another parchment I shall write my story.
One that will not reject my art, my flare.

Care overwrote all the words you inscribed into me.
I wrote this poem for a friend of mine who was suffering from a bad breakup. It really hit her hard, and I wanted to help her out.
Mia Sadoch May 2018
He’d lost his mind
Lost his love, she was no more
Now without a meaning
He buried himself within another’s thighs

Once passionate, caring
Now lustful and selfish
Escaping his past by becoming a shadow
Only socializing in the night, in the sheets

Come the fifteenth
He’d perfected it
This one was under the command
Of his grasp, of his whispered words

But why live this way?
He did not care anymore
She took his dignity and righteousness with her
Now all he lived for was the moment.

Is there a point to feelings?
They lie, they die, they fly
Far, so far
They’ve left the horizon. The sun has set.

Now he’ll do his part
Loving with ire, to please the body entire
(Maybe the next night will
Make the pain go away).
Dipping my toes in the themes of erotica and grief at the same time. I had a sudden instant of inspiration and decided to make this (rather free-form) poem a reality!
Mia Sadoch Apr 2018
I used to be lost
People would ask me “What do you want to do later?”
I couldn't answer them.
I hadn't a clue.

As time passed, this decision started becoming imperative.
I still wasn't certain.
But that's when I saw my mistake: I wasn't looking at the present.
I was looking at the future.

I mustn't worry about money, or appearances.
I must do what I want. I must act on my talents.
People will support me in what I do;
I will carve my own path.

Be it my family, always supportive,
Her, my inspiration, my muse,
My friends, these people behind usernames I have never met...
I thank you all for making my art my calling.

You made me confident.
Thank you all. It may seem like I'm overreacting, but the comments, likes and loves you leave are always really appreciated! It's more than I could've ever asked for.
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