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Mia Sadoch Apr 2018
An elegant and slender creature crossing
Nature with great agility,
I must say, I find you very charming.

Your senses are never unaware
Even sleep and darkness leave them ready
As none can stop your piercing stare.

You prove to be warm when I'm with you
However, you are unfortunately
Hostile and cold towards strangers.

We cannot understand each other. Is it a crime?
Perish the thought! There isn't a doubt that you and me
Will continue this friendship for all time.
Another poem originally written in my mother tongue. I decided to give another shot at writing on a new subject, and I believe it came out nicely! Let me know what you think.
Mia Sadoch Apr 2018
Alas, this was not meant to be.
My feelings were not returned
We will stay forever friendly
All my dreams of love are now dead.

Yet she still occupies my reflection
I cannot deny my admiration.
Her smile pierces me like a lance…
I suffer from a peculiar ambivalence.

Every single heartbeat, similarly
To a wound, strangely reminds me
Of my utopias, delightful ideal.

Perhaps it would be enough to stand with her.
My love will protect her forever
Until another makes her own real.
This poem was originally written in French. I decided to try writing in my first language for a change, and it came out nicely, so I decided to share the contents with you!
Mia Sadoch Apr 2018
The midnight moon, reflecting on the countryside
A good friend of mine is accompanying me
I wish he could vanish, leaving you in his stead

You and I could stand under the stars, together
Marveling at this calm town's beautiful landscape.
I wonder, do you find the night romantic too?

Cloaked in the darkness, everything is immobile
But perhaps I could still get your heart moving, beating
If all was right, would you succumb to my courting?

With just the wondrous full moon as our only guidance
In this little world that is only ours, for hours
But I'm sure your smile would shine brighter in my eyes.
The night is so inspiring... I should take walks like these more often.
Mia Sadoch Apr 2018
Rainbows are red
Red like beautiful love,
Or like the blood of the dead.
Red, color of intensity. Yes, this fits like a glove.

Rainbows are also cyan
Just like the warm sky surrounding
Or like ice, an element that can,
Just like its color, give you a calm feeling.

Of course, there's indigo too
Not unlike the deep ocean,
Or sadness; after all, you’re “feeling blue”
Such vastness in one color’s span

Its purple is another hue
Symbolizing nobility
And perhaps vanity, it’s true
But you’d be proud donning it, surely?

Visible as well is orange
Revitalizing fruit, as we all know
It’s also part of fire’s burning rage
It’s the emblem of energy, it is certainly not hollow

And I can't forget about the bright yellow
Reminder of sunlight, it brings us warmth
Just like a joyful smile, I can only bow
To the happiness this color brings forth

And lastly, the ever-so-lively green
The veritable symbol of nature
And this hue being so serene
Reflects this fact; it gives me hope for the future.

This poem goes to all who wave
The rainbow flag with all their might
Despite the inevitable criers of “Shame!”,
I know that your hearts are right.

To Patrick
This is certainly not my best one yet, but I've been experimenting with subjects other than just love lately. Here's hoping for quick improvement!
Mia Sadoch Mar 2018
What is love, exactly?
A feeling so deep and so pure
That it’s different for everybody
Well, I know what my love is, for sure

My love is sight
When I see your smile, your eyes
May it be hellos or goodbyes
I know that everything will be all right

My love is hearing
Your melodious voice gracing my ears
Taking away all of my fears
Truly, a beautiful feeling

My love is smell
Smelling your scent in an embrace
Taking me to another place
Up until the ringing of the bell

My love is taste
Your delicious lips interlocked with mine
Please, never separate, I swear it’s fine
Ah, this is just the best

My love is touch
Embracing, gripping, clawing at your bare skin
Liberating my raw pleasure, feeling yours akin
Yes, yes, honey, I love you so much…

You make me lose balance
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
What a delicious pain through a simple glance
I can’t feel myself when I’m with you, really.

This feeling, as you can see
Means a lot to me.
I think I love loving
More than anything.
I was feeling romantic this morning and came up with this! It's wonderful how love can throw all your senses for a loop.
Mia Sadoch Mar 2018
It was during a winter night
A party with friends, where it just felt right
Maybe we were a little drunk, maybe not
All that matters is, ever since she’s been my only thought

Something as simple as her vision
Makes me go mad with affection
This warm, fuzzy feeling…
Is this genuine love? Is it not fleeting?

She made me the happiest man on Earth
It really felt like a rebirth
To share a feeling so pure
A feeling that was ours, that won’t ever manage to endure

For fifteen minutes I held her
My fifteen minutes of redemption
Our fifteen minutes of perfection
Which we both wanted to last forever

I wanted to share more.
More embraces, more kisses, love to my core
More of her scent, more of… her.
Alas, I couldn’t see, and now all I do is suffer.

But now I lay here in the dust
Realizing that this belief was foolish
And now I feel such disgust
But also wish that this past love will reflourish

I thought that “us” would last.
But the love that I thought you held
Was unbeknownst to me withheld
Now, I must leave you in the past.

Why can’t I leave you in the past?
This poem was written for one of my friends. I was very honored to get and successfully write a request!
Mia Sadoch Mar 2018
Take me away
To a distant land
Land of silence and emptiness
So I cannot
Think about you.

Take me away
To a distant land
Land of darkness and distance
So I cannot
See you.

Take me away
To a distant land
Land of negativity and hatred
So I cannot
Love you.

Take me away
From all these lands
Lands that do no good
Because I can
Learn to stand alone.
This poem is for all those who are trying to move on. I'm trying as well. Keep it up!
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