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 Jun 2018 Amiso Pius
Something wrong somewhere?
River is supposed to carry water not silt!
It supposed to bless us with water and humus!
But not with sandcasting!

Something wrong somewhere?
Forest is supposed to encompass us with diversity of fortune not with weeds!
It supposed to bless with wilderness of life and opportunity to learn relationship
But not with generation of threat and depreciation!  

Something wrong somewhere?
Road supposed to provides us way to transfer,
Transfer of goods and services of our toil
Transfer of knowledge, idea and skills for betterment!
Not to transfer all the venom of destruction!
Destruction of nature, culture and people!

Something wrong somewhere?
Ruler suppose take position for welfare of all
Not for material gain, congregation of power and arriving at fame!

Something wrong somewhere?
People supposed to stand by the people in joy and in misfortune!
Suppose to stand for brotherhood and posterity
But not to abuse and overthrow!

Something wrong somewhere in the commencement
We unable to learn
‘How to learn and make decision!’
Because every decision spoils our dream, robbed our mammon of life!

Something wrong somewhere
Need to start it again from the beginning!
 Jun 2018 Amiso Pius
She Writes
I’d rather write than speak
My pen is always responsive
My ink doesn’t judge my mistakes
My paper doesn’t argue
My lines never cross me
My sentences never disappoint
And my words will never leave me
 Jun 2018 Amiso Pius
We dance in the ashes like
Literary scavengers.
In the ruins and after rages
We draw the shreds of words and pages
Around our naked bodies like Blankets,
A quilt of the quintessential struggle
Which all people suffer
I'm not sure if I posted this before,  but it's have been a while. I wrote this not too long after reading "the Book Theif" which was wonderful
 Jun 2018 Amiso Pius
Dracol Noir
What is life and what is love?
What is death and what is pain?
To all those who live, what is freedom?
And to all the living corpses, what is sacrifice?
What is honesty, faith and compassion?
What part of it is being human?

Why begin wars when you can end them?
Why follow others when you can walk your own path?
If memories exist why do you forget them?
But if memories are painful then why not erase them?
Why please society when you can be yourself?
Why is being human the most difficult challenge?
"What is life and what is love?" This first line was in my head for days like it wanted me to continue and so I came up with this short poem. Though I'm not happy with the second verse.
 Jun 2018 Amiso Pius
There isn't a person
in this world
who has
said or done
something they
deeply regret.
And it's

We're only human.
We're not programmed
to be flawless.

Naturally we would want to:

lock it up,
toss the key,
walk ahead,
never look back.
Pray that it remains
buried or lost in the
shadows so that society
never finds out.
Given the opportunity,
they would relish
in the chance to
tear us apart.
Drag us up and
down on the media.
Because only in our
moments of weakness
they can forget their
own imperfections.

Sad but hey, that's society now...

Just know that making
a mistake is natural
Owning up to what
you did takes

Just remember this, don't forget your mistakes, ok?

Never forget.
Because to know
who you are,
you need to

remember where you came from.
Such is life...
Only 22 and I can admit and acknowledge some big mistakes.
Things I'm ashamed off...
But hey, that's life!
As sad as I am, as scared as I am, as angry and hurt as I am, I'm still here.
Even when I feel like wanting to die, I'm still here.
My story isn't over. Not yet anyway.

Be back soon!
Lyn x

— The End —