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Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

Whisper from willows
To guide you on your journey
Let love be your hope

Mini haiku from my journal 💜
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

     with  my hope
and     optimism
for the year,     2021         
    but   even so,  I keep the  
   flame   of this  candle
well  -  fed

I    light this candle
in  memory of those
who   have lost their
lives in the previous
year    as   well as to
honour             every
hardworking      soul
in      the      frontlines
In such dark times,  it
is hard    to remember
the   light I implore us
all to keep it all ignited
I   speak   to   us as one
race and one race alone
To all my fellow people
my   brothers and sisters
all      over        the  world
please   keep your candle
lit, never forget what has
been lost. Stay safe    and
well all of you May 2021
be    a    year of blessings
and              successes
The days seem to be blurring more and more.
With all that's happened in 2020, it didn't really feel like a new year and in a way, it still doesn't for me. So much has really dawned on me and Ive spent so much time brooding and just lost in my own head.
Even so, I just wanted to keep hope alive for this year.
So many lives have been lost in 2020.
I pray for all of my fellow poets.
May you and your loved ones be in great health and happiness and if you have lost someone you love, to the virus or not, I pray they rest in peace.
I'm cautiously optimistic so officially [though it's a day late], I wish you all a happy new year.
Keep hope alive in your hearts.
We shall get through this storm together for we are one.
Stay safe out there everyone.
Leave a candle in the comments to show your hope for this year.
🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
Much love and blessings,
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Dec 2020

Flame tongues ravages wood,
licking till its black splints
A mug of cocoa caresses my palms
and my lap became a coaster
Every sip leaves me feeling toasty
My forehead rests upon the glass
console by Frost's lips

Jack's designs were of floral mandalas
Soft as clouds, gentle flakes
Each made with love for no design ever the same
I admire as they rain,
I imagine that they whisper secrets as they fall
Giggling so softly yet as pure as a baby's laugh
Coating all that is viridian in a shawl of white

Cool yet so crisp
Beckoning for all to come out in a rush
For snowmen to be built, for snowballs to take flight
We would never feel your cold touch because
the warmth you give keeps us as one

Seeping down to our laughs,
You keep us close to our inner child
Nostalgia rests upon my lips
And greater still
Are these tender moments of unity
Upon my window sill

Getting into the festive spirit is easier said than done
And understandably so with 2020.
Just something I wrote while on my window sill.
It's rather cold, but I'm warmed by just letting my imagination run wild and thinking back to the days where I would just stare at the window and look at the undisturbed snow.
Something about seeing a fresh coat of snow leaves me so mesmerised.
Any who, I wish all of my fellow poets from all over the world a lovely Christmas. May you all stay safe and well!
I think I'm going to keep staring at my quiet neighbourhood for a while and wait for the stars to appear.
Be safe out there all.
Much love and air hugs,
Lyn x
The fears came in
Through invisible doors
To smother every breath
And to vanish in thin air
Motives in the dark, it had
Unmet, unfulfilled it crept
As light filtered in
Through the translucent walls
The fears creepy crawled into the mist
Writing it all!
Lyn-Purcell Dec 2020

Starlight on my palm
Peel back the light and you'll see
the scared soul beneath

Worthy of a shard
Of the greatness I've longed dreamed
A loose thread blown far

Pain tugs at my seams
As I am merely adrift
In one grand design

On vespertine days
I pick loose feathers to weave
Wings to fly so free

Annd I'm back!
This year really is something, I'll say that much.
Still feeling lost and out of place but slightly better.
I just wish I could fully calm the tempest of my mind, but one has to keep moving forward.

I hope everyone stays safe and well!
Have a wonderful Christmas Eve all, and a great Christmas!

Much love and airhugs,
Kind regards,

Lyn x
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