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 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
A C Leuavacant
You may feel like you're on top
Like a golden drop
On a dragons tongue
That sits on a throne
Of heart strings
Protecting her  
From the blind archer's bow
He has that heroic sick grin
Of he that has been chosen
To slay the horrid beast
Prepared to destroy such a beauty
Simply to obtain a shiny new title
How can it be?

But then
Under the mountain
Minstrels sing and dance
Chorus erupts
As the king and queen's
malicious grins
Last long enough to fill an army
With twisted sick madness
And I must admit
That even I
Am filled with excitement
At the thought
of a fairytale uprising
With dragon's heads on spears
And murderous knights
on silver thrones
And It's easy to forget
How wicked we can be
Especially when times are good
And we feel
Oh so great about ourselves

But think about the others
The pained and the dying
Those who live their lives in fear
And when you forget
That a click of the fingers
Can change one's life
It's so easy
To feel so bright and good  
And get into that bad habit
Of loosing ourselves
 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
If it doesn't set your insides on fire, is it really love?
 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
Leia R
 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
Leia R
I love how when you visit

You sit on the other couch silently

Reading your book

How every minute or so

I hear the flipping of flimsy


Sometimes, when I glance at you

I see different emotions passing

Across your face

I love to watch you change position

As you shift your body

Across the sofa

I love how you bury yourself

Into the literature so that you

Don’t even hear me talk

But that’s okay because

Watching you quietly is

All I really need.

 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
Bella Anima
 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
Bella Anima
The walls are caving in
Darkness setting in
Not a single ray of light seeps in
But i like it.

Everyone i knew
Everyone i had
Everyone i loved
And still love
Everyone that i gave a piece of me to
turned away
and walked away
with that piece
never looking back.
not even once,

But i like it.

I feel as if
I am walking under clouds
That are raining knives
With the knives piercing through me
In every way it could
Just like innocent raindrops.

But i like it.

Each night
I wet my eyes
With my own raindrops
Then i shut them tight
and lock myself away
Repeating the mantra
Don't wake up.
Don't wake up.
Don't wake me up.
But when the morning comes
I will be awake
And my eyes were allowed to be opened.

I have no choice then
I have to get up
And live it away
Bleeding as i walk around
The face of this Earth.

People throwing words at me
as i walk
You need to stop.
You need to get out of this.
Lets find a way together.

But no.
This pain is a drug
That i am addicted to
And no rehab nor therapies
could fix it.

And i
Love it.
Pain is absolutely addictive.
you made me into something i always hated and despised. you made me feel like i was easy to love, but then you turned around and complained about age and pointed out i was too young. i hate that you were the nicest out of all the men i saw and yet you managed to break my heart faster than anyone ive ever known. "sorry" is not found in your vocabulary and right now i wish it was. its not that i dont love you but instead its a question of if i should or shouldnt. your yelling shook the ground and shattered my world and now i feel disgusted with myself. you are 18 and i am 15 but i think ive seen enough to know where this is going and if you plan to leave please do so now so you take not my heart but maybe puncture a vein. i am nothing but a half dead corpse who has taught herself how to both breathe and fade away because i am not ready to be in love or out of it but i am scared that you will lose patience and leave. i am sorry that i am unappreciative or cruel, i am just slowly fading away.

-mixed thoughts

Ive been writing in this style for the last three poems and it seems like people have been liking it, so I am really happy! This was written for someone I truly care about, explaining a situation we got caught up into together. Enjoy :-)
 Jul 2014 Hayleigh
Ariel Knowels
I'm falling in love with you
But I can't help but want him
I'm human and I'm young
He looks at me and I feel at home
But I talk to you and I feel free

He hurt me more than I can say
I never cried over him
Not until I felt my heart for the first time
In I don't know how long

But you
I didn't realize it but you picked up my heart
And gave me the shattered pieces
And I pieced it slowly
You talked me through it
And you held my hands while I held my heart
And with you I can't stop smiling

But tonight
When I saw him
I wanted to kiss him
I wanted to hold him down
I wanted nothing more than for him to say
I love you

So what do I do?
life is a mind game are you the bishop are the pawn?
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