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  Jun 2016 LifeBeauty13
Austin Bauer
We discovered a master painter
who hand paints intricate flowers
one-by-one to create
a picturesque landscape painting.

In his paintings, a cardinal sits
resting upon a tree branch,
and a monarch butterfly marks
His signature in each painting.

Indian blankets, greenthreads,
brown bitterweed, and Texas thistle -
all vitally important to his paintings.
Therefore, he paints bees to pollinate

the flowers, transferring life-giving
pollen from anther to stigma.
Yes, the master painter places
all of this in his painting with
beautiful intention.
  Jun 2016 LifeBeauty13
is love.
Whoever lives in
love* lives in

**iamthe_avatar ©2014
Excerpt from 1 John 4:16.
LifeBeauty13 Jun 2016
Invisible,is that what I am?
Can you really see me, my smiles, my tears?
Why can't you love me, am I unlovable?
I want to care,I want to love,I want to feel...
but feel no more pain,no more empty, no more aching,
aching to see a light of empathy in your eyes.
I hold my heart...tight, I have to protect it.
I can't be vulnerable, though I long for it.
Can't I take the masks off and be me and loved?
What do I have to do?
Who do I need to be?
Dear God...please,please...I just want to be loved.
LifeBeauty13 Jun 2016
Who is Husband?
Can I put him to the left or to the right,
no he is more than the fork in the road,
he is the road.
On the path I walk and see the most handsome trees
filled with such vibrant color and strength.
The color captures the eyes of my imagination,
the strength makes me feel safe in spite of the gale that blows.
I see all kinds of strange and wonderful things that is the compass of his soul,tears of joy dance across my face and make me forget my troubles.
His spirit has such grace and wisdom,he stands in understanding
and I know I can bring any problem to the chamber of comfort that is his embrace.
I walk my path and fall from exhaustion of breathing the breath of Woman,
and he comes in gentleness and surrounds me with the kindness and mercy of my Godly Father.
His words clothe me when I am naked and afraid,
and no judgement can wrap around me for he bends it to his loving will.
He came into my world inhabiting the presence of devotion, revealing to me true love.
LifeBeauty13 May 2016
I  need so to
But I can get more attention and love
with this mask.
I can mold myself to you,
to be what you need.
Never mind my misery.
You come first always,remember?
I bury myself deeper than any corpse,
yet my breath is shown in the coldness of your heart.
Loneliness is a cloak I would joyfully rip off and bury
in the depth of my memory,
and when it would try to surface, it would be
blinded by the light of the truest Spirit of Love.
The mask would burn,
then Loneliness would leave forever more,because
I was loved for an amazing reason... I was loved for Me.
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