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 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
My Mess
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
It is a mess -
But it's MY mess.
That makes it valid,
it gives this mess a purpose...
Even walls get lonely when
they have been too bare for too long.
Don't you get lonely too?
Putting everything in its place,
folding your days away with your
perfect, delicate hands,
don't you wish you could live?
Yes, there is such a thing
as living outside of
perfectly folded napkins,
perfectly sparkling doors,
so much urge and
want for perfection,
it makes me want to puke
all over your perfectly shining floor.
Have you ever considered that
sometimes more is less?
A mess to you
is not a mess to me,
my mess ain't there to serve you
my mess is there to serve me.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Sometimes, I wish
I was as deep as the surface -
only what you see in front of you.
It bothers me that when
people look into my eyes,
they don't see pupils
enveloped by blue,
they become mesmerized
and tell me they can see the ocean
and they're **** right;
in my soul there is an ocean
of threatening commotion,
but I wish it weren't visible
by simply looking at me.

I wish people would not tell me
that I am an open book
because I know that
I am the complete opposite;
what I tell you is just
scratching the protective walls
I immerse myself in,

Don't dare tell me you can read me
when my mind speaks in
linguistic hieroglyphs
not even I comprehend at times,
let alone you, a complete stranger.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
You could say it's
all in my head,
it doesn't exist,
just a result of
a hope that persists

There's got to be
something better than this..
Were humans and the world
just dropped and born
out of nowhere,
just to be dumped in eternal misery?
And if angels exist, where
do you think they live?
Not in the air or else
we'd be breathing them in constantly.

The afterlife exists
even for disbelievers,
Some call it Heaven,
some call it Hell...
What will it be?
Only dying will tell.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
In the middle of nowhere
is where I'd like to be,
clouds for a roof,
enveloped by trees,
driving into infinity
far, far away
from everyone and everything,
fleeing the persecution
of my mind,
here at least I know
my only purpose
is to breathe
and I shall write thoughtless verses
take me somewhere thoughts
cease to be.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Somedays, even sunshine is dull
and somedays his name
will make me physically ill.

Somedays, I don't need
to be reminded
that my laughter is loud
and so obvious,
somedays, I don't need
you to pull me,
I just need a rope.

And somedays I won't comprehend
how you can't understand.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
The crescent moon be my perch.
        A bough from which I extend my arm.
Careful fingers grasp my brush...
And with it I shall fill the void
with the universe.                

               The crescent moon be my hammock.
Upon which I lean fully into,
to seek restful recluse.                
Should my body start to buckle...
        From the heavy hopes of wistful eyes.

   The crescent moon be my anchor.
From which I draw                
my inspiration and strength.
                   She would cradle and sway me gentle...
      When wilting hearts spill unto me
the callous wiles of the world.    

The crescent moon be my well.        
A fount through which my palette        
remains full with an                                 
abundant array of silvery white.        

Just so...                                 
I could conjure for others,
       what their hearts so desire.

Just so...                      
I could grant them       
             needed solace and tranquillity.

Just so...                 
                          I could infinitely paint for them
the stars...
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
Do you see ?
What tears  are hidden
In the eyes
Of each drop
Of dew
Ramin or Rameen, transliterated from Rāmin (Persian: رامین), is a Persian masculine given name of Zoroastrian origin . It is also an occasional surname .. It may refer to Given name ...

The host
Of intellect
Tries to win
Of victory
For you

Izabel,,,Be a Good Catholic

Dear Izabel
خوش حال ام
که نوشتی
در کلیسای ما
خرقه ها عنابی ست
ترس و تکفیر میان ما نیست
کاتولیک ها خوب اند
حرف از هر اعدام ... سنگسار و شلاق
مطلقن ممنوع است
و تعجب کردی
من نوشتم
- اینجا
در میان اتوبوس دیوارست
پدرم در یک سو
مادرم در آنسوست ....
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
If you grow the flower
Of the holy spirit
You are a gardener
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
A bird's song
It's very lovely
In the meadow
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
A nightingale said
To a flower
Your beauty
Is the light
of the meadow...
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