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Sep 2015 · 434
Gavin Betty Sep 2015
I am following my dreams.
So why is my heart still so sore?
I focus on good things.
But the bad just seems so much more.
What's really in store for me?
If I am losing you, I don't want to start a New Game.
I think i'd rather hit submit,
Than hit continue.
Sep 2015 · 572
All I Want Is Rest
Gavin Betty Sep 2015
I hope you can find it in you,
To spare a smile once more.
This hurt is a full one.
This roof is a floor.
I am constantly surrounded,
I am constantly alone.
I wish I could end it.
I wish I could have known.
Your talons are digging, deep in my flesh.
It's burning.
I'm feeling, better than dead.
But that's an educated guess,
Maybe death is the best,
I do love sleep,
And I could really use some rest.
Sep 2015 · 377
On Death and Dying.
Gavin Betty Sep 2015
A thousand words won't **** this hurt,
A million sorry's won't bring you back.
You own my heart,
My love,
My soul.
You own this tattoo body,
And every imperfection,
The ones I've made and the ones of from God.
You saved this soul, for as long as you could.
Even minds have an expiration date.
When I lost him my shelf life,
Was cut in a quarter, and now I'm at number 24.
I only need to be a little older,
Then I'll have the courage to settle the score.
Sep 2015 · 553
Gavin Betty Sep 2015
Your light voice seduced the drums of my ears,
You've replaced my long thin scars with hopes and dreams,
You took this broken shell,
With no soul,
Or emotions, I destroyed them.
And gave me life. You gave me life.
Not the kind I now dread, but the kind that makes me want to live.
Sep 2015 · 344
Gavin Betty Sep 2015
I can't stop writing, or I'm afraid I'll pick you up.
On a few hours of sleep.
Rationality will soon retreat.
That! Will be my time to shine.
I'd be gone by now,
But a cowardice heart.
Beats. And begs. And screams.
It's not fair that you're still in my dreams.
I wake up crying, I LOVE YOU.
I go to kiss you good morning and you're gone.
I just want to be gone.
Gavin Betty Sep 2015
He lay still,
Tortured by her cries as his demons scream.
He knows of no hope for a better tomorrow.
His only reason to stay, didn't stay.
His only reason to live, now lives alone.
Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
Because now I'm addicted and crying...
Is it better to have lived and died, than to never have lived at all?
Your voice sings a response, but it' fades and disappears.
Why am I the only one, who sees that you were also wrong.?
I told you I'd do anything for you. I guess it is just my time to shine.
I will forever look down and smile at you, for now is my time to shine..
Sep 2015 · 324
4th Floor Day Dreams
Gavin Betty Sep 2015
As I look out the window,
Of this 4th floor office,
No birds will greet me,
But I still yearn to fly.

I don't mean..
The permanent flight,
I mean the beautiful,
Meaningful fall.

That temporary lifetime,
The free fall but I'm tied,
By ever enemy,
And my failed love.
Aug 2015 · 1.8k
Bigger Picture Observation#3
Gavin Betty Aug 2015
Strong and beautiful widow,
I see your daily struggle.
I love you and owe you my life...

You wingless angel,
You deserve your halo.
I'm sorry for my many a strife.

Strong and beautiful Widow,
Continue your struggle,
I will make things right.

Just stay with me mother,
Our lives left asunder,
We will pick up the pieces and fight.

I love you.
This is a close up observation of someone I know and love very much; and her struggle with daily life raising two kids.
Gavin Betty Aug 2015
Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.  
If these walls could tick talk,
Oh the stories they would share,
Unrelenting bill collectors call,
Though she has just finished burying her husband.

"Don't spend the buck if it is not one owned"
We owned them but they were taken along with him. In this years time we will not have a house, but this future is not dim and you are not a thief.

I see humanity, but I'm missing the humans,
Every act of kindness lately has been a writers lie,
I see conformity, but no joint and just cause,
Do we live in the age where heroes are but feed for the mind of a sheep,
Or where heroes are our templates to build a better tomorrow.
I appreciate the good feedback and favorites, looks like it's series time!
Gavin Betty Aug 2015
Why do I need a foot long sub,
And a "giganto gulp" from 7/11?
Why am I taught to consume so well,
But not taught to balance my credit?
I'm getting full....
Full of  debt full of something.
Call it regret?
I didn't mean to notice it,
I'll continue being mislead.
Thinking about doing a Bigger Picture Observation series, not sure yet, if enough people enjoy it I will
Aug 2015 · 224
Gavin Betty Aug 2015
No one  is permanently broken.
Mar 2015 · 431
The mockery.
Gavin Betty Mar 2015
You can be the hero,
In your own story,
But if this world taught me anything.

It's that the villains have more fun.
Mar 2015 · 560
Darker than the forest.
Gavin Betty Mar 2015
Tire swing sways,
on the dead willow tree,
Hanged with a noose,
Just like me,
A widowed wife's tears,
Rain down on  my soil,
A lonely sad mother,
Makes my blood boil.
I am your kin,
Do not leave me for dead,
I'm buried beneath your feet,
But I'm waiting under your bed.

The tire swing sways,
The minutes minutely mute,
My best friend always said,
Those thoughts will **** you.
Gavin Betty Mar 2015
Ring ring, screamed the teens phone,
Ding ****, cried the bell,
No ones answered a door for a friend,
Since the great wifi curtain fell,
Pay no attention to what you can be,
A wonderful world awaits,
Ran by blood and money,
Oh! The beauty of business baits,
The one true God,
the almighty dollar,
Dethrones that fraud.
And silences a Hollar.
Why feed the hungry,
When you can feed yourself,
Why give clean water,
When you can stock your shelf?

Well maybe I'm just tired,
Of always making excuses,
And maybe im just sick,
Of the horrible things we do,
I want a world desired,
Otherwise we're all useless.
I've given up on the *****.
That claims he wants what's best for you.
I don't know.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Mayfly with me.
Gavin Betty Mar 2015
Flickering dim lightbulb mockingly,
Withers and dies ever gracefully.
Fathers verses and mothers eyes,
Empty "I love you's", at least you tried.

I lost my heart with my head in the skies,
These days dreams die short lived, just like mayflies.
Jan 2015 · 426
Sore Brain Sores.
Gavin Betty Jan 2015
How am I suppose to move on when I have your eyes?
How can I put the past in the past when the past was my life?
In the fire a Phoenix will rise,
And in that Phoenix is a burgundy knife.
I know you won't get it.
Jan 2015 · 827
"Happy" New Year.
Gavin Betty Jan 2015
I wrote a poem,
About how this new year,
Has shown me how different I am,
Than I was before.

About everything Ive gotten myself into,
Without you here to keep me on the right path.

Then I burned it,
And used it to light my ****.
Dec 2014 · 285
Brain Vomit.
Gavin Betty Dec 2014
I woke up one morning,
And it was all gone.
No thoughts of you crept into my lonely mind,
Just ones and zeroes,
Just a picture,
what's done is done.

What do I want for Christmas?
I don't want.
How much do I love you?
I don't love.
All I want, is for the page to turn,
For my nothing to turn,
Into something.

I know now,  
Life is a series of short stories.
And as bad as I want to write my own,
I hand the pen to my fear and addictions.
Will I be alone?
I'm afraid.
Will I be forgotten?
My oldest fear.
Will life pass me by?
I won't allow it.

I will change,
If not for the best,
For me.
I will be the rain,
And wash away this,

For all I know,
Is that I dont,
And I am no longer tied down,
By the ideas,
Of is,
And is not.
Dec 2014 · 448
Love sick.
Gavin Betty Dec 2014
You are the smoke, filling my lungs.
You get my so high that I can't feel the pain.
You are my morphine, my acid rain.

I'm addicted, your once sweet touch now burns and eats away at my flesh.
I'm sorry but I am not sure if I can survive your love.
Dec 2014 · 276
But probably not.
Gavin Betty Dec 2014
I will get out of bed,
When I am dead.
Dec 2014 · 249
Gavin Betty Dec 2014
I would ****,
To be the one,
That you go to with your problems.

I would die,
To be the one,
That fixes them.
Nov 2014 · 293
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
I know you've asked me to write,
Something as beautiful as life,
To convince her to stay,
But I've killed every good day.

I am high if I'm awake,
To cope with what the world takes,
I can't feel the sun anymore,
I can't hear the rains beautiful pour.

The silver lining dulled and died,
My hearts grown cold and angry.
I've tried to write you something sweet,
But I'm afraid it always ends tangy.
Free verse, No edit. I don't even care anymore.
Nov 2014 · 322
Earthbound Romantics.
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
My home is where our souls meet,
Where there is an endless flock of stars above our heads and a sea of green beneath our feet,

My gods are your arms and the looks that you give me,

My heaven is knowing you will be okay when I am gone.
Nov 2014 · 242
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
You are the smoke in my lungs,
Slowly climbing, to my brain,
the only thing, that keeps me sane.

For when the world is ending fast, you show me how to make it last.
This is for my two loves. Live happy, make it last.
Nov 2014 · 203
Safe and drowned
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
I can hear the pain in the rain as it falls and dies, not knowing if it will give life or ****.
I'm thankful that I have the power to choose the impact that I have on this world. Never take it for granted. Try and make the world a positive place.
Nov 2014 · 305
Father knows best.
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
One day I won't be here for you to fall back on, and I know you will be ready.
Nov 2014 · 310
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
He was scared that he was only alive,
Because bad things have to happen to someone.
Nov 2014 · 906
"Haha no I always shake"
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
I shake because there are 7 billion people on this planet,

And for some reason it feels like everyone of them,

Is watching me, waiting to see me mess up.
Nov 2014 · 611
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
I'm not defined by names or tags,
Or what I carry in ziplock bags,
I am what I try to be,
Not what this world labels me.
Nov 2014 · 338
Gavin Betty Nov 2014
I wanted to change the world one day,
Then you told me to go back to sleep.
Sep 2014 · 323
For those that have hurt.
Gavin Betty Sep 2014
You told me I was beautiful,
That you'd kiss every scar,
That you could read "die",
But it was very hard.

You told me I had worth,
I'm NOT a walking corpse,
You told me that I'm something,
But you're not a reliable source.
Just a piece to remind myself how I felt, feel free to message me if you need help or need to talk.
Sep 2014 · 294
Let's talk philosophy..
Gavin Betty Sep 2014
I am a prophet,
An author of my life.
I control all I need to,
And let go of what I don't.
Sep 2014 · 706
Lovesick insomnia.
Gavin Betty Sep 2014
If the sun loved the sky.
Like I love you.
There would be no moon,
For the wolves to howl to.
Sep 2014 · 345
Gavin Betty Sep 2014
The part of me,
that played in the rain,
Slowly died with you.
Aug 2014 · 255
Final words and open eyes.
Gavin Betty Aug 2014
"Are you crazy"?
She cried as she saw me on the edge.
"No, and that's why I feel I have no place in this world".
Gavin Betty Aug 2014
The waves are crashing, screaming for attention.
Avert your eyes from the screen, real life has come.
It's knocking at your door, but you can't hear it over the television.
You pity me because I have little.
I pity you because you have so much.
Aug 2014 · 282
Gavin Betty Aug 2014
I feel like I'm kind of, maybe,
Is it this lack of, sleep?
Sleepless nights hurt my body,
Won't let him heal,
I say him because I'm not sure it's me..

I hear what I see, and think what I am,
Questions overcome, this frame.
I don't know what, it is I am,
Or if I am the same.

Things sound different, and dark,
And cold, does this heart still beat?
And if it does, is it still my own?
For I don't know what's become of me.
Have I gone mad?.
Jul 2014 · 478
Reliant, replaced
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I've slept alone, how many nights.
No need for worries no need for frights
I sat and gazed through my minds eye,
You're not beside me, to care if I die.
Jul 2014 · 768
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Your eyes a shade of greenish brown,
Beauty in my view,
Bags beneath your sleepy eyes,
The worlds not been kind to you.

Your skin so fare and porcelain smooth,
Fragile but standing strong,
You force yourself into my thoughts,
Haunting my all life long.

You sit and you smoke your cancer,
Ashes to the line,
You float away with one last smile,
I swear you were my sign.
Jul 2014 · 249
Mornings light.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I saw you see me, 8:30 AM,
Sitting and waiting, I saw you then,
Now I'm near, you turned away.
Cultured, departed, I'm here to stay.
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
Colorful, Accepting
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Green blue red, gray yellows white,
This city still shines, in the dead of night,
No darkness can hold this city of gold,
No darkness can hold, Traverse.
Written for the beautiful city of Traverse City, MI
Jul 2014 · 933
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
All the
Time this
Machine kills.
Jul 2014 · 798
Devastated Ironic
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
The lone tree stands tall
Sheltering all the children
Soon to cut her down.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Oh how we live in a way that is dying, all because we are losing doesn't mean that we've lost.
I love you more dearly than pain loves crying, though pain is all that you've caused.
I cringe and swell, at a moments notice, all that I loved was gone.
I stumbled and fell into a place where I knew, that I would never belong.
I know I will never belong.
Jul 2014 · 316
Lo siento
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
If I was you I'd hate me too,
For all the things I've done.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I want to fix all that is broken,
And hold you while you're in need.
**** every harsh word they've spoken,
Bleed so that you won't have to bleed.

I want to follow through with every empty promise.
That I know you still wait to come true.
Because darling I am just being honest,
When I say, I just want to save you.

So when they fight and all seems gray,
Know I am here, any time, any day.
Jul 2014 · 258
Yet, he still wanders
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I wouldn't miss it for the world,
But then you were taken from me,
You are the reason I won't give up.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Home is the place I wished to escape,
Now that I have, please send me back.
I miss my dog and family,
I wish I knew that growing up was a trap.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I was fine with being broken,
And dead, and dim.
Happy with the solitude I found myself in.
Then you came along, and turned on the light,
You gave me that putrid reason to fight,
A smile, is all it took from you,
To tear down the walls I've set.
Your voice it burned and healed me too,
Your touch forced it's love in my chest,
You are the reason I'm trying,
Please don't make this a waste of time.
I feel my heart string tying,
You've fixed me so now you are mine.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Sometimes it gets so cold and lonely,
I fear I'm the man on the moon.
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