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Jul 2014 · 373
Voicemail pains.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
You are the dial tone,
Cold and abstract,
All I ever wanted to do was hold you.
Jul 2014 · 640
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
The thought of you now pains me,
Like an ulcer you sit and you bleed,
The sound of your voice is salt in my wounds.
Jul 2014 · 173
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
It's hard to be positive,
when all I see,
Are clouds and thunder following me,
I see the beauty within the storm,
It does not cure this feeling torn,
I've checked the linings,
Gold and silver,
I've burned these hands,
The ones that killed her,
I will not beg to be forgiven,
Not claim insanity in which I was driven,
I was a fool that loved too much,
That believed in dreams and date and such,
So don't carve my name in marble or stone,
I don't want to be remembered, when I'm gone.
Jul 2014 · 240
Losing hope
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Our flesh so close and warm to the touch,
You're so close I can feel you breathe,
Yet we've never been so distant.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I don't think it's fair that-
You got to see my first breath,
And I had to see your last.
Jul 2014 · 225
Seven years of mourn.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Time is passing like cars in the city.
I float, overlooking this place I call home.
I think it's funny how I always wanted to run away from here. But now that I'm gone I just wish I was alive again.
I know what I said was inexcusable, and I hope you know I didn't mean a thing.
You've shown me how strong a human being can be, and taught me that there is no stronger truth than love.
Jul 2014 · 287
Schizophrenic romantic.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Color me black and tear my lungs.

I am not sorry for who I am or who I want to be.

Sometimes the only one you need to save is yourself.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I refuse to believe
That a green piece of paper
Holds more value than any life.

I refuse to believe
That love should be limited
To one template or tradition.

And I refuse to follow
A set of rules developed
By a man no different than me.
Jul 2014 · 284
Or will you?
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
It all makes sense with eyes wide shut,
Don't ask too many questions
Or you'll surely be disappointed.
Jul 2014 · 18.0k
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I'll never learn to shave,
Or how to change a tire,
But I'm okay with that,
Because you've taught me well.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I feel for the trees
That must sit and watch
As cars and clouds fly by.
Jul 2014 · 442
The Rebels Manifesto.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
You don't scare us.
We scare us.
We should scare you too.
Jul 2014 · 785
Joyful distaste
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
If everyday was like a dream
This insomnia would be great
But it's not, and it isn't. So **** it.
Jul 2014 · 329
He lied to himself
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I can't shine as bright as her shimmering eyes, but when I go dull, they'll notice.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Could not
Let it go.
His addiction
Is pulling you down.
But what can I do to
Change the way you see this world
And make everything okay?
All my attempts are failing you, Dear.
Nothing seems to matter anymore, love.
I wish I could steal you away from that home,
But instead I'll just write a ******* grow poem
Everything I write Is on a personal level, that's why I love write in the first place! It keeps me sane and since people take the time to read this, I am more than happy to answer any questions or randomly talk to anyone with same interests (poetry)! So thank you for reading and hai, it's nice to meet you:)
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
I couldn't fathom a world without you.

Without your smile or blush my.

I know things are bad but.

I'll love you forever, no matter where I.

Jul 2014 · 656
Opposite Day.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
You say I'm worthy or not
You're right.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
If every living thing in the world dies alone
Then let me be dead to you
So we never must be apart.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
"That's how the world works"
"That's the way it is"
You're excuses motivate me to change.
Jul 2014 · 297
He wrote from his bed..
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Do not grow too attached my love
I am an hour glass
I fear not death, but discomfort.
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
The window shines a painful white  
Burning my retinas slow
The world outside is not my friend.
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
Gavin Betty Jul 2014
Meaningful hopeful daydreams
Mourning weeping widows
Forever dysfunctional  kids
I'd love to hear interpretations and thoughts, this is my first post on here haha.

— The End —