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David Aug 2015
I wanted to dance across your synapse
But inside that beautiful head is fire
And i spend too much time getting burnt
I left my home a crippled boy
And now reflections, soft and out of focus
Show me the man i never wanted to be
I still see the flower
The one i plucked on our last walk together
I see flashes of images
As the stem got to touch you in places i can only dream of
As you pulled back your hair
Revealing your neck
I was embarassed
That you just might be able to see my thoughts
I wanted to kiss you there
To belong to you
To have just a piece that wasnt petals
That could be mine to hold
To cherish
To love
I wanted all of you
Your fire
Your heart
Your teeth, even that one that was a little out of place
My favorite one if im honest
I wanted to hold you
To grasp you in my arms
As we surf on the waves of life
But soon i would realize
I was the only one holding on to us
David Jul 2015
I had it all planned
in my head
  as i always do
I figured you out
I already knew
no curve *****
to catch me off guard
no sunlight to blind me
no fear to mute me
I would tell you
what i felt
  what i've always felt
that without you
I can breathe
without you
I can see
Without you
I make sense
and without you
                   I don't want too.
David Jul 2015
I love you like the day
I imagined that we'd meet
  I stared at you with wonder
You took me for a creep
I want to tell you
  Just how I feel
   But then this life
     Might come to feel
David Jul 2015
I love you
   the woman of my dreams
    who saves me from my nightmares
Who I've never met
and hope to never meet
  because in my dreams, you stay forever sweet.
David Jul 2015
With out stretched arms aimed at the sky, i danced with the clouds

singing her memory in my head

tears strewn across my face

the tattered bandages of time, erased


like milk cartons,

but no signs to hold her place

no burial grounds but the white walls and too bright lights,

a symphony of disinfectant, and medical waste bins

and me with my muscles

me with my logic

me with my ****** sense of what makes a man.

stand strong they tell you

don’t cry they tell you

be found they’ll say

just know, just know
David Jul 2015
Her skin was as soft as the silver spoon she only imagined, but never touched
large plush lips, shimmered the same, but with life
she dreamed of honey pulled fresh from the comb
water streams like veins pumping through the forest
a lush green veil pulled aside for only her
mother nature exposing everything, and nothing
all at once
in a beautiful blended soup
of love
David Jun 2015
It was inside his poetic mind
Held deep hidden from even him
The rhymes that would tangle her
In a web of lust, spray painted gold
Altering the finish to match loves luster
His words would wrap her in a warm blanket
The same blanket that one day she might smother herself with
Only after choking on his words
Drowning in his bile
The wolf in sheeps clothing
Was always referencing the man who
Would twist words with emotion
Guiding the unsuspecting down a lime lit path of fizzling dreams
The path lined with broken picture frames and crumpled love notes
With only the occasional straw handle to affectionately grasp towards, if only there to hang yourself from.
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