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 Jul 2019 Deena
Isn’t it quite funny,
that the thing that is closest to us,
Is the thing we know least about.
 Jun 2019 Deena
Light and color come to hug me.
I’m bathing in a melting rainbow.
I am the colours,
And the colours are me.
 Jun 2019 Deena
purple sky
 Jun 2019 Deena
late at night, i lie awake
thinking of things i should have said
all the mistakes i've made
and signs i should've read

then think about what i can't live without
you, front and center in my mind
sometimes it feels like halfway love
almost, but not quite

still, parts of you make me whole
who i am and who i need to be
i think of love letters that weren't torn up
feelings of blue and green

when i'm without you
blank page, artless innocence
i realize how dependent i've grown to you
and feel the need to create a distance

sometimes i look up at the purple sky
and wonder if you're looking too
i gaze at the colors and the beauty of it all
though its beauty would never compare to you
 Jun 2019 Deena
Lillian Teresa
Don’t hate me, lover
I cannot help that I am haunted
I cannot help that I am used
Hands like sin-
Always in the places
We fear the most
 Jun 2019 Deena
Abbas Dedanwala
As the sand and the stars
That we are born from
Seep away from our skins,
And stain the sheets we sleep within,

staining them blue, and gold, and silver,
And all of the colours
of the galaxies
That we’ve seen

We embrace to call them back.
And you wrap your shine over mine as
The infinite flows back into
Us coalescing into one finite universe.

Larger, more beautiful,
More full of life and love and vigor
Than any we have ever seen before.  
That my love, is for you and you alone.
 May 2019 Deena
 May 2019 Deena
I kept them aside to light my cigarette.
With sparks, smokes and mirrors,
My feelings were gone.

I  bent down and checked under my bed.
Only saw monsters frown and,
Now my dreams are gone.

I told the warlocks they were a souvenir,
That I had tried to always keep them near,
But now I wonder if they were ever here.

And now the magic is gone.
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