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 Apr 2019 Deena
Spirit of Love
 Apr 2019 Deena
When I asked you what your name was
You replied and said, “It’s Love”
Then I asked you what your song is
You then sang the song of a dove
Please chirp to me your fancy
Make me rock to your lullaby
Flap with wings that dance free
So we can sing that Love does fly.
 Apr 2019 Deena
Edgar Allan Poe
The noon's greygolden meshes make
All night a veil,
The shorelamps in the sleeping lake
Laburnum tendrils trail.

The sly reeds whisper to the night
A name-- her name-
And all my soul is a delight,
A swoon of shame.
 Apr 2019 Deena
Winter springs
into summer,
as the setting sun.
Summer falls
into winter
and then all at once.
 May 2017 Deena
Ryan Holden
I see the violence,
I hear no laughter,
It's all faith to capture;
I can feel the rapture,
Disaster another chapter,
Darkness within these walls,
a fall,
No more buildings too tall.
Fire choking the young,
It's only just begun.
There's no sun,
We hear a bomb,
Innocent children,
Deprived of fun,

Shrapnel flying everywhere,
Smoky air,
Streets are bare,
It's all despair,
I feel the Animosity,
Knowing I'm dead probably,
We do this to our society,
Because we have religion and rivalry,
Violently, involved yet independently,
You walk so silently,
Scared of your own shadow frightfully,
With your messed up psychiatry,
That’s irony.
Restless Ramblings of a mind, that still doesn't understand why.
Quick succession rhyming used here. Some lyrics are taken from a rap I wrote, in similar context to what is happening in this sad, miserable world.
 May 2017 Deena
Ryan Holden
This affliction,
my enemy,
Vast pain,
Frosty end for me,
Agony undying truth,
Something incurable,
The undying hope
Something durable.

My loved ones,
Notice I'm weak,
She will notice
I'm brittle,
True love I seek,
My strength, very little.

Torn between truth,
Not the athlete from youth,
Working hour after hour,
Crippled my body,
A fragile skeleton,
I embody.

My grandkids,
Regardless if grandpa,
Cherishing moments,
In life,
I'll wisp away,
Still my wife.

Beautiful queen,
I've loved you,
Since I was eighteen.
An old poem I wrote about my grandad passing away. I went back and edited it a little but it was the second poem I wrote. So sorry if it's not great but it's close to my heart. I wrote it from his perspective to my grandma.
 May 2017 Deena
Ryan Holden
 May 2017 Deena
Ryan Holden
Let's take a leap,
From this precipice,
Hoping that my wings,
Will guide our journey,
As we slowly glide,
Into our new beginning.
 May 2017 Deena
Ryan Holden
How Many
 May 2017 Deena
Ryan Holden
How many rhymes and lines,
Have met the same paper,
With the same pen,
Minds thoughts and designs,
Differ from poet to next,
Lyricists to artists,
Beginning a new quest,
Breaking and making,
Pain and love,
Experienced emotions lay down,
Written in rhythm,
Express to distress,
Tearing page after page,
Of flooding emotions,
Signature of similar,
Inked on white,
Within multiple occasions,
How many authors,
Write the same write?
Whilst I was picking a new topic to write, I suddenly thought, how many writers write the same thing, in similar form, but the writers aren't aware of!
 May 2017 Deena
Steve Page
 May 2017 Deena
Steve Page
We're all born screaming
While screams echo back
And one day we learn
To hold our screams in check

But the world keeps on screaming
Its groans ignore our reluctance
Tearing through our dreams
Persistently confronting us

The only source of peace for us
Are Jesus' gentle whispers
They serve as a quiet respite
For those who are able to listen
And soon the whispers clarify
The groans from the world around
These aren't cries of anger
But pleas to be unbound

Creation itself cries out
For rescue by its maker
To be allowed to at last fulfil
The purpose it was made for

And so our eyes are opened
To the reason for our screams
We cry with all creation
For a full and final release

And Jesus hears our cries
He's not deaf to our prayers
He'll come again in his glory
With earthshaking fanfares

Our cries will turn to song
Secure in a brand new earth
Creator and creation in harmony
Echoing glad cries of new birth

So a new born baby's screams
Shouldn't come as any surprise
They are simply giving echo
To creation's longing sighs.
See Romans 8:19-23
19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.
20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope
21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its ******* to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.
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