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CryBaby Di Aug 2018
"Such a little hustler u were.
Anything that you wanted you got it by any means.
You have so many goals and dreams,
but they are all motivated by your many many schemes."
CryBaby Di Aug 2018
"You took everything.
My entire life you took away from me.
But still, even so..
you act as though I somehow
owe you the death of me.
Or is it that you won't stop until I actually am dead?
Then again,
you seem to wanna keep attempting
to take things away from me, and continue causing me pain with your ongoing cycles of you hurting me to never end.
It's like you'd rather drag it out more
and more so I suffer slowly instead..

I honestly think that even if I were
to actually be deceased,
that you'd probably go
spit on my grave a few times,
and steal the flowers from its flower bed."
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
"Xanax for the pain inside my brain,
temporarily easing off of the full throttle gas petal that drives me insane.
Almost silencing all of the screams ,
and repetitive voices of my own self conscious, blaming self for all of my
regrets and broken dreams.
The calming of my ugly inner demons,
abusing me with the ways of their
constant torture..

I am still my own worst enemy,
and always will be,
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
She's extremely passionate, but lacks any sentiments of compassion and empathy.
She's unapologetic,
lacking all remorseful entities..
But at the same time she is so delicately fragile that underneath of it all,
she bears no substantial amount
of self worth.
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
"You were a precisely,
a poured tall glass of disaster.
Face covered with spots,
also known as freckles,
that are always concealed by loads of caked on consealer.
*** of a goddess,
the ultimate reason of my demise.

5 foot 4,
a devil in disguise..
To my surprise,
was the truth in reality
of falling for an evil *****.

When you're at your best down on your knees you're probably actually about
3 foot 3.
Your mouth in action,
in more ways than one,
was your best weapon..
So unbelievably deadly.

I was just another casualty,
Your capabilities of such unspeakable
evil savagery.
Articulated strategy,
of going in for the **** of my heart.
Looking me dead in my eyes,
as you smile in my face.
A ****** made artistry.

Proceed on with your kombat for the mortal finale.
Go ahead and finish me,
make it my fatality..
But don't forget to burn away
what's left of me."
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
"As the days go by,
little by little the memory of you fades.
Still every now and then,
I can see your reflection in razor blades.
I can read your lies in between
the lines I'm sniffin.
I didn't lose you,
because I never actually even had you.
I don't miss you,
because you can't miss what isn't real.
Who I lost is me,
so myself is who I'm missing.
You ripped my heart out of my chest
and you destroyed it,
but somehow I'm still here living.
Although can this really even be considered "living" ?..
I feel dead inside.
I'm not alive.
I'm simply just existing.."
#love #heartbreak #poetry #razor #blade #dead #memory #drugs #alive #dark #deep
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
"Loving her was a deadly form of self destruction,
with salt being poured on open wounds of depression.
Her introduction leaves unforgettable impression,
being the art of seduction.
A master of manipulation.
Life as you know it will be long gone before you can even start to taste her deception.
It's toxic girls like her that will never go out of style,
when you live in a world that everyone is selfish and no one is reliable.
Where we end up sharing beds with our own enemies,
and mostly each friend we make will soon be just another rival.
I myself am not perfect,
but I am authentic,
and the only thing I'm ever faking
is my smile"
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