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CryBaby Di Jul 2018
"Loving her was a deadly form of self destruction,
with salt being poured on open wounds of depression.
Her introduction leaves unforgettable impression,
being the art of seduction.
A master of manipulation.
Life as you know it will be long gone before you can even start to taste her deception.
It's toxic girls like her that will never go out of style,
when you live in a world that everyone is selfish and no one is reliable.
Where we end up sharing beds with our own enemies,
and mostly each friend we make will soon be just another rival.
I myself am not perfect,
but I am authentic,
and the only thing I'm ever faking
is my smile"
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
"You were already broken,
I knew that from the very start.
I knew you were broke but
not exactly how much you were,
and with extensive amounts of unrepairable damage.
Having no idea how much you would
end up braking me and my heart.
You told me when we met that you are
a lot to handle,
but nothing about you and your
abilities to dismantle.
I think you kept me around to run back to me because although you would deny it,
you knew precisely just how much I loved you actually, and exactly everything that
you meant to me.
Whenever you felt unwanted by everyone, right into my arms you'd run.
I was your toy to play with for fun,
or to bend over for whenever
you wanted to ***.
You always said you didn't fit right
in this world,
that you were done with trying,
and you no longer wanted to live.
How you have nobody,
and no one who really loves you..
But there I was,
right there in front of you..
and I REALLY ******* did ..."
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
Truth be told as the lies unfold.
Face is numb, and pupils swole.
But still feel a sting from every eye roll
All that shimmers sure as hell ain't gold.
Heart turned cold.
Chop it, flip it, and stack some bank roll, profit made from all things that I once owned, but  is now everything from me that you stole.
What's next Satan ?..
Would you like to sell my soul ?..
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
I told you it all straightforward,
every single possible thing about me.
I laid it all out on the table for
you from the very start.
All of my pain and struggles,
Even all about my freshly wounded,
and unhealed broken heart..
You made me believe and had me so convinced about how wrongly
you've also been treated..
About you having a broken heart too,
and how all of the hurt hit u so hard,
that you're scarred,
and had been left out in the dark.
Though actually,
cold and heartless is what you really turned out to be.
Plenty of fish in the sea,
and I fell for a blood thirsty shark.
Really you made all of that **** up with all of those manipulating lies,
I should've known that you were as fake
as the ugly glued on lashes that you always wear at a length so long,
it's sort of like a guard..
In which I could barley even look
into your eyes.
It's like with my life,
you auditioned for a role just to play a part.
Where in reality,
I was the only one with an
actual damaged heart,
that actually was ripped and torn apart.
I guess the time just felt right as I instinctively gave u my heart.
But as it turned out..
my love was about as
declined as your credit.
Although you never did fail to say
"I Love You" when I'd break down,
and lineup thick white lines with your dormant credit card.
It's like I was the bright red round bullseye, to your freshly feathered dart.
It seems that my heart was the location
of that bright red round bullseye..
and maybe it was that your thrown dart was thick and extra sharp,
or a strong muscle in your arm,
or maybe you just genuinely
enjoy causing people harm.
I guess I'll never really know why,
but one thing I do know is that indeed,
you hit it really hard.
Now here in the end,
I realize after all the pain and suffering that you put me through that the auditioned role that u successfully got,
and played the part,
was really just a twisted plot of you ******* with my mind even more.
With a closing ending scene of you tearing down to pieces my once "broken",
but now far beyond repair,
destroyed and shattered heart..
What I really I hate the most,
is that I feel like such a fool
of how easily that it was me,
you could outsmart..
How I turned out to be the one
actually left out in the dark,
because really you did leave your mark,
that I'll now wear forever on my heart..
like a bright red round scar.
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
Never good enough is a feeling I know all to well,
Like a stained emotion in my brain,
that runs so deep down through my veins.
It's a seed of feeling you planted in me
and over time have watered routinely,
to grow immensely to the point of
where it is all that I know.
I've always been the target to all of your own regrets,
and the target practice never seems to end as you're incapable of grasping that the shots you fire conclusively leave me scarred with nothing but
unsolicited relics of your detriments. Those scars are permanent,
and your late apologies are nothing but pointless bandaids with weak adhesive.
At some point one may "forgive",
but one never forgets.
CryBaby Di Jul 2018
"The most delicate flower somehow held all of the power.
The lust inside her big brown eyes never lies.
I'll never forget the look in those eyes when I first seen the scars on her inner thighs.
Every time she adds another scar,
its like a piece of me dies.
She swears that I'm not the one.
but I always am the one who she calls whenever her current lovers turn away and run.
Her new relationships fail and she starts to come undone.
Underdeveloped, out of touch with her own self,
gave her everything she wanted,
but still was never enough.
Incomplete, never fully ripe just like the stupid
avocados that she loves so much.
Gave her the moon and the stars,
but she wanted the whole entire galaxy.
Though the whole entire galaxy was in her own eyes,
so it's something she could never see.
The truth is that she is the only one who could turn her own avocados into guacamole."

— The End —