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It started flowing...
I started growing...

It started calling...
I started sprawling...

I'm needing action...
Some satisfaction...

I'm in the movies...
But they're so plastic...

Yeah I'll get outside...
Give me a minute...

When it gets lovely...
I'm all up in it...

Now just relax me...
I'm self-control now...

Still I wanna thank you...
For still knowing how.
there will be a time when your story will end
but for now you can just turn the pages forward
looking for the better more beautiful chapters in your life
making some good old memories you will never forget

there will be time when you will fall in love
maybe with your bestfriend or maybe with a stranger
you are young and gorgeous, a little bit to innocent they say
so please my love don't let them take adventage of your broken heart

and one day you will find your own way to happiness

loving this girl was so magical and strange
she has these blue eyes that make me go crazy, all the time
she has this smile on her face when she looks at me, it makes me melt

Im searching for more words to describe how I feel but I simply can't
and maybe that's what being in love needs to feel like, rare, special
the fact something is so complicated and mysterious
that you just can't find the right words..
but even your bestfriend was a stranger once.
 May 2015 Blue Angel
I love you
And that's the problem
I will eventually hurt you
I will disappoint you
I will make you cry
It's not that I mean to
It's truly an accident
Love causes pain
That's why I wanted to tell you
I'm Sorry
Even if I haven't hurt you yet
I eventually will
I used to love this chapter
A part of my favorite book
I showed you it
And you began to love it too
We kept re-reading this chapter
At first it was so amazing
But as the pages turned
The story took a turn
To a different path
And you got tired,
And left me.
You stopped coming
Back each time
But I was still stuck in the chapter
Wondering why
Why it changed
Why you suddenly got bored
But now I understand
It gets tedious same thing each time
So burn the pages
And tear us apart
Our chapter had ended
With no intention of a happy ending.
 May 2015 Blue Angel
"I'm content"
"Something's gonna happen, i don't know what it is, i feel it"

three weeks later i'm sitting, wallowing in self pity,
mourning over a love that has gone sour
making cuts after cuts in my skin,
hoping you'll somehow feel it and hear my cry for help.

i carved the word "perfect" into my skin on November 17-18, 2012
hoping that despite everything that happened that day
i'd still feel perfect
or hoping that seeing it every day,
i'd start believing i'm
Pretty even when drowning in tears with swollen
Eyes that are filled with stars, stars that i often fail to see and that
Regardless of these scars that are etched into my skin, i am
Full of life and
Energy that is immortelle and
Contagious even though i always feel as if i can't go on and
Things are too much.

i guess what i'm trying to say is, i should've carved my name into your heart,
Hoping you'll
Always remember that
Someone like myself is hard to find so therefore
I'm yours always and you are mine and i'll
Never leave nor would i hurt you intentionally, and
Although it feels like we're drifting, i still want you here.

but the ice which we stood on which was our love
has broken,
and is melting and you're on one piece
and i'm on another and if we reach for each other,
we'll drown in the ocean of our love.
and i  don't know what i'm saying anymore,
because my eyes are getting cloudy and so is my mind
and all i can think of is you and if you'd cross that ocean for me.
the first letters in bold spells perfect of course
and the second set spells my name
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