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The hurt , the pain, the fights,
For others were unseen sights,
Hidden away, at home the secret would stay,
carefully thought of,
A fear which was never sought of,
For a child should have been unknown,
They were not even fully grown.

The emotions they had to deal with, had nobody to truely feel them with , not knowing , when it would be , the future they wish they could see , it could happen at any time , the kid should have been in her prime.

The smiles infront of others ,
The constant unsure stutters,
The acts of being brave,
Are the ones others generally crave,
Trying to escape the sudden calls, and after can hardly even crawl.

Waiting for this all to end, abit of safety would have been a god send, to talk of it now , we are still unsure how, the marks may no longer be there, but still we doubt if they care , to trust people everyday is much more difficult than they say.

This thing everybody knows of, but still is hardly spoken of, the children won't say it, adults prey among it, this problem needs to stop or it will hit an all time top.
Written about child abuse but onviously can be connected to any kind of physical or emotional abuse .
 May 2015 Blue Angel
Ysa Pa
When we first said hello
It was unforgettable
It was awkward
It was real and magical

I looked at you
You stared back
We moved closer
And shakily uttered the first words
The first beguiling words of our relationship
Then we walked away
I looked back and waved
You were already staring

                                                                                    When we last bid farewell
                                                                                     It was unforgettable
                                                                                     It was awkward
                                                                                     It was real and detrimental

                                                                                     I was looking for you
                                                                                     You gazed at me
                                                                                     We moved closer
                                                                                     And shakily uttered the last words
                                                                                     The last agonizing words of our relationship
                                                                                     I looked back and hoped
                                                                                                                                 ...But you didn't
 May 2015 Blue Angel
Arpan Rathod
In the rainy dark night,
Two hearts having fight,

In the silence of the night.
Their heartbeats screaming more than thunderstorms.

Remembering their first kiss
In season's first rain.
Smelling each other and kissing away each other's pain.

Remembering the long drives,
And dancing together,
Getting closer and closer to each other.

Remembering the nights,
They spent holding each other,
Reminiscing promises broken one after another.

Remembering the day,
They last met,
The date Feb 14 and the year was '08.

In their eyes, there is love,
And some tears,
Will they meet again? Like some fears.

They were meant to be,
But now it's clear,
They have to leave and live their fear.

As the raindrops became dry,
They were meant to say goodbye.
Thanks for the help Victoria Garcia.
And how can I forget my Capsicum.? Love.
I could write a story about my life
how everything went wrong in december
the day that I turned sixteen

my old world closed and a new one opend
a world filled with drugs, alcohol and good music
it was a time of badboys, overthinking and heartbreaks
it went on with wearing too much make-up and crazy hair colors

first I was scared for all these things
my world was changing and so was I
but after a while I got used to it, it began to feel like home
a place where I could be myself, filled with lovely broken people

when I was sixteen I met this girl
she was a bit like me but different
she had something special..
maybe it was her smile

I always was surounded by demons, everyone could see it
but this girl really was an angel, she was the light in the sky

so maybe I shouldn't write a story about myself this time

I should write a story about you
how you make me crazy and confused
how annoying you can be sometimes
but more important about
how much you mean to me
how you make me feel special

but it always made me feel like falling
it should have made me feel like flying

oh sweet sixteen you were so bad for me.
and maybe I did loved you from the start, I just never told you.
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