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Aug 2018 · 289
Trojan Horse
AnnaRae Aug 2018
I carry my wide smile and bright eyes
Like armor built around my face
In the hopes that others
Will look at me a believe I am strong.

When in reality
My face is simply a confused
Trojan horse hiding weakness
Behind false happiness and strength.

May 2018 · 633
Mirrors vs God
AnnaRae May 2018
Every time I looked in the mirror
I’d think so many things
And most of those thoughts
Weren’t very kind to me
Then one day I cried out
God why did you make me this way
What made you think
I was worthy for this life
For a stunning moment
My world was silent
And God said
Because you’re a child of mine
I made you in my image
I gave you your heart
I made you for a purpose
And I know life can be hard
But I’ve been here all along
Waiting for your call
Trust in me as I in you
And I will catch you when you fall
For you are my child
And I will love you

For all eternity

May 2018 · 400
AnnaRae May 2018
I have found sweet release
In the two most amazing souls

But mine is breaking
And I do not know how to mend it.

May 2018 · 335
AnnaRae May 2018
I can not breathe

Help me.

I feel like my lungs have


I do not know what to do.

Help me.

Please help me.

May 2018 · 705
Help Me
AnnaRae May 2018
I have found
That I am an addict.
But there is no meeting for me to attend.

For who else is addicted to self harm even when all is well.

Apr 2018 · 337
Organ Donor
AnnaRae Apr 2018
Take my eyes-
Give them to a blind soul
So that they may see.

Take my lungs-
Give them to a dying soul
So that they may breathe.

Take my liver and my kidneys
And everything else you can keep
And give them to so many souls
So they can simply- be.

Take everything
You can from me
But leave me just one thing-

Take everything you can from me
But bury my heart with me.

For it is far to broken
For a soul to carry on
That is why I’m laying here
Writing out this song..

Apr 2018 · 1.0k
Two New Hearts
AnnaRae Apr 2018
I could tell you
Exactly what his hands felt like
As he wrapped them 'round my throat.

I could tell you
Exactly what his breath smelt like
As he whispered maniacal promises to me.

I could tell you
Exactly what my fear from him felt like
As he pinned me ; ripping at my clothes.

I remembered
Every detail of his face
As if sewn into the surface of my eyes.


Now I remember
The first moment I met another
And the moment he introduced his wife.

Now I remember
The first time I felt his hand
Gently cradling my face and his wife’s.

Now I remember
The first night we were together
The three of us a knot of perfection.

Now I remember
The first moment I felt whole
For two hearts showed me genuine love.

Apr 2018 · 451
Selective Hearing
AnnaRae Apr 2018
If I believed all I’ve been told
I’d think myself a *****.
For I kissed a woman
Just the night before.

If I believed all I’ve heard
I’d hate everything I am.
For with that very woman
I also kissed her man.

If I believed all I’ve been told
I’d want my heart to die.
But I have learned enough
To know people lie.

If I believed all I’ve heard
I’d know not the remedy
For my beaten mind and soul
Two kind hearts would give me.


— The End —