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 Aug 2015 Andje
Emily Von Shultz
I don't know what it is about you,
That brings me back,
Time and time again.
When we're together,
I can't tell where you end and I begin.

I am complete,
and you are complete,
but what are we when we meet?

Why is it that when I'm with you, time flies?
Perhaps it is because your rain
is deeper than all the oceans of the skies.

I just can't bring myself to let go of the ways,
In which we would spend our summer days,
Nervously touching lips for a while,
When you would look into my eyes and smile...
If only I could capture those moments,
I'd hold them in my hand, heart, and mind,
And there would be no missing pieces left to find.

I tried so hard.
I tried so ******* hard to work everything out,
but what am I left with?
An unheard scream, a sigh, a shout.

This shouldn't have happened to you,
but it did.
The visions you saw,
The voices you heard,
The things you hid.

I'll never forget you,
The way you were.
I promise you,
I will find the cure.
"Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
 Aug 2015 Andje
Your hands
are never too small
to carry big dreams.
Dream on.
 Aug 2015 Andje
grasping over
 Aug 2015 Andje
This vacant warmth
I ******* hate it

I think I lapsed and missed my own funeral
Shrugged and felt my head roll off
But did nothing

Because what’s the point, anyway?
What’s the ******* point?
3:52am, August 10th 2015

I can't escape this feeling
that I have lost something irreplaceable,
and without name.

I keep reaching out and grasping space.

Was it stolen, lost, or never here?
Has age merely revealed this gap, or deepened it?

There was never anything here.
There was never anything here.
There was never anything here.
There was never anythinghere.
there was never anythighere
therwas neveranythign here
 Aug 2015 Andje
Kimberley Sebborn
"i adore you"
you tell me
and it shatters my heart into a thousand pieces

"i like you just isnt enough"
you tell me
and my dull bones are filled with a life we could have one day

"i miss you"
you tell me
and the void between us is stretched 8x further with every letter that echoes from your lips

I'm falling for you
i don't tell you
and the words that fall unspoken between us are left like the tracks in the dirt on the highway

untouched, unnoticed and uninterrupted
 Aug 2015 Andje
Elijah Nicholas
If our love
Is not enough
To make you
Forget about
Old lovers.

Then please leave.
 Aug 2015 Andje
rained-on parade
Just because it ended
doesn't mean you have to
set fire to what you've built.

You can just
not visit there
 Aug 2015 Andje
When your tears fell on that fire
Sizzling their last cry
It was a bitter sunrise
That I swallowed to gain some sort of balance
Too full now
Unable to tilt one way or the other
In the in between
I follow
Haunted by the taste of your smile's memory
My fingertips curve softly around pieces of paper
With your eyes gazing back
I would rather I could visit a grave
Then carry you around encased in stone
Those wishes of yours...leave me cold
Marble holds my warmth but not like flowers would
At least then I could feel you in their blossoms
Knowing that I am a nomad and love to travel, you chose to be cremated so that you could always be with me. I am regretting now that I have no extra pieces of you to bury beneath Snap Dragons who's chins I would tickle.
 Aug 2015 Andje
Bailey Lewis
 Aug 2015 Andje
Bailey Lewis
I never believed in ghosts
Until she told me to move on
I’ve been sticking to the shadows
Of the past, trying to bring to life
What once made me feel so alive
I often wonder, when love fades away
Did it ever exist in the first place
Or was it the ghost of something
That died long ago
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