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 Jul 2015 Andje
eunsung aka Silas
poetry is my remedy for apathy
strange how simple words can
cut away through my indifference

the act of creation in the written word
helps me connect to something greater than myself,
so slowly but surely my numbness subsides

poetry leads me into mystery,
where beauty can be found in
simplicity of a single moment

my mundane life flowers into
a spiritual experience,
when I flow into love and service

there is either apathy or poetry
in changing a poopy diaper,
pausing before saying a hurtful word,
and letting go the need to be right.

my life moves and quakes into new being,
and all because i let words flow in me and through me.
i am a living book bursting at the seams,
waiting to be poured out and shared.

spoken and written words break me out of isolation,
and sets me free.

two simple words cut through my apathy,
"thank you."
 Jul 2015 Andje
Duke Thompson
 Jul 2015 Andje
Duke Thompson
years of being told you were wrong
no trust left here
indifferent to most everything
it's a warm black tar pit
evolution of apathy
Seeing you standing there
A sight for blind eyes
Took me by surprise
Lies being spread
By the sadness on your face
A disguise, you're a disgrace
What you did to me
Will never be forgotten
Rotten to your core
I'm just surprised
I didn't notice it before
Don't look at me
Don't speak to me
You're dead to me
I'm glad it's over
I'm thrilled we're done
But don't you worry
I'll be sure to tell everyone
No one will ever forget
You'll be the one
With all the regrets
In my mind
Your face will be erased
And hopefully by next week
I'll forget your name
The past is behind me
Your memory is just history
Never to be repeated
I've learned my lesson
You are only breathing--
not living
Because living means--

each day
you always remind me
that i can't reach the star*

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