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 Jul 2016 Zac Mac
The Agenda.
 Jul 2016 Zac Mac
What's next? She asked
A wicked smile sliding into place

She was a viper
A wild thing
Bright eyes alert
Sinking fangs into sinking hearts
Her victims unexpecting

A (black) widow by choice
Devouring men for breakfast
What's next? She asked
Ready to strike

She had alterior motives
A variety of self serving angles
Oh, she's a killer

She's destructive in nature
Skilled at creating chaos
An unnatural disaster,
Why can't you look away?

She's your saving grace
When you're hanging from a cliff
Oh, how she loves to watch them fall!
Who's next? She pleaded
 Jan 2015 Zac Mac
Doubt is the lonely father of fear
Not a clad caped hero
Waiting to swoop in
And save the day
But a two faced killer clown
Wearing ****** crocs
With electric joy buzzer shocks
Sending surges through your veins
Sending urges that drive you insane
It may be in reason
It may be in season
But the summer heat
Can burn your feet
Under the fire of fire
Place you in stasis
As you wait to find were your space is
Letting others tell you were your place is
While they race to chase
A better life
Doubt can be better than blind
You just have to watch out
For the dangerous side of doubt
Turn detective to fix the defective
And Steer clear of the fear
That disparages hope and reason
I decided to make the cross from the bathroom to my bedroom quick.

Everyone was already sleeping so all the lights in the house were off.

As I stepped from the light to the dark I was blinded, but I knew someone else could see.

As I stood at my door a second or two to open it, I felt a presence approach.

But I rushed into my room because I'd rather not know.

I closed my door and almost locked it, then reconsidered, in case I had to get out.

My blankets and sheets were on the bed, as I had just laundered them.

I stared at the door as I made my bed, 'cause I knew something was out there.

I avoided turning my back to the door so as to not be vulnerable.

I stared at the door as I pulled the cover back and lay down.

I was turning off the light but quickly flicked my head back over, I know I heard something.

There's a wolf outside my door.
There are Wolves outside my door.
They might be feasting on the others.
I'm the only one who sleeps with the door shut.

I procrastinated turning off the light before finally accepting nothing was going to happen.

But there's still something out there, I can feel it in my spine.

There are Wolves out there waiting to consume me as soon as my eyes shut.

My flesh, my body, my soul, my entire being, my very essence, they're waiting.

I've got work tomorrow, and school as well, I have to go tomorrow.

Hell, I hate both, but if needing to go keeps me alive, I can't die now.

I'm staying awake because I want to be ready to run when the Wolves come in.

I just turned the light back on, I want to know what's around me.

But now that I think about it, I'm letting them know I'm here.

I wanted to affirm their lack of presence, but just confirmed my own.

There's Wolves,
Outside my door,
Outside my window,
Inside my closet,
Under my bed,
Inside my head,
And they won't leave,
Not until I'm dead.
 Jan 2015 Zac Mac
I find it ironic how
I'm able to create extravagant
Sentences that leave others speechless.
But when you're around
I'm the one that's at a loss for words.

 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
How-To Books
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
I buy how-to books on a lot of things
How to cook
How to clean
How to host a dinner party

I know how to love
and how to make 3 cheese lasagna
and how to remove stains
But I do not know how to hate

I wish I had a book
on how to loathe people who hurt me
Written for dummy's
or by Martha Stewart

You hurt me.
But I cant hate you.
For I don't have a book on how to be mad
at you.

And so I will never learn.
Because I will forever
and I will always
be in the wrong.
I've moved on from you but I will never move on from the victimization you put me through even if I still think it's my fault.
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
I used to think I set a fire in your eyes,
but I've learned that was just the reflection
of the one you set in mine.
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
Heavy glow; round 2 of this game.
Shameless filters seep through the frame.
Remember the time we lay on your floor?
I woke up the next morning so drowsy and sore.
Driving home, cramped in a weary state.
Gaping holes in my soul, wailing, kept me awake.
Hit or miss, it's been 2 months,
Here I am again, alone, jumping every ****.

Remember welted eyes at 2 am in the car?
Remember sitting in the booth of your favorite bar?
Remember silence at the park bench?
Remember defending him in your defense?

Gaps in the conversation and moments too.
If only the songs I listened to could scream as loud as I could to you.
Bottles were nothing but a conversation piece.
And I ache there, stifled between two sheets.
Longing to hold all of you,
For you were the glue,
That kept everything from ripping in two.

Blatant mistakes of our past,
Keep what's to be had masked.
You know its true.
Your jaded eyes kept my sky a sharper shade of blue.

I remember all the times I thought I was wrong.
I remember "*******." after I showed you that song.
I remember utter distress.
I remember removing shrapnel words from my chest after you left.  

I don't know how many times I buried myself in the dirt.
Only to be picked up by the girl in the pizza pocket shirt.
I can't recall how many times she's heard me drone.
Only to be written off with a sigh and a moan.
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
"Do I love her?"
He laughed
As if you'd just asked the bird soaring above your head
If it was flying.

"The sun rises
At the sound of her voice.
The whisper of good morning hiding
Beneath the covers."

"And sets,"
He said,
"When her eyelids close, and I can no longer see
Her smirk shining through the starlight."

"I do not love her."
He sighed
He bellowed.
"I need her."
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
Parallel Paths
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac

are the

P        P
A        A
T        T
H        H

we take,

we will **never
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