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 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
Brendan Thomas
he wants her treated like a queen, and knows someday she'll find that
he wishes he could be there to give her his shoulder,wrap his arms 'round her
and tell her that bad part of life is over..
suddenly as night falls and they fall into slumber
they're together again ,as if they'd never parted
they lean in close,his arms around her
her head against his chest,wishing for this to never end
he's wishing day would never come
that they could live in their dreams forever and not have to part ever again
she tells him she's tired and starts to weep,
he's says,it's ok baby,I know you have to go..
I don't want to she says with tears in her eyes,
he's says it's ok,we'll be together soon for even the sun can't keep them apart forever, the moon must shine at night and that's when you'll see me again......
baby? he calls,
she says I love you,as her voice starts to get farther and farther away....
he opens his eyes alone and he cries........
he'll have to wait till the moon  again shines
to see his
midnight love
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
Brett W
Every girl that wanders into my life
Is facing their her own different strife
No matter how they are in distress
I treat them like a special princess
I do my best to be compassionate
Be better continuously since we met
I put forth her emotions before mine
Then go to mine when hers are behind
However I feel like a tattered rag-doll
Used until it faces it's disastrous fall
I am constantly loved then thrown away
Not to be important anymore on any day
I'm like a brand new rechargeable battery
Used once and then dropped like gravity
I am using up energy and forgotten about
Then when it is gone, I am a pile of doubt
I treat others the way I would like to live
I serve others and give all I have to give
Yet I am still worthless after a short while
Which leaves me alone, tattered, in denial
Still thinking of a decent title. I wrote half this morning and then the rest just now. Thanks for reading
 Dec 2014 Zac Mac
Madisen Kuhn
It’s been three and a half months since we last spoke,
really spoke, not just guilty hellos
and scattered half-hearted pleas
And it’s not you, it’s never you
it’s me it’s me it’s me,
but you love
you love
you love

And my head has forgotten what it feels like,
but I know my heart is safe with you

Because you’ve never stopped chasing after me
and I’m tired of looking at my feet, telling myself
I’ll be okay without you, trying to navigate
through a thick forest at night,
pretending I don’t have matches at
my fingertips

You are the only thing
that has ever made me feel truly whole

I’m sorry I’ve kept my eyes shut so tight,
but I’m here now and I love you and I miss you

And I don’t want to keep living
like fragments of a person anymore

I’m Yours.
"If God be for you;" don't worry about the rest.  He'll give you the ability, to bring out your best.
"If God be for you;" you have no need to fear.  God will always protect you, because you are so dear.
"If God be for you;" you don't have to run and hide.  God has your physical body, right before His eyes.
"If God be for you;" He has whatever you need.  He promised to provide for you, as you would plant a seed.
"If God be for you;" you'll always come out on top.  With God on your side, He will never allow you to drop.
'If God be for you," so go and enjoy peace.  Help bring a smile to everyone, and never let it cease.
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
I'm a new writer
And I already need time away from writing
Because all I want to write about
is you

When I think about writing
When I think about poetry
You are the first and the only thing
that comes into my mind

You are poetry incarnate
You are my muse
and I need you to be not

I need time away from poetry
because I see you in every one
I said I'll stop for a while
but here I am again
including you in my writing
Writing about me not wanting to write about you

It hurts
Every time I write, it hurts
As it keeps reminding me
that I didn't get you
That in this world,
there's not a happy ending story
of you and me
 Nov 2014 Zac Mac
Zoe Principe
 Nov 2014 Zac Mac
Zoe Principe
you're different.
for some unknown reason.
when i see you
i just get this sudden urge to
joke around with you
sing duets with you
or simply just talk.
there's just something about you
that drives me to feel things
i've never felt before.
She lies awake,
Just thinking of him.
As her heart aches,
As she imagines his grin.

She looks forward to seeing that bright smile,
Like it's been forever in a day.
She likes that handsome style,
That he slays in every way.
State       of       mind
Nuclear                        vision
Conscious             to
Not all
 Nov 2014 Zac Mac
Shannon Delaney
Maybe someday
I’ll write about somebody
Who loves me back
a 10 word peom
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