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 Apr 2018 xy
new day new you
 Apr 2018 xy
people change everyday
so i vow to fall in love with you
every time the sun rises

 Apr 2018 xy
she reads books and she plays music
the cute, innocent
clumsy girl
with freckles on her cheeks

you like to read and listen to music
the cool, handsome
sweet-talking man
who likes freckles on her cheeks

[ or at least you said you did ]

she rolls her eyes at your compliments
the cautious, bright
guarded girl
with curiosity in her eyes

you lay them on thick
the certain, sharp
imprudent man
with hidden agendas on your lips

she lingers a little longer
in hopes of crossing your path throughout the day

she laughs at your jokes
and you know they're not funny

she sings for you in the car because
you like her voice

[ or at least you said you did ]

she's become good at excuses
the hopeful, naive
kind-hearted girl
with sureness in her words

you soak them up
the stark, ill-intentioned
vacant boy
with uncertainty in your voice

she gave all she had to care for you,
the smooth, clever
self-serving boy

you convinced her that you loved her

[ or at least you said you did ]
sweet nothings are just sweet nothings
 Apr 2018 xy
Sabrina Whitley
it all begins with that first kiss
simple but beautiful
love shines bright
hope shimmers through
it begins with you  
you have to want it

it has to be your very need
pushing you through deaths tunnel
keeping you safe from deaths whip lash
love saves all
remember that
death can be hard like it if you think im right
 Apr 2018 xy
a lot can happen in
f i f t e e n  d a y s

you could go on a vacation
you could get married
you could give birth
you could buy a house
you could get a new job
you could make a new friend

there's so much you can do in
f i f t e e n  d a y s

what did I do in those fifteen days?
I tried to take away my next fifteen days
and all of them thereafter.
 Apr 2018 xy
 Apr 2018 xy
Loving someone is like you're always ready to let them go. Most people tend to hold that tiny string so as not to lose the knot. We are so much afraid of losing the people we love. When in fact, it was just a mere attachment. If we love someone genuinely, set them free. It sounds like a cliche, an absolutely overused one. But, no doubt that's the bittersweet reality. Let that someone find his/her true happiness. If they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were.

Yes, we are always euphoric if we're in love. Being with someone we love is like you are living in a fantasy world that you don't want to wake up. You always feel that ecstatic, deep and profound happiness. No room for being lethargic. When you're with that person, most times you'd feel that you're lost but you're not. There's a feeling within you that you cannot fathom, that you don't want to end. But then again, there's no guarantee. We don't know what tomorrow holds.

And, to the ladies out there. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

And, to the gentlemen/man out there, please stop giving false hope. If it's really over, please tell it outright that you're not coming back anymore. No more run around. We can't continue doing this. If you must go, please do. And, I'd be glad to hold the door open for you.
 Apr 2018 xy
Light and Dark
 Apr 2018 xy
In the light, I see the faces of people,
And most are happy.
The smiling mouths, the twinkling eyes,
The joyful expressions.
People in the light can breathe freely,
Carelessly, and easily say that
Everything’s fine.
In the light, I see the normal, everyday
Procedures that comprise the world around us,
The world that we always see in the light.
I see the 9-5 workdays, smell the coffee brewing,
Hear the sweet goodnights and feel the fulfilling sleep.
In the light, no one thinks.  
No one is concerned in the light,
Everything is expected, natural, normal, the usual.
Everything’s fine.
But in the dark, I see the faces of people,
And they are tragically beautiful in their chaos,
Because in the dark they can let it go.
In the dark, no one is watching, and no one is pretending.
People in the dark think, people in the dark
Can easily say that everything is tainted,
Stained by human corruption.
In the dark, breathing is difficult,
And trying to calm your trembling takes
Superhuman strength.
The ache seeps through your bones, muscles, and nerves,
But you know the light is coming, where you
Don’t have to think and you can breathe.
But are you real in the light?
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