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Sep 2018 · 250
xy Sep 2018
My love for you is a rivers flow,
Which continues to rush in the winter snow.
Every night the moon will change its glow,
But the water will not stop or slow.
Even when the wind wont blow,
The river will not cease to go.
I say this now so you will know,
No matter how the hardships grow,
I will always love you and that is so.
Apr 2018 · 330
Your Love.
xy Apr 2018
Your love is a memory,
I’ve yet to experience something so great.
Your love was my therapy,
Now that it’s gone it’s only myself that I hate.
Your love was scaring me,
As I knew without it my life was a blank slate.
Apr 2018 · 321
xy Apr 2018
I set my boat to sail waters unknown,
Hoping the path will bring me back home.
I knew the weather was dark and frightening,
The clouds would roar and spark up lightning.
But the thought of your laughter,
Overcame the thunder.
After all of this rain,
We’ll be popping champagne.
Young and afraid but I gave you my all,
Sunken in the rain, but for you I stood tall.
Only to to finally arrive at our door,
To meet the person who could give you more.
Apr 2018 · 294
xy Apr 2018
Don’t be sad you failed,
You’re not finished when you fail,
Only when you quit.
Apr 2018 · 749
xy Apr 2018
Her eyes were like the ocean,
So blue, yet far from the emotion.
Her hair was a straw like gold,
A beautiful girl but her feet were always cold.

She brings herself down,
Like every guy that comes around.
So scared of being of being broken,
She leave all her thoughts unspoken.

If only they can see how beautiful she is,
If only they knew how clever she really is.
If only someone would show her how beautiful she is,
If only someone would tell her how clever she really is.
Mar 2018 · 345
xy Mar 2018
A sensation to which nothing can compare,
Rebel like behaviour lightens life up like a flare.
Little things which bring us solace during any crisis,
Little things that ruin us, these are all of our vices.

At the end a cigarette burns my finger tips,
And this is when my heart truly skips.
My escape is over, feels as though in a trice,
Discomforting to think we fell in love with our vice.
Mar 2018 · 470
xy Mar 2018
He was the fire that destroyed forests,
She was the water that grew the trees,
They were complete opposites,
But they could only coexist,
For she created the fuel to feed his flame,
And he would clear spaces for her work to grow,
Thus this tale of love is sadly unfortunate,
For he just wanted to be with her,
But would ruin her creations,
And she wanted him to see her work,
But she couldn’t bare losing her art.
Then one day she gave herself to him,
And as they made contact,
She put out his flame,
And he turned her to vapour.
The love which drew them together,
Destroyed them forever.
Mar 2018 · 403
Just you.
xy Mar 2018
Im so weak when you’re around me,
Im so meek ‘cause you astound me.
I can’t picture you without me,
Or me around to love thee.
Like skyline without a city,
Life’s a picture that is empty.
All I seek is you around me,
And if I cant have you I don’t want anybody.
Mar 2018 · 489
xy Mar 2018
She always showed me good music,
Yet we never got to dance.
Now I’m saving songs to show her,
Hoping some day I get the chance.

Though I loved to hear those songs,
Only her voice made me want to move my feet,
Our love was the perfect melody,
While in sync, our hearts kept the beat.
Mar 2018 · 1.2k
xy Mar 2018
I don’t know why I write these poems,
All these words are full of emotion,
Those which you will never see,
Things I want you to know,
Yet I won’t let you.
You will never read these poems,
You’ll never know my hurting,
You will never be a part of my life again,
Even though only you can fill that part.
Mar 2018 · 542
xy Mar 2018
I stare so deep in your eyes,
Lost in this world of beauty,
An extraordinary sort of beauty,
One which catches your eyes then heart,
Squeezes every last beat out,
Then consumes every emotion you have.

Though this is a horrific idea,
Those eyes capture this from many people,
Thus the canvas is lathered with pain,
But the combination of many different pains,
It is true that art is an expression of suffering,
So just imagine how glorious those eyes are.
Mar 2018 · 564
xy Mar 2018
She doesn’t love me,
And you haven’t felt love,
Let me give you a glimpse,
Of something near thereof.

Let’s pretend we’re okay,
Even though I don’t trust you,
We’ll make ourselves vulnerable,
And for tonight I’ll lust you.
Feb 2018 · 392
xy Feb 2018
I feel like I could bleed a rainbow,
For once I can sit calmly,
My thoughts will flow,
They are a gentle stream,
Yet even as a surging waterfall,
They bring me solace this once.
Perhaps I have found myself again,
Perhaps I have completely lost my mind.
Perhaps what we seldom feel,
Are the feelings we should not,
For life is little about pleasure,
More so about sacrifice.
Feb 2018 · 450
xy Feb 2018
Ive been a mess since we last spoke,
Your words would bring me solace,
My heart would race against your chest,
And your kiss would leave me breathless,
Yet my mind was a calm river,
Your presence was soothing,
Like the pitter patter of rain in the water,
Until one day you’ve had it with me,
Suddenly the rain is not so calming,
But rather a violent passionate outburst,
My mind like my heart and lungs is unrested,
And I understand now,
Why storms are named after people.
Feb 2018 · 545
xy Feb 2018
Pour your pain on my lips,
Steal the air from my lungs,
Fill the beats my heart skipped.

Stay in the emptiness that are my arms,
Because without you this emptiness is heavy,
As i gasp for air the pain puts my heart to rest,
Finishing me before life does so itself.
Feb 2018 · 717
xy Feb 2018
Roses are red,
Her eyes are too.
Flooded with tears,
And bags dark blue.

Roses are dying,
Her pupils just drown.
But now she fell asleep,
Like the petals to the ground.
Feb 2018 · 621
xy Feb 2018
You dropped me like a platter,
I was only bound to shatter.

But instead i broke in half,
I lost the half that made me full,
Now my life is half empty,
And Im a slave to time,
The days have lost their meaning,
I dont serve half a purpose,
I just wait for the next day to come,
And the then for the one after,
My life’s been torn in two,
Time and Space dont work together,
Because though time passes,
There is nothing waiting to happen,
Only another hour to pass,
Until the final hour strikes,
And i pass with it.
Dec 2017 · 294
xy Dec 2017
I miss loving you,
I can’t write a poem right now,
I miss you too much.
Nov 2017 · 444
xy Nov 2017
I told myself I was over you,
But I still can’t breathe easy when I hear your name.
I'm obviously not over you,
I used to be crazy for you now I’m going insane.

I told myself I was over you,
Meanwhile I was thinking of how much you’d love this necklace,
I'm obviously not over you,
Because I bought the necklace in the odd chance you come back.
Nov 2017 · 386
xy Nov 2017
Hitherto I had not known suffering,
You had, and you made me taste it.
Your animus emotions in the air hovering,
I held my breath but you made me face it.

You tore me to shreds,
But maybe I deserve it.
All of my lies were hanging on threads,
It was getting hard for me to preserve it.

Though I am a chronic liar,
I never lied about my feelings.
I went ahead and played with fire,
Now I’m burnt and barely breathing.
Nov 2017 · 395
xy Nov 2017
She’s pure as white,
Yet it hides her from the world,
Like a rabbit in a snowstorm,
Innocence blankets her true colours,
I always loved winter,
The idea of the world covered in white,
As if the world could wear a mask once a year and pretend to be innocent,
We indulge in the spirits of the holidays and for a little while,
Everything is okay.
Oct 2017 · 1.1k
xy Oct 2017
Your life is a clock,
I was simply an hour.
When you’d tick I would tock,
But my talk would leave you sour.

My time passed by,
Your time is running short,
But those memories won’t die,
So to them I resort.

I hope your next hour treats you better than I did.
I hope it doesn’t cower like your eye to your eyelid.
I hope it kisses you like your ears to a vinyl.
And I hope your next hour doesn’t turn to be your final.
Oct 2017 · 320
Old Roads.
xy Oct 2017
A trip down old roads.
To the house on the hill.

The roads are paved now,
No more gravel its all cement.
But the house has caved down,
The rubble echoes our sentiment.

You stand beneath the dirt and dust,
Waiting to be seen as more than a hassle.
Let me show you more than flirt and lust,
Let me rebuild a castle.
Oct 2017 · 301
xy Oct 2017
Melancholy morning,
Filled with constant mourning.
Thinking back to our memories,
I wonder why I just remember these?
You made me feel so frivolous and so,
Fragile, as a hunter slaughters doe.
And just as it's life is near the end,
It will live on to see the world again.
You took my world when you walked away,
Perhaps it’s why the skies are grey.
It rains forever, for nothing to grow,
As there is no longer a world to know.
Oct 2017 · 283
xy Oct 2017
I woke up today and brushed my teeth.
I looked out the window as I did and saw you.
Not outside but through the shy reflection.
It was dull yet I am obsequious when subject to your essence.
I saw you hugging me but never felt it.
Only the cold floor keeps me company as of the time you left.
It’s been about 1521 hours or 63 days a 9 hours.
But the minutes are still ticking and I can hear them.
They rip the air like a jet breaking the sound barrier.
The sounds resonate within me.
I absorb the time as it passes and I feel as though I age quicker.
The stress added onto my grey hairs.
Sometimes I think I see an Old man by me when I pass by the mirror.
Except he’s unhappy.
Or perhaps its the melancholy feeling of outliving your undead wife who would not marry you because you cannot tell the truth.
What truth exists for the man running from his past?
If you run fast enough will you escape your past?
Or can you leave it behind without taking a step?
What is the past?
What is the present?
Is now the present?
If it is bygone to now?
In which case you have not left since because you never came.
The awful part is I felt you then and feel you now.
Though you never were and no longer are.
These thoughts rush my mind like a train with breaks that broke.
The tracks only lead to the dead end you’re not at.
Just before I feel your arms around me, the sunlight destroys your reflection.
Now I know you’re really gone.
Oct 2017 · 397
xy Oct 2017
I took my life and tried to make you a part of it.
But you wanted to apart from it.
I remember at the start of this.
When you sold me the dream of our apartment.
I never would’ve thought you’d depart form this.
You pushed me out the window with that one last kiss.
Left me on the ground while your laughter hissed.
And now I’m just a broken man who lost his bliss.
Oct 2017 · 430
xy Oct 2017
You were broken and you wanted me to fix you.
And as I did you grew and saw the things you could do.
Never would’ve hurt you but you went ahead and broke me.
Lately all the pain I feel is in my gut from all this whiskey.
You didn’t even care to check on how I’m feeling after.
You just left and now my room resonates with all your laughter.
Now you’re moving on, I just hope he treats you right.
And if he don’t I swear I would in any other life.
The other day saw you so I turned and ran away.
All the memories just rushed me, still don’t get why you couldn’t stay.
I know that you don’t love me so please tell me why you’re lying.
I’ve never been this hurt before, are you happy that I’m dying?
Oct 2017 · 234
xy Oct 2017
A love which starts as would a bloom,
Grow and grow yet never loom.
A love you cherish, as well as groom,
A love to take down to the tomb.

A love that is a summer night,
To take thy breath beneath a starry light.
A love that fused upon first sight,
And lasted long as it grew its might.

My love for thy an autumn day,
The sun stay hid, yet children play,
And as the wind shall blow the grey,
Remember that our love will stay.

A love presented, strong and bold,
Its walls withstand the winters cold.
My love for you cannot be told,
But only show, as we grow old.
Sep 2017 · 4.7k
xy Sep 2017
I lost you in one night.
I lost myself over a year.
I can’t find the solace I had,
In being alone,
Without being sad.
It’s a feeling of melancholy,
When it used to be tranquil
For you, I acted in sheer folly,
Now I don’t know the walls that surround me.

Pity a man in familiar places who yet feels like a stranger.
Sep 2017 · 298
xy Sep 2017
She has brown eyes.
Like a rich drawbridge holding stories within.
The details like cracks of her sorrow.
A subtle beauty yet nevertheless, radiant.
Her hair is unlike straw.
But rather wool.
It’s dark, like a hazy cloud in moonlight.
The cloud of smoke in my lungs.
Like the passion in her heart.
A fathomless burning sensation.
I gasp for air as she takes my breath away.
Sep 2017 · 255
xy Sep 2017
Undress your soul.
Undress mine.
Tear everything off until we lie on top of each other with nothing to alter what makes us who we are.
After all that’s what I fell in love with.
Not your body, not your face.
But first with you, then your body.
First your voice then your lips.
First your mind then your face.
First your heart then your breast.
So please, tear me apart until you find something that’ll make you stay.
Because god knows I’ve found every reason in you.
Sep 2017 · 229
Lost Dreams.
xy Sep 2017
I never wanted to lose you.
An odd thought since you’re not a game to win.
Nor are you misplaced or perhaps you are since you belong with me but are not here right now.
You’re out of place, yet no longer feel it.
Perhaps you’re not, but were rather lost with me because you belong in someone else’s company.
Perhaps the world I dreamt for us was not one for you.
You didn’t want ideals but were concrete.
You didn’t know what you wanted.
That was concrete.
But I dared to dream because I remembered that I didn’t before I met you.
Sep 2017 · 294
xy Sep 2017
Comes to your door with tulips,
Kisses your mouth then drifts away,
Slowly down to your two lips,
Its not consent if it's just okay.

Her beautiful legs stripped of their cover,
Clothes torn off and thrown on the floor,
Is the person before you truly a lover,
Or one who will turn and call you a *****?
Sep 2017 · 243
xy Sep 2017
Those blue, blue eyes, icy blue,
Looking back as if you could warm them up.
But soon I'll forget the colour of your eyes,
and you'll forget the fire in mine
Sep 2017 · 328
xy Sep 2017
I remember watching you during movies.
As the scenes changed, the lighting acted as different filters on your face.
Each one more interesting than that before.
You were what I called beautiful.
A sunflower among roses.
No, the tallest sunflower among sunflowers.
An aesthetic sort of beauty.
Jean jacket over a yellow tee shirt kind of beauty.
But also red dress and red lips with high boots and dark eyeshadow kind of beauty.
The kind of girl you’d notice in a nice car before you notice the car.
I remember watching you pick stuff out in stores and wanting to pick you up and kiss you.
I remember wanting to fall on my knees and tell you I love you in front of everyone.
I remember every single light that shined on your face during those movies.
I remember looking at you in art galleries, trying to understand you as you tried to understand the art.
I remember looking at you and wishing you’d look at me.
But I guess we were surrounded by interesting things.
To each their own.
Sep 2017 · 227
Past Time.
xy Sep 2017
Without you, life will go on.
The rain will come and fill the pond.
The wind will blow and grass will grow.
The streets may even flood with snow.
Yes time will never cease to flow.

I won't forget your fear of lightning.
And holding you because "its frightening".
I won't stop wishing your would hair blow in my face.
And I'll crave our adventures which brought me grace.
The snow will never be as white, nor will a smile be as bright, as the one I fell for that winter night.

Yes time will pass, more than which i spent with you.
But I will live within the past.
The time which I had spent with you.
Sep 2017 · 218
Blind Beauty.
xy Sep 2017
A golden sunset, bleeding orange into the seas,
And the sight of walking under autumns trees,
The shine of a diamond, so elegant and kind,
Would only feel cold, in the hands of the blind.
Sep 2017 · 303
xy Sep 2017
She liked to draw,
Her art told stories.
Through many lines,
Released her worries.
She found no joy,
For all she drew was full of sin.
Just like a scar,
The art would lie upon her skin.

— The End —