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Oh Jesus loves you?
Bet he can't make you scream
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
You left my lips
Swollen and uneven
With your lies and empty
Moans that keeps me awake at night

As though all I need
Is a sheet of blinds
That can keep me
On my cigarette diet
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
What does one say?
Sometimes I get such a deep pain in my stomach
For missing my old life.

I was haunted, trapped
I seem to always allow myself to be caught in a cage
Man made.

I don't know how to write what I saw in my mind
To you
I guess I thought it would be easier to be kind
But all I want to do
Is forget you.
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
Damian Murphy
In trying, there is every chance you might fail.
In not, there is no chance you will ever prevail.

For if you do not take a chance or at least try
There is every chance life will just pass you by.
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
I love how you fit right in with all the poets here.
You might say you aren't an artist, but you are so wrong.
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
I have no idea who I'm talking to
When I look in the mirror
to make peace with the words I used
to make things better.
Because although you were smiling
I was screaming for answers
inside my head.
Guilt was my only feeling
When telling you
it was okay
when I was so unsure
of what was to come
And truth be told
I am still so unsure
Of this path we walk
Being someone who so prefers
to be prepared
I am terrified
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
Taylor Poole
I try to hold my tears as long as I can,
So that I can drown out the world in front of me.
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
My heart is melting
like the sun disolves
Slowly into the sea
at the end
of a long summer day
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