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 Jan 2016 y i k e s
Mary Jane
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
And if you share your love with me, a better person I will be

I had a woman but my woman left me long ago
she said,
I found another man, so I won't be needing your love no more
I said,
Please no baby, stay I need you and I’ll die if you go
she just, kissed her teeth, as she walked out, she slammed the door

I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
And if you share your love with me, a better person I will be

my heart is broken, so broken you don't want to know
For sure
and still i love her, her lovin more precious than gold
for sure
I love her so much this feeling ain’t never getting old
whoever created perfect, used her to make the mold

I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
And if you share your love with me, a better person I will be

She knows I still lover, even though she act like she don't know.
Now, I’m left here all alone, walking down this lonely road.
Been letting it take me, wherever it wants to go,
where it will end, only time can let us know.

Now, I don’t know if she will ever come back around,
all I know is that since she’s been gone, my world's came crumbling down.
And all I need is for her to love me, get me off this bottomless ground.
Without her in my world, I don’t want to see tomorrow,
I rather die, than have to face that sorrow.
I need her high,
does someone have some I can borrow?
Better to lose myself to the her,
than get lost in another bottle.

I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
For sure,
I need my love, my good love is what I need
And if you share your love with me, a better person I will be
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
we were different states of matter,
but we always had chemistry.
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
 Jan 2016 y i k e s
sometimes I see everything*
*but sometimes nothing at all
 Dec 2015 y i k e s
Chloe Zafonte
I know what you tell people , I know the things you say,I just hope that they figure out, who you really are one day
 Dec 2015 y i k e s
Johnnie Rae
Even if just for a moment,
I want to touch the most intimate
parts of your soul with my tongue
and taste what its like for you
to be with me.
When the suns light escapes your grasp and you're left to wrestle with your darkness,
The night can smile warmly, or with bared teeth.
 Dec 2015 y i k e s
You're perfect,
You don't know it yet.
You're beautiful,
You don't know it yet.

Your laugh is contagious,
You don't know it yet.
Your smile lights the entire room,
You don't know it yet.

Your soul is so young and free,
You don't know it yet.
Your personality is rare and aesthetic,
You don't know it yet.

I  F E L L   I N  L O V E  W I T H  Y O U

You don't know it yet.
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