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Sahir Bhat Feb 2018
Change your wantings and make your intentions strong
You may not be aware of your body how it works
You go to sleep or You die
Keep wanting those connections
Observe those wounders around you
You will taste the artistry moving through
Buy a single seed you can get the whole jungle?
In those forests you will taste the divine wind?
Your pure lostness needs help that's the secret call
Stay strong
Respond to every call that excites your soul
There are love dog's
Be one of them
For sure he will heal your wounded heart
Like all medicine wants is pain to cure
Dont plug your ears with the cotton of consolations
Listen to the soul music
And let the wine of loving flow into you
When my height is matched only by my age,the sage told me, 'that I will have found an ecstasy so rare,that no one will ever, have ever been there.
I count the rings as if I am a tree
but ecstasy eludes me, as I knew it would.

I could have counted grains of sand and after,started on the rice or carved upon a cuckoos egg,something very nice,just to let the cuckoo know,that we know why she builds no nest.

I have festered long enough and boiled up in the glare of a staring midday sun,it's time and time has just begun to interest me,
never mind the ecstasy, that will come as surely as the night begets the day,one day my day will arrive in all its splendour.
This is the agenda that I look towards the sky and pray for,
a gender difference in her magnificence and I would bow before this maiden,laden as I am with all these wantings in my head.

I read once in a book,
that all it took was just a look and then we're trapped,wrapped inside her spider web,carried off and eaten in her silken bed,but I would like to try it anyway,come what may my day will run before the settings of another sun and I will taste that which is fun or I will die,
in contempt and contemptuous of my inconsistency,I allude again to my search for ecstasy and is it that my eyes or indeed my body fail me,when she hails me from her sanctuary?
and I see only what I want to see,
something that the sage had been careful not to tell me,
On the tree of evolution, I am just some insects ignorant secretion and as I wait for some predetermined 'who dares wins'completion
I count again the rings.
I don't know.

Maybe the static in my head, or the heartbeat I long for everyday.

or maybe the running my legs like to do, no matter what pain they end up with.

Maybe it's my chapped lips and my oddly shaped head,

-it's like a circle wanting to turn into an oval-

What part of me is actually me though?

Music? No. Everyone loves everything.

The thing that I love, that no one else can like I do though, is Craig.

Pathetic - what makes me, me is my love that no one else can give to him.

No, no, no

there must be more to me.

But what?

The anger that shines through due to family, the scatterness of wantings that surround me,

or maybe, just maybe,

it's everything you could ever think of.

Into one.
Alabaster Archipelagos
Benevolent Beauty Beaming
Constructive Contradictive Creative Contemplations
Dante's Darling Dances Deliberating Denominatives
Effervescent Escapisms Endearingly Emerge Elusive Edens  
Fantastic Flamboyant ******* Flamed Fabulous Fiery Flickerings
Gorgeous Garden Gim'memores Gaudied Garnishing Gasps
Heavenly Hues Humming Heart's Harmonies
Immortaly Impregnated Inspired Ideals
Jessamin Jargon Jacuzzi Jams
Know-how Knacking Knurls
Light-spirited Lovers
Merge Magnificent
Naked Nocturno Nights
Omnipresent Ousia Over Odeons
Palpitations Perfect Peaks Pi Paws
Quintessential Quality Quarrels Question Quarks Quietness
Rododendron's Richameters Rescued Raw Reeling Ruby Realms
Sentient Syllabic Sapfo's Splendidly Spirited Semantics
Turning Turner's Timeless Timeless Twinklings
Unified Undulatory Unsolved Unicorns
Velvety Venice Voyages
Wanton Wantings
Xsylophone Xsantiphas
Yearnin' Yuki's Yen
Zed's Zealous Zen-it-hall Zeppelins
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Creative Poetics
Madeline Jan 2012
what poetry is:
a cacophony of tangled-up images
and slashed-to-the-bone words.
a waterfall of bitterness and
passion and
(words, just words).
a jumble of unorthodox punctuation,
and spacing,
and spelling,
a painting with verses of rainbow-colored years.
foggy-eyed venting,
bitter-mouthed shouting,
soft-hearted pleas
to the people
(hearts and love).
not-quite sentences,
half-finished ideas,
cliches and brutal originalities,
shocking in their genuine
and raw
and profoundly inspired power
(things we didn't know we were capable of).
cravings and achings and wantings and knowings and
(words, just words).
so won't you read between the lines?
it's all so much simpler

than it seems.
I want you
To take me
Here and now
I want to see
Your glorious
Face and feel
Those perfectly
Proportioned lips
Kiss mine
I want to feel them
Slip away down my neck
And make my skin rise
I want to laugh
That warm comfortable
Laugh where you kiss me
Just for my happiness
Fierce and passionate
Uncontrolled and all powerful
So I slip into it
Wanting more
Hands that roam
Passions that say
Anywhere is okay to be wild
I want you to reclaim my body
To take it and do what you please
And so I can do the same with yours
So we can weld together
Our immense love
And make it into action
After action
Of endless thrusts
And whispered
I love you's
All I want
Is you
I miss you! <3
Advanced and Belated my Greetings fare
For the Lone Star Beauty my Summons despite
Having left my Tearful Wantings despair
Then offer it to your Happiness quite
For this Independence judged by your Name
How cool are his Forceps fused into yours,
Nipped your Smile's Edge his Quintessence became
Offered once - twice - then advance into fours
As what any Wise-****** Elder would Perscribe
Since Feelings sincere broke the Munchkin's Heart
To lift as the Cross your Saviour subscribe
This One Joy liberate was yours from the Start.
Blessings indeed bill this Sacrosanct Day
Then corral your Fortunes for Candle-Light's Way.
Nik Bland Jan 2017
My regrets have taken me to place I'd have never seen
Violently away from you and past the blues, yellows, and greens
And though time has been somewhat kind, the gentle things I leave behind
Look back at me with burning eye as they seer their way into my mind

And I whisper secret words and think of you...
Andje Aug 2014
I'm getting tired of my fears
Of my wantings
Of my aims and my goals
They're always the same

I'm getting bored of everything
Of my eternal wait
Of his face
Of the thrills I'll never feel

Every beautiful thing is killing me
'Cause I'm not able to feel it

My head is full of senseless words
That fills the emptiness I'm carrying on

I don't want anything
I don't want anything

You can't hear me

I don't want
I don't
I don't cry anymore
Byron May 2013
Who knew our spirits would be so easily broke? Who knew our past loves would come crawling up our legs to meet us for dinner? who knew the joys of rhythm and melody would stand and stare us down for hours and never lead with the first move. Who knew the catacombs of my fearing mind would desecrate the innards of my only wantings. Who knows why the big ones reel in after dusk. Why did things turn out in the season of so much anger? How can one overcome any proportion of ill intention to an honest living. Where are the street-grit-fighting-fearless godsends of our time. Where are the nights of comfort among the towering plagiarisms of sonic inequities. Why am I stone in my own mirror? And how often shall I have to shave off the transgressive anachronisms of the jesting majority-unjust. Will I ever see a cannon with a name other than "jesus the king" around the barracks of quen anne burrows? I am cold and engrossed with my feelings. I am the youth's catch-all phrase for re-new-all and desperate tendencies. I am the unconscious objection to that censure of my own old crowning. The way i was held like an infant again. I mustered and mangled and derived that only in my free gliding could i roll down the soft hills of my fervent dreams. I can smell and sense the rays of jubilation i reach when drifting in tangent with the innocuous verbiage of my unbridled soul. Bringing the bleak toned honesty I once and always devote my sincerity towards. and alas my mind begins burrowed in the melting tin of bleeding doves. Not to be confused with other obscurities We Speak Wandering. Pleasant by night,
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2016

(for patty m)

"always love hearing from you,
it's like a kiss in the wind"

we are intimate
though never ever close,
but faithful closer

though our convivial roads
are uncrossed, except and accept
in the delicate pearl inlay
of our poesy path

our common way station,
where can we exchange private confidentialities
publicly, above and beyond,
the plain and ordinary everyday

from the balcony of the sixteenth floor,
I can see the horizons holding
our shared land together.

the wind blows by,
from the Atlantic crossing,
continuing on its
westward ** way

wind comes inquiring as is its wont,
as a faithful and familiar evening-tide messenger,
desirous, needy for its wantings fufillment,
to be a deliverer of
deliverances and
all kind of tidings,
sent by the
in absentia

I post a poem

the letters scatter heavenward,
no worries,
the amorphous wind,
will Oz like
reassemble them
in holy order and
brush them
across your face,
tickle the lips and eyelashes,
still moist from
missing a man who was
intimate different,
in a lifetime way

and that kiss,
that postage paid,
the meager cost
the wind receives,
for a mission well accomplished,
is transferred to you and yours
to enable you to decode
this implausibly but-all-to
devoted message
June 12, 2016
an M31 bus composition
Madeline Oct 2012
it was bursting at the seams when you held me -
and i could hear the muted thump of your heart
through the fabric of your t-shirt.
when your fingers pulled through the growing-out shortness of my hair and
your lips at my forehead -
that was when i knew it.

and when you would whisper,
"i have a secret,"
and i would look up at your shining-eyed face,
and smile, and whisper back,
"what is it?"
and you would whisper,
"i think i've told you before, but
you're beautiful."
it was bursting at the seams when i kissed you,
and the way we couldn't breathe
and the kind of want we didn't know existed.

and falling asleep with my face tucked into your chest
and your fingers brushing my hair back
from my face

and our breathing slowing

and our whispered wantings

that was when i knew it,
and soon i'll have to say it.
brandon nagley May 2015
          As I sip from this green coffee grail,
The ginger warm's me,
As it reduces mine pains of ulcerative wantings,
Tupelo Aug 2015
golden sliver, Fistfuls of skin
Such a scenic sight
Clenched sheets like prayers,
Hailed gospel to the ceiling
All was holy in the twilight,
I spoke aloud my wantings
You replied with your own,
I've fallen for eden,
Knowing the consequences
Lord have mercy
On our sinning souls
Every inch of you is a garden to me
M Clement May 2014
Pale wantings
Left lone save for slow movements
Even the mirrors lag their reflections
Even the world knows not of their presence
Yet listlessly they sit
Ghastly reflections
Awaiting something far less physical
Than you or I were ever meant
to understand.
Prompts from Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook; this one was: Ghost's reflections.
The soft wind yet breaks on my cheek,
Its frigidness does my heart keep,
Inside its breath and wantings weep,
I lost everything in the haze of sleep.
Upon a drifting willow's bark,
I spied the sights of twisting arc,
The ax that had here made its mark,
Had morosely torn the tree apart.
I found there that nothing may change,
Yet everything has something to gain,
The profit in sales of wilting and pain,
Has lead to self-proclaimed "insane."
Footprints in sand with tide washed away,
Echoes enchant the hive mind, astray
I walk only to get through wretched today,
Tomorrow holds no reason to stay.
Love contaminates the air I breath,
Infections break in my head and seethe
How does one follow this revolting creed?
I know not this virtue, it escapes me.
No folly of mine found in books of lore,
I'm not kept hero in tomes of yore,
I remember naught of all before,
And I lay down to die in the awaiting shore.
Bitter and relentless does my heart scorn,
That I wish to remove it and flesh betorn,
That my hopes may bring sickle to corn,
That I pray for mourning's distant morn.
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Moxie after a short nap,
crescive energy from the
Cream-sugared taste; Java

                                   Another minute to
                                   Waste; for this life's
                                   Not long enough.

A coy wouldst be nice,
For tis I am human,
A convive with
Scented candles,
Bare feet; none
Shoes nor sandal.

                                    I seekest contemning
                                    Not more doubts and
                                    In tears to be oceans
                                    For swimming; but
                                    Like a newborn, I
                                    Want to be rocked
                                    In one's arm's, and
                                    Fingertips touching,
                                    Two separate souls
                                    Connecting, as mine
                                    Legs cross with one,
                                    Side to side; arm to
                                    Arms. Mine hand
                                    Over ones hips,
                                    Tightly squeezing.
                                    Lips bitten a bit
                                    For kiss, a gentle
                                    Bleeding, two-
                                    Hearts beating,
                                    Becoming one
                                    Flesh, ones head
                                    Resting upon this
                                    Ancient chest. To
                                    Kiss one's forehead,
                                    And sayest (hey mine
                                    Queen), wakie wakie
                                    Mine love, tis the morn,
                                    I made thee breakfast-
                                    Toast with butter, jelly,
                                    Eggs with cheese on
                                    On top; hot coffee.
                                    Id stroke ones hair
                                   Mine fingers caress
                                   One's scalp and head.
                                  I'll just stop before I
                                 Keep going, these art
                                 Just wantings kept un-
                                 Said. I think I'll just go
                                Back to bed. I think I'll
                                Get lost in mine head.


                       © Brandon nagley
                   © Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings
Moxie- force of character
crescive- increasing, growing.
Coy- caress, strong with a hand.
convive; a gathering at which there is feasting.
Contemning- love.
Tis- it is.
Java- coffee.
Wouldst- would.
None (no) in archaic form.
Thee-, you.
Joseph Childress May 2014
Souls lit
With the intent to
Who wants
The unwanted
Essence of wantings
I've lived long enough
To break
The imaginary chains
Still young
My pains have yet
To grow to scars
The long lasting
Of dishappiness
To compliment
The complex
Ideals of discernment
The hurtment
Lies deep
Forged thoughts
On the cheap beliefs
Of peace
This arrangement
Was made
With an agreement
To never forget
The unminted conditions
Of descent
I fail often
Off ten
Bottles to
The knows
On my lack of progression
It seems to only
Fuel the aggression
By the mistakes
I take
Like second chances
Hoping one day
I can rid
My emotions
By drinking
Cups of defeat
The war is insane
Like me
There’s no where
To retreat
So that’s where
I’ll be going
The same
Is all I have
Until the next time
We meet
Though shallow
My love remains
Shades of grey cover with whispered wantings,
becomes cool breezes that stirs every winter leaf of
almost barren trees sideways, ever so brief.
A flicker of color against cheeks brushed by lashes
and kissed with freckles of mumbled promises.
Moments stolen but ours to take them
Seasons past of futures glimpsed hanging on hope.
Perchance you hold empty offerings but upon inspection
of closer sighs you hold a vessel of sentiments which
beats with rhythmic precision that is immeasurable in worth.
Parry and ****** in a dance of breaths and winds that move
time beyond possibilities like clouds atop dreams.
Ashley Barrios Jun 2014
there are so many thing i want to tell you
it's like i'm an open sky and i'm just waiting to spill constellations of light and explode ever so gently and politely into your eyes
it isn't fair you know
my life has always been a room of stark white black and grey
then you walk in and splatter colors onto my wall
then walk away
so i stare day and night at the brightness on my wall
i've never let anyone desecrate my mind in such a way
i'd always let people know to take off their shoes and remember their coats
that they were only visiting
and what's more
you never came back,
though i left rsvvp apologies and wantings at your door
most guests wouldn't dare leave a crumb
but there's a splatter of hues on my wall
and try as i might
i can't bring myself to clean it up
and it's crazy
how you never know your were living in a colorblind cell
until someone opens your eys
and then you see
the whole world's in color
and your life of rights and wrongs suddenly goes out the window
but you never came back to teach me how to walk in the light
so i'm stumbling into my own shadows and it's bright
and i'm frightened
come back
i've started dreaming in blues
come back
i'm a white canvas with a black scribble down my spine
come back
i've started bleeding in reds
come back
i'm tired of feeling in shades of you
Tupelo Oct 2015
There are so many reasons,
So many things I have to say,
All about the tender of your spine,
The way you breathe,
I love it when you whisper
to me all your wantings,
I will reply with the most
caring of skin
Maahv Z Apr 2016
I am a narrative
of my own dictionary
there's nothing i need to keep it adorned
as i rarely see much of the world
other than nature
and the beautiful smile's
warm eyes
visionary minds
people don't fascinate me
hollow mind's with greed to overcome
i let it be..
i'm not competing
to the world

it doesn't subtract me from my living
nor does it take me to its world
as i use my own words
careless and without of matter..

there's no subjection
or objection
i'm my own subject
there are dreams
I allow myself to be me
as i move here to there
one moment to other moments
i'm complete in this existence
i use words to rewrite me
when i'm removed by people
their thoughts, their wantings..

I choose not to be
as i read my own mind
I know i'm a quiet being
with no specific need.
PJ Poesy Mar 2016
Connecting night's dots of lights
I'm so often left bewildered
If I could, I surely should
Travel Milky Way unfiltered
Squishing aglow to dim although
These wantings have been pilfered
By blur of light from this night
And another man's wish differed
Star snatched crime, so sublime
Nothing and all considered
PJ Poesy Nov 2015
Connecting night's dots of lights
I'm so often left bewildered
If I could, I surely should
Travel Milky Way unfiltered
Squishing aglow to dim although
These wantings have been pilfered
By blur of light from this night
And another man's wish differed
Star snatched crime, so sublime
Nothing and all considered
Tupelo Aug 2015
It's been weeks now
The wantings have gotten the best of me
The taste of your skin so golden
Every twilight bares the thought of you
I promised myself not to give in
But that oath is long gone
So I'll retain my distance
Leave no trace behind
The path to our encounters
Remain hidden in the leaves
Nobody Jun 2018
I'm lifeless

Running out of time
Inbetween wanting and desiring nothing
Things are never easy, it comes and goes
They say life is priceless,
doesn't mean much to me
I look in the mirror and only see hate
there's nothing inside me worth wanting
nothing out here worth touching
just can't shrug off my tears
cause I've lived this life
beneath a mountain of fear

I'm nothing, nobody, and I just can't keep up
with everything everyone wants, always been a ******
I'm diseased, plagued by failed wantings
every moment passes with a bit too much haste
this life will be nothing if not in vain
I seek remedy to rivers overflowed in pain

and in the end, will I get anything I've wanted?
can't stand to live without my emotions being blunted
so I hide away in days best left unsaid,
and forgive me cause' all I'm saying is nothing worth reading,
and the entirety of whats to come,
doesn't deserve repeating.
Andi Koe Mar 2018
I saw you that day when
the end of you was the only thing in your way.
Your undulating wrinkles softened the rocks, and I caught sight
(maybe just a glimpse) of music gingerly stroking your neck,
and you were beautiful.

On the Cliffs of Moher you stood two feet calm
atop a fire you had built as a pedestal for yourself
and all your wantings.
The time was droll, playing ribbons up the backs of your knees
and as I watched you ( me, wide eyed and heart so full of wonder it hushed itself to cease to beat)
I cried.

Your stories of arms threw hyacinths to the ebbing tide,
and the breathing of the earth was left impatient.

For a moment you took to dreaming,
and your eyes filled with alabaster love.
You remembered your brother, a radiating mass of
muscle and joy; how you once vowed
to save the world together. You remembered her, your pearl,
your human nightingale with wings in her mind, how she used to steal the wind
and hold its sweet smell hostage to sing your baby lullabys.

I saw you that day.
I Saw you that day.
I saw You that day.
In your face there was a secret and I knew it to be remarkable.

The Hum of your pumping lungs set my fingertips dancing from
the Drum of your aching prayer.
The Hum of your smiling skin left me breathless and heaving through un-clenched teeth to the beat of
the Drum to your star fixed gaze.
The Hum of your words reeling through the cracks in the sky to tune the wind with
the Drum of your hands on your chest.

And in this song you moved. A manmountain in the shape of pieces.
The world lept from its axis and ran to your side. "Oh! " you cried.
"Oh, for just a lapse in the root of time. I don't care for the meaning
of it all, I only want back my rhyme!"

I was still as you dripped into the cliff. You fell
knee, knee, hands to your head and head to your feet.
In this moment you were incompletely complete.
And I saw you,
and you were beautiful.
Tupelo Sep 2015
Timid touch
Silent wantings,
Too afraid to ask,
Too numb to feel,
But the warmest
of all these months,
Were the ones
by your side
Marie Love Jan 2017
He only wants me until the mornings.
But is he really the one to blame?
As I am telling him that me laying in his bed,
For his satisfaction is okay.
Or maybe it's me?
Since, I can no longer sleep without being in his arms,
And waking up to his kisses.
Yes, they are no labels,
Lost in confusion, as to what we are,
And realizing you do not care..

So maybe,
It is not him that wants to stay, until the sun rise,
But rather me,
While I lay on his chest,
Not wanting him to leave,
As if it was a sarcarfice.
And yet I crave more than just this,
But never find the effort,
To find "this".

And yet I feel like his wantings are different from mine,
But yes I am okay with this,
And some days I am not.
But laying by his side,
Is something I cherish,
I can't deny.
And I know he lies,
And no he's not the right guy,
But why is it that when I am not laying by his side, until the morning sun rise,
I cannot sleep at night?
Medusa May 2018
it's a wanting that haunts me
nothing will do, it takes me back over
decades, and to last month, but
others float in that jar of ether

men, boys, all of them warm
like pearls on a perfect necklace
touching them against my throat
reminds me of one thousand

Acora Jul 2020
Unemboldened resolve
whispers wantings
to me
Now I hold back desire
held by blindness and inexperience
If I had any chance
I would ask, I’d confess-
Yet you
and I
end here.
I won’t trespass, and you ought not to know
how I want you.
White cherry blossom, or wistfulness...
Marshal Gebbie Jan 2024
It begins as a seraph, a wispy notion sliding surreptitiously into your awareness, building on it's impact as it flares and colours.

Gathering your attention with velvet fingers, folding your imaginings to it's focus, enlisting the bias of your rathers to the fancy of it's wantings....gradually, invasively, it occupies and rests, replete, like a fat red toad....quivering in a soft blue light of exultation.

Until, then done, it vacates to a quest anew.
Like a vanished mist...
It disapears to the nether regions of your mind.


Beautiful piece, Irinia.
Inspired by Irinia's delicatetly, magnificent little verse
labeled simply "NOTES  2".
Jayne E Nov 2019
sleepless feeds my mind slipping
elusive rest seeds as unrest unfolds
unsure footed & fraught head tripping
spiralling down wantings rabbit hole
super helix on hyper speeded axis
these thoughts find nowhere to go

I miss you in this cold night dark
I need your warm side here to lull me
the pain the pine has me fretting stark
craving to sleep beside you peace fully
I toss I turn yearning & burning

willing myself into fragments of light
and the 3am wind to lift me and carry
so I may elementally flee on the night
to my sweet loves bed with no tarry
every star is blown dark without you near

my hearts caged rhythm beats your name
as night chases dawn down to her knees
ruined by your love and it's white hot flame
a night larks song calls out across the seas
my waking fingers reach to not find you here

© J.C. 02/11/2019. 3.40am..
Buckstone Jan 2018
  devil? You here? Wanna strike a bargain?
from inside of me
one eyed
         an eyeball hanging on his necklace
sitting by the fireplace                a monster
        he worships devils
paint your face with dirt   sing the songs of Mars
I sold my soul to him. It is now stuck in his throat, between his teeth, inside his brain. It plagues him, driving him insane. So now I am waiting for all the life to leave his one green eye, and how he hates me. I tricked the trickster. He looks for me, he needs my skin
                                                                ­                      to make a coat.

                                                          ­                              believe in Kali

           for destruction is all we’ve ever known
we’ll ever know                    the rotting of a self

With my claws I will reach between those ribs and pluck that beating heart.
    Have it              I don’t need it anymore    my heart is cursed and it always rains in my head so my life is yours, what are your wantings? My master let me be your messiah for the night.
Guess who is back, yeah that's me. And I swear, that title has nothing to do with the poem (is that a poem?)
Harriet Shea Mar 2018
Poetry Of Life

Treasure Box

Open up the box of treasures, what do you find! what
do you see among your treasures! I know by now
the box cannot hardly close, it's to full of wonders
of this world and yours..

Collect these riches, they will be with you all the
days of your life, you may not realize what a
treasure box you have, it did not cost a cent,
my friend..

Your treasure box started when you were born,
each and every day something is put in it,
all your thoughts, your good deeds, each
one you made smile for awhile, each of
these are treasures...

Treasure that come from the heart, they
are priceless, no cost to you, just what
you give goes in that box of treasures,
and as your seasons pass, your box
of treasures begin to overflow..

If your don't give of yourself to another,
when it's your time to go home, your
golden treasure box may not be weighed,
it depends what we have done to fill
our treasure box..


Swing To The Music

Swing to the music, we will dance till dawns early
light, you'll show me steps I never knew, I'll show
you something I am sure you never knew, we
shall dance a dance, that shall never be for gotten
till the end of time..

Tonight is the night I shall kneel down, give
you a ring, and ask you to be my bride, I
love you more every time I see you, I need
to make you my wife sweetheart..

So tonight will be a night we shall never
forget, if you agree to be my bride, each
star will sparkle brighter, just like your
eyes my love, your my lovely flower,
flower of passion I shall call you...

This rose I give you is for my love so
deep, the rose so perfect like you are
my love, my beauty, my lovely, you
make me jump over the moon like
the cow did once upon a time..

You see, nothing is impossible when
your in love, there isn't a thing you
can 't do, you believe so much in
yourself and your deep love, it makes
you do anything even jumping over
the moon..

So tonight under the moon so bright
and full, I shall kneel and ask you
to be my loving wife till death do
us part...


Four Seasons Of Life

Spring, warm and wonderful years,
memories of greatest wonder,
touched so tenderly by the heart..

Summer, flowing graciously by,
catching each ray of light, tucking
it away, for a cloudy day..

Autumn, colors surrounding each
corner with laughter, so warm,
loving and never forgotten..

Winter, a time of never ending
beauty, building bridges, watching
many fall, building another, this
time,wisdom and understanding
is the foundation..

Collect those seasons, store
them away, they shall never
be lived again, time to be going


Dancing Free
When freedom rings within the heart,
slave we may be to mother earth, yet
we must walk among the free spirits
that make a person really free..

Don't sit around feeling you've lost out,
you haven't, your the one who chose
to stay, safe and warm away from
harm, so only prison your in, is each
fear you carry deep..

We may be in a prison to a point,
only your own true heart will make
you taste the waters that flow so
swiftly with years flying fast..

Chains must be unlocked if true
happiness will be found, or if
the key has been thrown away,
you may not care to find another
way to fly away..

Maybe thoughts of freedom
have given you another look, at how
really lonely your life would be without
the way of life you have lived for

Maybe it is to late to spread those
wings, or maybe they have been
tied to tightly to really want them to
be untied..

Oh yes, we are all prisoners, mostly
to our own emotions, if we turned
them off, we would not be imprisoned
in bars that can never be seen only
in your own lonely heart...

After years of being lonely, one seems
to greet it with open arms not really
caring if it's lonely anymore, you live,
walk, think, and stay lonely, but deep
within, you have a friend that never
lets you down...

Dreams cannot come true if they really
aren't dreams, only the dreams wanted
bad enough are the ones that become
a true reality,sometimes freedom is that
prison one puts themselves in..

Spice of life really is your desires, your
secret wantings, no one knows about
but you, most everyone die alone
with these secret thoughts never
letting anyone know,...

Ashame that dreams thought about so
many years must just die, blow away
into the wide open spaces, why live if
a person can't be free, we were never
meant to be imprisoned, that is why
God gave us a free mind to do what
we want...

He gave us his Ten commandments
to follow, rules for having
everlasting life..Free spirit, free
mind, just obey...


Touch A Heart

Touch a heart, with your smile,
light a path, when darkness
seems to dense, be a angel
to someone who needs
love for just awhile..

Be a friend, listen, you
can hear the voice of God,
he has given you a gift,
you know what it is
no need to wear a

Write your poems,
sing yout songs, let
your echos be heard,
there like thunder
in a middle of a
thunder storm..


Lady Of The Lake

This Lady of the lake shall flow
across your mind in silence,
she shall whisper in her voice
of peace how much she loves
her man so far away..

She shall come in the night
in all her glory and nestle
next to him while he sleeps,
she shall always be near,
never seeing, only feeling
her essence..

She shall kiss him oh so tenderly
as the breeze passes by, she
shall never leave his side, she
loves her man who lives so
far across the sea

There love is strong, so very
strong, they yearn to be in
each other arms, sea of
wonder and magic keeps
them so far apart..

This Lady of the lake
in all her mystic glory
shall never leave the man
she loves, he be the food
that makes her all woman,
his woman that lives so very
far away..



Emotions burn deep, catching a glance
of inner fire, savage fire burning without
release, pain, only pain..

Welded in spirit the demon force rages
forward, like a vessel tossed in the sea,
the flames burn, no ultimate healer..

Denial thick all around, comfort so very
seductive, it's easy to feel loves burning
desires, savage fire burns deeper..

Illusions die hard, when loves turns
away without a warning, truth should
be everyones friend when it come down
to love, go away false Illusion..

Dreams reinforced, collecting thoughts
from only yesterday, a perfect love gone
bad in a second of time, savage fire
burns, never shall burn out, it's useless
to pretend all never happened....

By Derena (Harriet)
© 2018 Derena(Harriet) (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2019
Poetry Of Life

Treasure Box

Open up the box of treasures, what do you find! what
do you see among your treasures! I know by now
the box can hardly close, it's too full of wonders
of this world and yours.

Collect these riches, they will be with you all the
days of your life, you may not realize what a
treasure box you have, it did not cost a cent,
my friend.

Your treasure box started when you were born,
each and every day something is put in it,
all your thoughts, your good deeds, each
one you made smile awhile, each of
these are treasures...

The treasure that comes from the heart, they
are priceless, no cost to you, just what
you give goes in that box of treasures,
and as your seasons pass, your box
of treasures begin to overflow.

If you don't give of yourself to another,
when it's your time to go home, your
golden treasure box may not be weighed,
it depends on what we have done to fill
our treasure box.


Swing To The Music

Swing to the music, we will dance till dawns early
light, you'll show me steps I never knew, I'll show
you something I am sure you never knew, we
shall dance a dance, that shall never be forgotten
till the end of time.

Tonight is the night I shall kneel down, give
you a ring, and ask you to be my bride, I
love you more every time I see you, I need
to make you my wife sweetheart.

So tonight will be a night we shall never
forget, if you agree to be my bride, each
star will sparkle brighter, just like your
eyes my love, you're my lovely flower
flower of passion I shall call you.

This rose I give you is for my love so
deep, the rose so perfectly like you are
my love, my beauty, my lovely, you
make me jump over the moon like
the cow did once upon a time.

You see, nothing is impossible when
you're in love, there isn't a thing you
can 't do, you believe so much in
yourself and your deep love, it makes
you do anything even jumping over
the moon.

So tonight under the moon so bright
and full, I shall kneel and ask you
to be my loving wife till death do
us part.


Four Seasons Of Life

Spring, warm and wonderful years,
memories of greatest wonder,
touched so tenderly by the heart.

Summer, flowing graciously by
catching each ray of light, tucking
it away, for a cloudy day.

Autumn, colors surrounding each
corner with laughter, so warm
loving and never forgotten.

Winter, a time of never-ending
beauty, building bridges, watching
many falls, building another, this
time, wisdom and understanding
is the foundation.

Collect those seasons, store
them away, they shall never
be lived again, time to be going


Dancing Free
When freedom rings within the heart
we may not be of mother earth, yet
we must walk among free spirits
making us complete among misty

Don't sit around feeling you've lost out
you haven't, you're the one who chose
to stay, safe and warm away from
harm, only prison your in, is your
doubts and fear you carry deep.

We may be in our own prison of mind
but we own our heart making our mark
within the barriers of this dimensional

Chains must be unlocked if true
happiness will be found, or if
the key has been thrown away
we may not care to find another
way to fly away.

Maybe thoughts of freedom
have given you another look, at how
really lonely your life would be without
the way of life you have lived for

Maybe it is too late to spread those
wings, or maybe they have been
tied to tightly to really want them to
be untied.

Oh yes, we are all prisoners, mostly
to our own emotions, if we turned
them off, we would not be imprisoned
in bars that can never be seen only
in your own lonely hearts.

After years of being alone, one seems
to greet it with open arms not really
caring if it's solitude you live decided to
live, walk, think, being content deep within
your beautiful world you have created for
yourself, your new journey.

Dreams cannot come true if they really
aren't dreams, only the dreams wanted
bad enough are the ones that become
a true reality, sometimes freedom is that
prison one puts themselves in.

Spice of life really is your desires, your
secret wantings, no one knows about
only you, most everyone passes on with
these secret thoughts never releasing
the to no one. We all have a little space
only we enter.

A shame that dreams dreamt so many
years must just die blowing away gloriously
in the garden of dreams, flowering peacefully
in wonderment.

Be free and wild and keep dancing till you could
dance no more..

(Capture each dream and lock it in your soul.


Touch A Heart

Touch a heart, with your smile
light a path, when darkness
seems too dense, be an angel
to someone who needs
love for just a while.

Be a friend, listen, you
can hear the voice of God
he has given you a gift
you know what it is
no need to wear a

Write your poems,
sing your songs, let
your echos heard from
afar, like thunder in a
middle of a sunny day.


Lady Of The Lake

This Lady of the lake shall flow
across your mind in silence
she shall whisper in her voice
of peace how much she loves
her man so far away.

She shall come in the night
in all her glory and nestle
next to him while he sleeps
she shall always be near
never seeing, only feeling
his essence.

She shall kiss him oh so tenderly
as the breeze passes by, she
shall never leave his side, she
loves her man who lives so
far across the sea.

There love is strong, so very
strong, they yearn to be in
each other arms, a sea of
wonder and magic keeps
them so far apart.

This Lady of the lake
in all her mystic glory
shall never leave her man
she loves, he is the food
that makes her all woman,
his woman that lives so very
far away. (Lady of the Lake)




Emotions burn deep, catching a glance
of inner fire, savage fire burning without
release, pain, only pain..

Welded-in spirit the demon force rages
forward, like a vessel tossed in the sea
flames burn, no ultimate healer.

Denial thick all around, comfort so very
seductive, it's easy to feel loves burning
desires, savage fire burns deeper..

Illusions die hard when love disappears
without a warning sign, truth should be
everyone's friend when it comes down
to love, go away false Illusion.

Dreams reinforced, collecting thoughts
from only yesterday, perfect love is gone
bad in a second of time, a savage fire
burns never shall burn out, it's useless
to pretend all never happened.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)

— The End —