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Tom Leveille Oct 2015
i don't watch home movies
hate them
reason being because
when i was young
i was looking for a movie
my mother
had recorded for me
and accidentally
put one in the vcr
that i'm not sure
i was supposed to see
i know the obvious response
"uh oh, ****"
sorry to disappoint
they were only marked with dates
on live television
montel williams asks my father
"how can you just throw
your child away like a piece of trash?"

i spend so much time
in the emergency room
that my parents stop
penciling in growth marks
on the frame
of my bedroom door
i always thought
it was because they believed
i would never grow out
of this sickness
sometimes i believe
the reason that they
never bought me a dream catcher
was because they never thought
i'd live long enough
to see them come true
i am eliminated
from a spelling bee
because i didn't know
the 'dad' is silent in 'family'
before i got into poetry
i used to do standup
none of my jokes were funny
one of the other comics
tells me my skits are dry
sometimes sad
he says "why don't you joke
about something like your family?"

so i say
"i never wore any sunblock
because i didn't want anything
to keep me from my father"

i say "what do you call christmas
without lights or heat?"

before he has a chance
to answer
i say "1997. better yet
why don't you
make like a dad and

every time we drive
past the hospital
my mother reminds me
how much it cost to save my life
like she'd rather
have her money back
she doesn't have to say
that sometimes she wishes
it was me who had died
instead of my brother
i can hear it in the way
she says "love you"
sometimes i imagine
that if i were to die
that she
would pick out a casket for a child
because she never loved
the person i became
yesterday i told my father
how close i'd been
to suicide lately
and he said
"that's my boy,
livin on the edge.."

and i can't remember
if i laughed
or cried
abcdefg1 Sep 2012
I’m built up with all the tension
Will I go into another dimension?
I’ve packed my favorite snacks
Including my only pair of slacks
I said goodbye to all my friends
I hope this wouldn’t be the end
I wish there was no rush
And I would totally love a slush
I remember to bring a weapon
It’s obviously only for protection
And a camera for my memories
My bathing suit for the sea
And my favorite winter jacket when there is a breeze
This trip better be for free
I’ll miss everyone I know
Even all my foe
I’m ready for this journey
Oh, there better be a gurney...

I hear the noise of the ship
It’s time to get on
I hear people singing a song
There is entertainment along the way
I didn’t even have to pay
Someone threw a block
I can’t believe I forgot my sunblock
I ate from a 5 star cuisine
It tastes so serene
5 hours have passed
Time went by so fast
I wonder how long this will last
The day is getting darker
And not too far away
I see some colorful lights
It was a splendid sight.

I was blinded by the lights
As I walk through the cave
There were millions of crystals
Some small some big
I might have seen some pigs
Then what amazed me the most were the people
They were taller than skyscrapers
And always smiled with glee
They ate strange exotic fruits
Then turned into brutes
There was nothing this place lacked
These apples would’ve killed Isaac
Then they led me to a hut
And brought me what looked like macadamia nuts
The place was so beautiful
I ate until I was full
Like a fat baby I slept the night away
And woke up by the bay
Wow wasn’t that a day
What else should I say?

I see a little girl
Cute as a pearl
She came from the tides
Looking for a ride
She gleams at everything I say
She even ate some hay
She imitates what I do
It’s hard to tell who’s who
I wonder why I’m here
Was I meant to have a beer?
Then it literally hit me
The little girl that I see
Was what I meant to be
I learned to have fun
Relax and say puns
Forget about all the taxes
Put away all my axes
This is why I’m here
It’s not for me to fear.

The little girl and I
Baked some pie
With maybe a few flies
Then we swam under the waterfall
And went to the mall
This lasted until fall
Now I must return
I’ll miss those exciting days
And all those scorching rays
But now I must go home
My family is there
I don’t know what to wear
They bought a big cake
All for ME and not to share
How I missed them so much
I began to lose all touch
I lived the night away
And I didn’t even have to pay
Now it is May
And I lay.
The divine walkway
To the river-side
Has began to warp in
Singing and whooping with love,
But I was in the palace
To witness the examination,

See how the evening sky
Has suffered with crimson
And delight, awaiting
The gorgeous joy of the dawn,
How can the nations
Begin this monthly journey
With a broken arm?

The old gossip proclaimed that
Mother Africa caused the
*** to burst into loud wails
Early on that faithful morning,
Whiles the companions took
No pain to grace the occasion,

Oh gosh, is that the time?
Is that an absolute
Gospel of the gory spectacle?
Indeed, we need to offer
Sacrifices of praise
To propitiate the gods,

Let the gracious protocol begin!
Mothers, please cover
That beautiful black skin
With that sunblock sheabutter cream,
And cover that gracious hips
With that piece of kente cloth,

My dear, please
Taste the sacred food
And swallow the egg also,
For sitting on a golden stool
Which stands on a precious mat,
Has become good news for the ancestors,

Now perceive this,
When the moonlight slipped
Past the curled edges
Of the shades of nature, and
The children faces gleamed,

I knew I had
Fallen victim to the sensual
Lures and snares of the
Twin towers protruding
From your glorious chest,

You have indeed kindled
The eternal flame within me,
My black eternal beauty,
You are truly
A fine African woman.

Ryan Jakes May 2014
Go grab your wetsuit
your sunblock and wax
go get a clean towel
put them all in your pack
I'll watch as the sun beams from your face
and feel the breeze stirred by your running flip-flopped feet
I'll laugh as you shout "YES" and fistpump the air
This is us.
Our thing.
Surfs up li'l dude!
Caroline E Feb 2016
If you enjoy the sun, then go outside, have fun.

Just remember that each time you go outside, wear sunblock every time

Or else you'll get burned.
*Translation: Loving people is a wonderful experience, just don't get carried off and forget about yourself. You have to protect yourself too sometimes.*

Kind of like my other poem 'Sunburn', but I still liked it.
Ironatmosphere Mar 2015
Never leave me in a place you can find
Hang up your curtains to shield me from the sun
I am your darkest secret
You better keep me in a place you can’t find
Never find me bleached from the sun
I am your darkest secret
Don’t let me rest in your head
Bury me in the ground instead
I am your darkest secret
Don’t let me ever be found
I really don't know why I wrote this or what this even is. My fingers just started typing and I let them.
LoneWolf Sep 2014
My thoughts race and race throughout my day.
I can never muster up my words I wish to say.
Though I felt fine, I can't help but long for what remains mine.
I'm on the run from the sun.
Her rays left burns as she called me a son of a gun.
Winter is around the corner and maybe she'll let me be.
It never crossed my mind that we weren't meant to be.
The beautiful sun and the little shining moon.
I hope to see your rays soon.
Halliday May 2011
You wore extra sunblock because you admired the girls in magazines
That had skin like porcelain free of any blemish or distinguishable mark
When freckles began to spread across your skin you would cry to yourself
Because you felt farther away from your idea of beauty than ever before

When you started wearing makeup to cover them up it broke my heart
Because your freckles were the first thing that I fell in love with
The way they scattered across your face like stars in the night sky
It made me feel like I was looking at something rare and extraordinary

When you said I was too good for you I thought it was just a lame excuse
I assumed you never really loved me to begin with so I decided to give up
I really wish I hadn't been too upset to look you in the eyes that day
Because if I had I would have seen the sadness and heartbreak in them
And I would have known that you really believed all of the things you said

I never forgot the girl with the freckles and a part of me never stopped loving her
Once you love somebody I think a part of you holds on forever
I wish I could tell her that every time I look at the stars I see her face
Patricia Drake Feb 2014
I stopped writing
because of the sun
I could not see the dark
and my letters
became invisible
so I stopped
and waited for clouds

And darkness crept in
through the cracks
of a fake smile hiding
the real
painful enlightenment
that truly blocked
the sun

But in the dark there were letters
like keys
to boxes of treasured light
that did not sting
or burn out
like the sun
Patricia Drake Aug 2013
...and darkness crept in
through the cracks
of a fake smile hiding
the real
painful enlightenment
that truly blocked
the sun
Patricia Drake Aug 2013
But in the dark there were letters
like keys
to boxes of treasured light
that did not sting
or burn out
like the sun
Patricia Drake Aug 2013
I stopped writing
because of the sun
I could not see the dark
and my letters
became invisible
so I stopped
and waited for clouds
Anais Vionet Jul 2022
The sun seemed to rise slowly, almost hesitantly, this morning - a yellow syrup pouring into a deep, dark blue sky. The air is hot and thick, like a low viscosity liquid. We’re going out on the boat this morning and when you have 9 passengers and crew, everyone’s toting something.

Kim and Bili have towels and a shoulder bag of sunscreen lotions and repellents, Charles has a cooler with everything needed to make breakfast omelets on the grill (the eggs have been pre-beaten, the veggies pre-chopped, the cheese grated, the meat diced).

Anna and Lisa are toting a cooler of sodas buried in ice. Leong has the “dry box” with phones, Nintendo switches, kindle readers and iPads. Leong’s rolling a luggage rack of textbooks, Sunny has a large coffee thermos, and Sophy has a bag with dry clothes for everyone.

The girls are practically running over each other in their eagerness to be last onboard because the first two get to towel the night’s condensation off everything.

I carried the lunch cooler full of Chick-fil-a sandwiches, but my main job is to check the indicators and disconnect the dockside water, drainage and electrical feeds as Charles takes the helm and begins his “preflight” before he fires up the Mercury 500-hp engines. I know we’re a “go” when he turns on the underwater lights - that’s my signal to cast off.

The engines roar to life and then purr as we slowly pull away from the dock, we girls greasing ourselves up with sunblock. The air conditioning begins to help but picking up speed is what finally breaks the hold of the oppressive heat.

As we exit the marina Charles opens-up on the throttle and that’s always a thrill. We usually ski first, before the lake gets crowded, and lounge later.

Sunny, Leong and Anna like to sit in the bow, refreshed by occasional lake spray and the wind-whipped cool. Leong likes to sit in the cabin, like Charles’ copilot while the rest of us recline on lounges facing rearward to watch the skiers.

Our summer mornings have passed like this, launching around 6 am, skiing, then swimming, studying and getting off the lake before the noontime “heat advisories” and afternoon thunderstorms.

Later, I’m relaxing in the shade, having just gotten out of the lake, and I’m on my iPad.

“What are you writing?” Anna asks.

“Oh, I write poetry and stories - mostly stories these days but there is some occasional poetic recidivism.” I say.

“You write poetry?” She repeats, as if shocked, “I didn’t think there were any poets left.”

“Well,” I say, “Most poets died, in the early flames of science, trying to prove the pen was mightier than the sword, but there are still poets around - they live in cities where they’ll try and wash your windshield if you stop at a traffic light, and they’re frequently mistaken for the homeless - or they may actually be homeless.”

“Can I read some of your writing?” She asks, after waiting through my long joke.

“Absolutely NOT.” I answer.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Recidivism: a relapse to undesirable behavior.

moto = hot
Francie Lynch Jan 2018
A sudden splash of misty whiteness
Where sterile outlines fill
With skin pink water colors,
Then the rainbows separate into distinct arcs,
Blending again at my supplication.

Shushed whispers turn my head.
I listened for whistles, songs, familiar voices;
Pleased to praise when requested, when warranted,
Advise when asked, offer silence when needed.

I felt skin on my skin,
Sunblock and creams,
Long before your hand in mine.
I have offered my hands too,
Palm to Palm.

Your scent is forever,
And can't be covered with perfumes or incense.
At the most unusual times, it hits me.
I'll turn in a line, or somewhere,
Expecting you right there.
I enter a room knowing you're near,
Here, within.
Part of my life I live in vain memory.

It's bitter sweet, this journey,
And we are the salt of the earth, our earth.
From deprivation to overload.
And I sense, with sound insight,
We can still get it right.
Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
Grains of sand fall through the cracks.
Gritty & hot between your toes.
Squishy & mushy in the salty water.
Waves crash forward one after another.
During the winter & the summer.
The rocks near the shore have seagulls.
They are waiting for the fish.
Their silent daily wish.

At the beach it was just us two.
I couldn't are anyone else there I knew.
The color of the water was green & blue.

The ghost voice speaks, but can it see?
La Jolla Cliffs is haunted.
On video tape in 2008 I recorded it's voice that taunted.
Then it said ' Ha ha, I found you".
Spooky right? It wasn't like Casper saying "boo".

It said " Ariel come closer".
It's like it chose her.

Seashells wash up on the shore.
Like little presents from the sea floor.
The relentless sun bakes your flesh.
Sunblock or sunscreen works the best.
Feeling thirsty to drink some ice water.
Under the shade from the trees just me & my daughter.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
Stay happy.
Stay safe.
Sometimes go shopping.
Sometimes it's okay to change something that is the same.

Always take your trash out daily.
Always use toothpaste & deodarant.
Always bathe & shower daily.
Always wear sunblock when near large areas of water like beaches, pools, rivers, lakes, or oceans.
Always stop at a red light or a stop sign.
Always pay your car insurance & phone bill on time
Always do your dishes daily & your laundry weekly.
Always be calm & polite.
Always wash your car every 2 weeks.

Don't trust any strangers.
Don't answer the phone without caller id.
Don't pick up hitch hikers.
Don't take rides from strangers.
Don't gamble.
Don't get drunk.
Don't breathe second hand smoke.

Never smoke around children.
Never shoplift for nothing or no one.
Never let anyone watch your children.
Never let anyone borrow money or your car.
Never call in sick to work.
Never request a day off from your job.
Never be late for your shift.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Shahrukh Zamir May 2014
My umbrellas always dressed for the occasion,
feels adorned being gripped around my thick palms,
Ironic you block out the pours  for me,
when  you're the one getting rained on,

You walk in contradictions..

The sun  looks distraught,
therapy wont cool out its raised temper,
You say you'll block out the rays  for me,
but your skins peeling from being my sunblock,

What are you blocking if you're getting hit too?

Can you at least grow the tenacity to protect yourself
while you shelter me,
Yes, I remained covered under hot colors,
but suffer watching you sacrifice,
You are such a paradox,
bruised and beaten
with sounds of your breathing running out clocks,

I just wanted us both to be safe,
Through mixed skies, I took you for granted
Now you look old and fragile,
grappling with the forecasts
while my grips felt like strangles,

Not much life in you anymore
and those weather losses turn to mourns,
mopes drip like the tears from eyes of storms  
I HANDLED you wrong,
nivek Mar 2017
one day the sky will burn
to invest your money wisely
choose sunblock.
Jude kyrie Sep 2015
She told me she loves
days of green
when soft rain falls.
yet she always
seeks shelter
when it rains.

She told me she loves
the hot hazy days of summer
when cloudless sky
and relentless sun
bake the earth
yet she covers herself
with sunblock
and sits below a shady tree
when its sunny.

She told me she loves
the feel of the wind
as it wails in the night.
yey she closes the windows
and shutters when it is windy.

That is why
I am terrified of her
for today
she told me
she loves me.
janet chavarria Aug 2015
for many years they've come to schwenksville
crowding the streets to camp on the hill.
life is brought to the Old Pool farmfields;
pitch the tents and shrug off the suit shields.

they've come to sing these grasslands alive
guarding traditions that will survive
with guitars, violins, flutes and song.
while the beat dances to the crowd strong.

for many years city people leave
their orderly days to hear minstrels weave
tales of love and loss set to music
with strummings old, new, and exotic.

over the bridge that arcs a small creek
to the concert area and seek
a good spot for a blanket hoedown;
they come from uptown, downtown, hometown.

dress is casual, sunblock crucial;
campsites range from fancy to frugal.
hand claps, toe taps, knee slaps to the beat;
musicians drum, hum, strum in the heat.

for many years the keepers of song
have come to schwenksville to play along.
with stories in their mouths and a spark
in their hearts, that burns into the dark.

in the years ahead this tradition
will survive, that will be their mission.
simple melodies and rhythms play,
the spirit of folksong will not stray.
Chloë Fuller Oct 2020
I dream with excess
As my body outside of my dreams writhes to be awake
But would I rather live in dreamland?
Where Everything is a weird flashback?
Seeing faces I tried to forgot.
Another skeleton laying on and kissing me at 8:30 am.
Fur coat lost as I saw one tree finally let go of her “mess”
chrissy who May 2016
Running through the yard
With a jar
Trying to capture the flickering
***** of light.

Laying in a bed
With my sister
And might-as-well-be-my-sister friend
Trying to be quiet
Because “Daddy’s home”
In our game of house.

Racing to the ocean
To see who could get the farthest
Before falling.
Jumping waves
That we named

Bolting around
In my pink boots
With my red 'fro.

Three stockings on Christmas
One with toys and candy
The second with practical and traditional.
The third

Catching caterpillars
Under the jungle gym

Learning to eat swiftly.
Because with a family this big
You have
To act

Wearing a shirt in the sun
To avoid that sunburn
That always turns my Irish skin
A lobster.

Building bears
Every November
On the

Sledding down a hill
Forcing your dad to ride with you
Because it’s steep
And you’re afraid
Of crashing and

Birthdays at the cabin
Everyone was always invited
Willingly or not.
Water fights
Slip and slides.

Sitting in a tree
With my best friend
Surrounded by pink
Waiting for sisters’ soccer practice to end.

Running over to their house
Always welcomed anyway.
Trivial pursuit (Disney version of course)
Blanket forts
And popcorn.

Jumping into the pile
Of freshly raked colours.
The fall always cushioned.

Even my friends' parents
Know to command me

Hurrying to Mimi’s every weekend
Warmth of love
Stomach always full
To bursting
With hot

Waiting till the last second to turn off the TV
Before leaving the house
Lest you miss the ending
Of a new episode
Of Rugrats
Hey, Arnold
Or Catdog.

Holidays at home
Surrounded by the people
You love
Care for

Running to mother
Crying when she pours the stinging liquid
On scraped

Staring at the sea
Trying desperately to see
The other side.
Feeling full

Hoping he finally got the hint
Knowing he did.
He chose

Running outside
To play in the warm soap-less shower
Bare feet
Wet hair
Wet clothes.
Wishing the gods
Would never stop

Walking to a field
With your best friend
Finding the exact center
So you can sit
And talk
Or without

Searching for hours
Through green, green fields
To find the lost
Of luck
Of hope
Amid thousand of imposters.

Struggling to understand
Why she suddenly
Doesn’t want
To talk

Snowball fights
And a whole snow family
Followed by
Hot chocolate
Hot cider
And movies.

Anticipating leaving Nana’s
Because that’s when we each got our ration
Of coated
That we always took for granted.

Grappling with the notion
Of that solution
Rather than

Tangled up in feelings
Of abandonment

Competing for the top spot
In everything I do
With no one

Basking in the summer’s warmth
Both from the sun and from your friends

Worrying about everything
From whether or not
I’ll fall off my bike
To what
The future

Sitting by the community pool
Every day.
With your

Holding on to my stubbornness
For dear life
Because it’s
What’s gotten
Me through.

Laying on a bench
Listening to the waves
Staring at the stars
Feeling as small
As a human
In a universe.

This is where I came from
Now I wonder
Where am I going?
Kate Lion Apr 2015
the suns dance around
in their orbits
picking and choosing what will revolve around them
all in their tribal costumes
nothing matches
no unified purpose
no one remembers the first dawn
curled lips and fiery gazes
their chaos absorbs through the skin of so many
but i am wearing sunblock
Anais Vionet Jul 2024
Sunsets of a thousand colors,
jumping into crystal blue waters,
yeah, school's out for summer.

At first, it’s a shock - ignoring the clock,
we’re like prisoners set free
- for a two-month party
- and no responsibilities

Ditch the books ******* - you’re my tribe
- summer’s our vibe - it’s time to slip-n-slide.

Barbeque, corn on the cob, juicy peaches,
lemonade, popsicles, hot sandy beaches,
thunderstorms, short shorts, cotton candy clouds,
let's get a little too silly and a little too loud.

Coleslaw, hotdogs, sharing French fries
Charles smokin' ribs, burgers piled high,
lounging by the pool, with friends dropping by.

Sunglasses, flip-flops, midnight walks, crop tops,
sunrise mornings, throwing frisbees in the park

Playlist DJ’n, the bare feet are tappin', we’re TikTok dancin’,
and, truth or dare, I’m seeing a couple of new romances.

Ferris wheel spinnin', funnel-cake eatin’, roller coaster screamin’,
the kettle-corn’s poppin’ for rom-com streamin’ and reality-TVing.

My mom asked, “Why are you girls all sleeping in one room?”
The answer? “Cause there ain’t no cure for the summertime snooze”

Why doesn’t someone make a sunblock perfume?

Umbrellas, watermelons, 3am dips, Taco Bell trips
and roasting marshmallows on the poolside fire-pit

Beach towels spread like butterfly wings,
hey, our tans are starting to match our bikinis!

Come on, relax, have an ice-cold martini.
We’re not doin’ nothin' - we’re makin’ memories!
nivek Aug 2015
here we all have given up on the weather forecast
wearing raincoats, hats, and wellington boots
and wasted money on sunblock cream
all par for the course this year.
The nights are getting darker and longer
fifteen minuets either end each day
which we are used to, kind of,
with autumn just around the corner
and winter hiding in her hair, this summer
this summer never really had a chance.
Jude kyrie Oct 2015
She told me she loves
days of green
when soft rain falls.
yet she always
seeks shelter
when it rains.

She told me she loves
the hot hazy days of summer
when cloudless sky
and relentless sun
bake the earth
yet she covers herself
with sunblock
and sits below a shady tree
when its sunny.

She told me she loves
the feel of the wind
as it wails in the night.
yey she closes the windows
and shutters when it is windy.

That is why
I am terrified of her
for today
she told me
she loves me.
nivek Feb 2017
Blue has turned to deepest black
speckles of fire too distant to ken
light up other worlds.
Daytime comes for far off planets
while aliens soak up the rays.
A green Sun with yellow dots
sunglasses and sunblock
a dip in a red ocean
maybe write a poem or two.

— The End —