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I see
other people's smiles,

and they sometimes
remind me of you

Or black hair
peppered with grey,

and scarves
in stripey patterns.
Stella Cleere Mar 2016
The material was stretched tight
deep furrows in the red and black
pulled across your shoulder blades so severely
but you were all soft edges.
The blunt edge of a 2B pencil
gently shadowing in the crease
where stomach met hip bones
and warm.
It was lovingly done.
a mcvicar Mar 2019
stripey girlie lost in the woods
trees fall behind you but your feet are now roots
Daphne's magick won't come running to save you
because, stripey girlie, you are too lost in your boots

pointing at little birds' tiny nests of tiny houses
hearing, not listening, to their creative social outlet
incorporating the spark into your very own eyelashes
seeing the world through another's survival handle

hear the roaring of the forest's floor as it breaks under your toes
crumble into nothingness and girlie'll be thought of no more
stripey girlie, pointy girlie, it was all your fault
'cause you couldn't hide your chip (from another machine) no more
Anto MacRuairidh Aug 2015
"Stop playing with your nuts son. You'll get them full of hairs",
Said SNL netball's most famous coach to his one and only heir.
"Pa... tell me another the Scampers won the cup"
"Another one - there is only one", he said, lifting Junior up.

"But you tell it so well", Sean Jr said with a twinkle in his eye.
He has my wiley charm thought Coach, of that I cannot lie.
Coach Sean Shortt (Shortty) was full of pride - he gave his tail a twirl,
i'm really glad we had a boy though I'd have been happy with a girl.

He cleared his throat, "we'd reached the Finals in the year of ' 78,
Folks said it was 'cause I was chief but the team that year was great!
With Sammy Strain and Sereena Skylar; best Goal Attacks I ever saw
And Skittles Sloan - Wing Defence - what she couldn't do with a ball...!"

"Oh Dad! Fast forward to quarter 4 - the most exciting part !!"
Sean Jr was tired from school that day - Bless his little squirrel heart.
"Well it was even Stevens" Coach continued "only seconds on the clock.
I thought I'd never see the end my heart ticked with every tock."

"ShingleWood Sneakers were in terrific form - they hadn't yet been beat
But we played them at their own game and we really brought the heat.
Man marking and super fitness was the key to my strategy
Fair play as well but I fought for every single foul and penalty."

"Their main man was super tall - long tail - wore a medical mask,
For fear of seeming obtuse, I thought it prudent not to ask.
He never missed, this big GA - kept scoring goal after goal after goal.
I never seen the likes of him or his skills, son - Upon my soul!"

"His crowning moment a penalty - he surely couldn't miss, I'd bet.
He didn't!! And our hearts all sank like the ball, clean through the net.
Then they Gatoraded their coach but most of the liquid went the hero's way
Revealing a painted tail - a scandal!! - whispered about still, to this day."

"A raccoon ringer! - flown from the States, with a stripey lengthy tail -
To deceive the whole of our sainted league but their wicked plan had failed.
They were disqualified - to us, the cup -  I got Freedom of the Wood.
And though we ne'er won again - those memories still feel good."

Shortty gave the lad a loving look - bed time was fast approaching
- Stories have to end some time; so with Life and so with coaching -
"And what did we learn, my only son, on that fateful glorious day -
Apart from the obvious that squirrel tails arent monochrome, they're gray."

Junior huffed a pretend sigh because he really loved this tradition
And with a proper unpretend yawn he said without sedition,
"The moral of the story is to strive through thick and thin,
No Sir, winners never cheat - and cheaters never win !!"

...and so to bed...
Previously posted on another site by me.
Sombro Dec 2014
Tell me something
Honey bee
What's the point
In you and me?
Is it to fly?
To fly so free?
Won't you tell me,
Honey bee?

Stripey black and
Yellow too,
What's the point
In me and you?
Is it the flower,
The nectar glue,
Which you find nice
And I do too?

I scratch my head
And drink my tea.
You dance your dance
And make honey.
Us two together
We know, do we
The sweet things we make
Make us sweetly free.
There's no deep meaning to this one, just a silly poem. :)
have you  seen the chipmunk climbing up a tree
with  his stripey coat as fast as fast can be
looking for his food a nut than he can chew
with his chipmunk teeth so he can bite through
jumping branch to branch an acrobat his he
a creature of the forest and a life so free
he has big long tail and stripes along his back
running up and down along the forest track
living in a burrow in the ground so deep
this where he goes when its time to sleep
Olivia Kent Jan 2015
In Auschwitz the air hung still.
The dragons are imaginary.
Once they had their fill.
The only gold fell from the fingers of those now perished chosen ones.
The birds crying relinquished flowers.
Lilies all dressed for death.
The classless funeral attire of the blue stripey pyjama death.
Now the camps be emptied.
Those passed inside be free.
Camp be closed.
All souls released, but still the sky hangs heavily.
May God please bless the free.
(C) Livvi
have you  seen the chipmunk climbing up a tree
with  his stripey coat as fast as fast can be.

looking for his food a nut than he can chew
with his chipmunk teeth so he can bite through.

jumping branch to branch an acrobat his he
a creature of the forest with a life so free.

he has big long tail and stripes along his back
running up and down along the forest track.

living in a burrow in the ground so deep
this where he goes when its time to sleep.
Donall Dempsey May 2019

It's the little things remain
shadows on your skin

memory preserves it
makes it more precious

despite its

The ephemeral
made permanent.

You all
sunlight and shadow

marking you a tiger
a stripey 5 year old.

"Rrrrr!" you roar
burning bright.

I throw my little tiger
up in the air

catch her years

The sunlight now
in teacher mode

displays an
equilateral triangle

made of
pure light.

Hear her voice of then
still telling me now

" equatorial triangle!"

And so for ever
it is.

The angle I see her from

the years come and go
and the equatorial triangle

still burns brightly
you my little girl tiger

twisting the sinews
of my heart.
Nigdaw Jul 2019
Stripey, furry, pollen coated
Buzzing summer stillness into life,
Journey of fertility from stamen to
Stamen, pollination, by-product of travail.
Sweet honey stored in citadel honeycomb
Shaped perfectly, Fibonacci sequence,
Queen factory birthing, supplying an army
Compulsory conscription, signed up for life
Common mind, common goal, calculating
Journeys to fertile meadows, returning
Debriefing to communicate flight path,
Destination situation report, until
One day dispatch signals failure
The hive is silenced, the computer
Turned off.
there was a little fox adventure bound was he
he took a little trip far across the sea
he reached the shores of africa and took a look around
went into the jungle to see what could be found
suddenly he saw a monkey in a tree
swinging  branch to branch as happy as can be
he walked a little further and saw a crocodile
with his great big teeth that almost seem to smile
then he heard a lion giving out a roar
did once did twice then again once more
he took a little rest and a little snack
sat down in the shade along the jungle track
then set off again when a zebra came insight
in his stripey colors that were black and white
fox he was so happy  with his holiday
his adventure he enjoyed in this land so faraway
Skye Marshmallow Jan 2018
Dark stripey laminate
Sits comfortably underneath us
As we paint out a million colours
Into the dimly lit air
Silent tears roll off rosy cheeks
Yet somehow they are met
By the realness of happy smiles

We talk for what feels like hours
We talk about love
We talk about hate
We talk about monsters we haven't shared before

By the end
We are floating
Feather light from the weights we have shed
We grab our hands tight together and
Fly off to the stripey duvets next door
Written about one of my favourite memories. Thank you mercury and Saturn. You mean the solor system to me. :)
On the horizon, I want to see,
four elephants marching slowly to be
joined by two zebras in stripey white coats,three stoats with hair tinted,a polar bear minted and in a sign of the times,a cavalcade of ***** that walk in straight lines.
On the horizon, I want to see
the new moon arising and setting for me,
Jupiter calling,Mars at war falling in love with his Venus and Uranus can do as it pleases, while in the lap of Saturn I map out my eyes on
what I would like to see on the horizon.
theres a bumble bee in my garden as funny chap is he
buzzing round the flowers and all around the tree
with his stripey suit as funny as can be
flying round my garden so wild and oh so free
he lands upon the flowers as gentle as can be
******* out the pollen such a sight to see
then off  he flies away back to his little nest
then he goes to sleep to have his little rest
when i was in the garden i saw a bumble bee
in his stripey suit a lovely chap was he
flying round the flowers flying all around
happy and content with his buzzing sound

buzzing round the trees and all along the plants
landed on the rose bush and did a little dance
i sat there a while and watched him having fun
then he flew away underneath the sun
Olivia Kent Dec 2014
You wear a coat of many colours.
An eccentric soul you bear.
Your colours,
they're all stripey.
You sport a baggy jumper,
all full up with holes .
It flops from your lapels.

You jangle while you're walking.
My man of jingle bells.
They match your make up and your hair,
absolutely perfectly.

Your trews all brown and baggy.
They're just a little grubby.
Attached to your fragile ankles,
with bending cycle clips.
You wear a floppy sun hat.
In the depths of winter.
You're really a rather strange one.
Sometimes seen wearing flip-flops,
in snow and ice,
I'm told.

We'll see you in a few weeks,
as on your sleigh you play.
For in a few days out to play,
nice and neat,
all dressed in red.
You'll visit us, 'twill soon be Christmas day.
Robin Carretti May 2018
All-Ziggy in--- one
He's the dockers
Let's zoom in clickers- - -
The computer meets
Mr. hackers
Deleted all my cookie's
All we need is love and crackers
Am I bookedslightly jammed jar?
Just like Romeo huh? love-scarred?
So hurried ((Agatha Christie))

Overwhelmed worded
Overboard been thrown
Inside her mystery
drunks of the

Lippy all snappy
G-Q this isn't a
book quiz

I Quit Hippety-Dippetty
Hungry Hippos
Hop(scotch) drinkers
Queen hoarder of junk
ZZZZ Tiara with *****

Zillions got jealous
Charlie of the sea
tuna fish clunky
Where is the Pasta
So Sticky (Seashells),
Bowie bow-ties Z
Man of La Mancha
Like a muzzle puzzle
Mr. Mancini
Meet musical genius

((Ziggy Stardust Wish)

Ziggy zero 000-000

The zoo-keeper Mr. Bentley
So zealous fast food
jealous and devious
Mistress of the
Agatha got tedious
Jean Jeanie magician

Music notes and
  Stripey stars Bass
Her speakeasy pass

((Breakfast at Tiffany)).....**
The Auditor of the
Audry Zig Zag
Putting on the ritz
Hip Hop Hepburn
book narrowminded
Zachery? Broad-sworded
Ziggy Star Dust
David Bowie talent to trust
The ground
to Major Tummy Zonky
And Slinky got stepped on
Over her ring pinky

Zionist Benny and the Jets
Elton John pianist hits

Zoonotic Gin and tonic
zigzag Zebra
style purse
Where are her show
Polish up my poodles
The restaurant was cursed
Zagat rating
leash she went out
hypnotic ZZzzzz's
Queen buZzzzz Twiggy
Fame whose to
Zoe her macaroni
Twist and snout Grill

Cherry blossom
Shiba Uni
Was her best thrill
his zig-zag tongue
Ziggy playing rugby
She was stretched

((Ziggy Book like Gumby))

Zonked spaced out
the Zonka truck
Theatre Dig her Dorothy
red slippers

Ziggy Stardust
Disney Pixar Flippers
Totally Rad Toto
Zoe met Joey GoGo
Felt like Chop Suey
Agatha high drama
African Queen Jungle
Dr. Suess bald eagle boss
No ******* to twinkle
The bad day of
The ringing cheering ear

Martha my dear
Never beat Beatles
Jim Carey hell of a
sleigh rideTinnitus

At the Marilyn
Millionaire bar-hop
bus stop wiggles
Some snags fishnets
  Trump it up
everyone shut up_$$$
The *******

Zillion Price tags
on the plane
The Easter basket
Just Sunny she's over easy
eggs ramble

Ziggy Scandals
Odd-couple Oscar
Trumpets Tony Randal
Zip of the lip
Miss fuss ***
She needs her

Beach Boys Truffles
Sherry baby got poison
The bed end
(All Z) initial bookmarker
The end of her sleepwear
Her backpack bad crow
eye pack
and zigzagged---///---
Ozzy Oz land
Arrowsmith dead-on
nailed it, witch
A to Zzzz's H Harrods
Her London's hair
The rock (Fritz) That's
Showeyyy biz
He's the Mantra zestier
Zoological Mixed greens
Ziggy zig-zag salad

All wormy Planet
Humming and rhyming
Wiggly but not ugly
here's to all of
you Ziggy Huggy
Ziggy Stardust Bowie is the genius I saw him in concert but this is about a funny side to comedy Robins flight stay awake because of the ZZzzzz are coming
when i was in the garden i saw a bumble bee
in his stripey suit a lovely chap was he
flying round the flowers flying all around
happy and content with his buzzing sound

buzzing round the trees and all along the plants
landed on the rose bush and did a little dance
i sat there a while and watched him having fun
then he flew away underneath the sun
theres a bumble bee in my garden as funny chap is he
buzzing round the flowers and all around the tree
with his stripey suit as funny as can be
flying round my garden so wild and oh so free
he lands upon the flowers a gentle chap is he
******* out the pollen such a sight to see
then off flies away back to his little nest
then he goes to sleep to have his little rest
there was a little fox adventure bound was he
he took a little trip far across the sea
he reached the shores of africa and took a look around
went into the jungle to see what could be found.

suddenly he saw a monkey in a tree
swinging  branch to branch as happy as can be
he walked a little further and saw a crocodile
with his great big teeth that almost seem to smile.

then he heard a lion giving out a roar
did once did twice then again once more
he took a little rest and a little snack
sat down in the shade along the jungle track.

then set off again when a zebra came insight
in his stripey colors that were black and white
fox he was so happy  with his holiday
his adventure he enjoyed in this land so faraway
when i was in the garden i saw a bumble bee
in his stripey suit a lovely chap was he
flying round the flowers flying all around
happy and content with his buzzing sound

buzzing round the trees and all along the plants
landed on the rose bush and did a little dance
i sat there a while and watched him having fun
then he flew away underneath the sun
One man Nov 2017
I will not be seen by your eye
in deep grass and striped am I
hiding not but hidden still
until I know it's time to ****

Low to ground I hold my stance
hidden from your every glance
yet I know you know I'm near
as I can smell your building fear

I choose my timing to announce
now any second I can pounce
It's far too late to keep on walking
now that stripey death is stalking

© One man
David Murphy Jan 2017
Though her case was rather heavy, you'd never have guessed by looking at her carry it. Brown leather as I recall. I remember thinking that her maroonish poncho was chosen to complement the case. It was certainly not to cater for the weather. Rain. Something which hadn't been seen for at least four days by then. As you can imagine, she was not the only one who was fashionably unprepared. I myself was fortunate enough to have worn a hat.

Men with makeshift newspaper umbrellas cursed as they rumbled by with a diagonal posture of urgency. I suspect they were displeased to say the least. She however,  seemed not to notice the rain. She stood on the platform as drop after drop it danced on her cheeks now red from the cold. She wore no make up from what I could tell. Perhaps a small amount. She was fantastically plain in appearance, not unattractive. But perfectly average. She seemed distracted. I briefly considered engaging in conversation with her but this idea was inconsiderately interrupted by the ever nearing whistle of the train that was due to cart us to Blackpool. Through the wet stripey air I could see the steam-cloud thin out and disappear to the heavens. As it approached she gave one last glance around at which point I made eye contact. She abliged me with a bashful  smile and retreated her attention back to the train.

Setting her case down by her ankle for the first time since arriving on the platform. She took two steps, larger than her regular gait.  and a third that would she her land but inches from the nose of the slowing train. I didn't scream. Or shout. To be honest I didn't know I had seen anything until the police came. Her case was filled with clothes, a hairbrush and a small mirror.

I got the next train with everyone else.
the beauty of the tiger is such a lovely sight
makes me feel so happy fills me with delight
with his stripey coat as regal as can be
roaming in the wild roaming wild and free.

hunting for his prey so he can stay alive
with his hunting skills that help him to survive
a beauty to behold such a sight to see
this creature of the wild with a life so free
Olivia Kent Aug 2015
The young woman of summer dreams.
Dark glasses, a sun hat and bright stripey shorts.
Sits under the trees, with her offspring.
The three of them together.
They're watching the colourful boats as bobbing down the stream.
The race to the sea began.
No crew to guide them.
No compass to follow, onwards they flow.
Riding little ripples.
Their hulls tickled by minnows
The children giggled as their creations flowed away.
They chuckled as they waved goodbye.
Far away from the 'hood, found something really good.
Enjoyed their day at play.
Maybe they'll make the sea, maybe they won't.

Daddy came to take them all home.
Mummy and daddy, children holding hands.
A united band, a family , cruelly missing in todays society.
today my cat had kittens there are only three
cuddled up together a lovely as can be
looking for a teet so they can have a feed
for the mothers milk something that they need

with there eyes still closed they still think its night
feeling in the dark to fill there appetite
mother she is lying in the basket too
licking all her kittens just like mothers do

one is very stripey mixed in with a grey
first one too born first one on the way
the other two are black with a touch of white
born very shortly afterwards. sometime in the night

mother she seems fine after all the strain
now her fat has gone shes nice and slim again.
Perhaps they're plugged in to some astronomical event
in any event they're plugged in to something.

Unseeing eyes looking into my eyes,
absented pupils.

I wonder what they're listening to
the end of the world?
coming to you via radio 2

Stripey pants man looks like an old paint can
splotches everywhere,
girl with a comb in her hair and I wonder if she's forgotten it's there or is it a fashion statement?

for a cross section they don't look cross,
resigned I'd say to another working day.

And because and is a handy word it's just one of those things and
it's raining.

If it wasn't for this
which I confess
I would miss
what else could I do?

Carriage 91189
I'm going through them
one at a time
in no particular order
but they all look the same to me.

At the end of the run
at the point of a gun
when it's no longer fun
this show
will close.
Trout Sep 2019
Change your numbers for the fans
Lose a game it’s not so bad
Jumping sneakers cut to the chase
Andamanda pace the pace
Fill a fill a fill a fill
Bells are ringing keep it still
Towels wringing water spills
Smelly water in my mouth
It’s addictive get it out
Give me sickness trauma now
I am listening, open your mouth
What I said was not the truth
Open laughter paints the room
Invisibility, cage and broom

My mystic operation is a chance
An aberration for a living hand
The stripey lies all correlate with tears
A goose inside my foot i want to sear.
I want to itch and pray for mom my god
It’s what she wants it’s what she wants to hog
Her box is two-dimensional inside
My instincts tell me no no no no hide
Is this the sound of mouth and spit and chew?
It wants to beat, it’s serenading you.
Right now the eyes are glaring to the key
Don’t pick it up, it leads to fantasy

Three minutes till the castle breaks my ear.
Go home. Go home. Go home.
And And And And This And That
End of sadness - Over - Time
Donall Dempsey May 2018

It's the little things remain
shadows on your skin

memory preserves it
makes it more precious

despite its

The ephemeral
made permanent.

You all
sunlight and shadow

marking you a tiger
a stripey 5 year old.

"Rrrrr!" you roar
burning bright.

I throw my little tiger
up in the air

catch her years

The sunlight now
in teacher mode

displays an
equilateral triangle

made of
pure light.

Hear her voice of then
still telling me now

" equatorial triangle!"

And so for ever
it is.

The angle I see her from

the year come and go
and the equatorial triangle

still burns brightly
you my little girl tiger

twisting the sinews
of my heart.
Tried it,
I even fried it,
have you tried it?

If there was ever a plan for a man to eat spam
they'd have found a new way to prepare it.

Reggie went Veggie and Megan went Vegan, which doesn't rhyme
because Reggie never took the time to understand what a Vegan was,

But it's all a bit 0z,
( the place, not the magazine )

I have seen it on the goggle box
witches wearing stripey socks
a talking tin can
( probably ate some of the spam)
a scarecrow
a lion?

I think it's a bit of a try on

Imagine an alcohol sea
filled with a vast quantity
'what's your poison?'
would you still hold on
to me?


but it's pray day
similar to pay day.
you don't get paid.

I wish they'd play away
on Sunday.

it's the little things
shadows on your skin

memory preserves it
makes it more precious
despite its insignificance

the ephemeral
made permanent
you all sunlight and shadow

marking you a tiger
a stripey 5 year old. . ."Rrrrr!"
you roar burning bright

I throw my little tiger
up in the air
catch her years later

the sunlight now
in teacher mode

an equilateral triangle
made of
pure light

hear her voice
of then
still telling me now

" equatorial triangle!"
and so for ever
it is

the angle
I see her from

the years come and go
and the equatorial triangle
still burns brightly

you my little girl tiger
twisting the sinews
of my heart
have you  seen the chipmunk climbing up a tree
with  his stripey coat as fast as fast can be.

looking for his food a nut than he can chew
with his chipmunk teeth so he can bite through.

jumping branch to branch an acrobat his he
a creature of the forest with a life so free.

he has big long tail and stripes along his back
running up and down along the forest track.

living in a burrow in the ground so deep
this where he goes when its time to sleep.
i love to watch the badgers roaming round at night
with there lovely coat stripey black and white
roaming wild and free  beneath the moon so bright
mother natures children the brings us such delight

i just love to watch them with there life so free
warms my heart in side wakes the soul in me
such a lovely creature roaming in the wild
a beauty to behold a mother natures child
things come together with time and patience i find
sometimes they do not
and what then?

yes curses at what is and at what came before

a true sailor will **** lemons with grit
and a parrot upon the shoulder

i used to say soldjer and cannot spell it

that has become a word here now for use
in the present time
with all the wars and conflicts

folks die

i should say killed

i imagine you a pirate, with stripey trousers
and a large black patch

on imagining things
sometimes scare myself silly

so the day begins here again and i find i
prefer cotton pillowcases so will discard
those others

they will make laundry bags for travelling

a good idea
imagine you a pirate, with stripey trousers
and a large black patch.

on imagining things
sometimes scare myself silly
Jill Tait Aug 2020
Squawking Seagulls swooping on the seashore.. now there’s s screeching sound that I absolutely adore..
scavenging the coastal lands as happy people play.. building brilliant sandcastles on a midsummer’s day

Seaside resorts are as busy as can be.. scoffing fish and chips with mushy peas for their tea.. a scattering of shops selling seaside souveniers.. caring Grandkids buying bric-a-bric for the little old dears..There is nothing nicer than a trip to the coast and if you go on the sabbath you will love a Sunday roast

So grab the stripey wind breaker and some buckets and spades.. now don’t forget to add the  suncream with everybody’s eyeshades..pack a picnic basket..sandy sandwiches are a tasty treat.. but don’t take chocolate coz it will melt in the heat.. your carboot is full to the brim.. you are off to the seaside to enjoy that swim
imagine you a pirate, with stripey trousers
and a large black patch

on imagining things
sometimes scare myself silly
theres a bee in my garden as happy as chap is he
buzzing round the flowers and all around the tree
with his stripey suit as funny as can be
flying round my garden flying wild and free

he lands upon the flowers gentle as can be
******* out the pollen such a sight to see
then off  he flies away back to his little nest
then he goes to sleep to have his little rest

— The End —