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Julie Grenness Aug 2016
Are you lonely after a divorce?
Not as lonely as you were before,
Are you ever going to 'do it' again, mate?
Yes, if you get really desperate,
Shall you ever remarry, missing it?
Yes, if you are a total *******!!!
Post trauma, post divorce,
Disenfranchised, just like before!
Feedback welcome.
andrew juma Dec 2015
the sun burns red in the west
The  lovers meet in secret
Following their hearts
in the cropping darkness

It is big and brave
For the passionate lover
He would hand it to her love tonight
Hoping that she would cherish it

Even  when he will be away
She gives him hers
Tells him "be strong and intact
Return safe my love
I will be waiting for you"

The heart,
That little body part
habouring all issues
Makes all decisions

The heart,
it strengthens the soldier
in the battle front
Singing to him songs of courage
Reminding him of his sweet love at home

Love from the heart is true  and  passionate
Its different from lust
and  is bound to last

The battle is love
Even though the war is different
He kills for love
she is the only thing in mind

She  gets broken a few times
taunted  by sociopaths
Telling her  'they will never come back"
She has waited for times and times

But the heart stands all the tests
Most of the times

The heart that
lordship of mind and body
Guides everyody

Decisions of the heart
You can trust

He thinks with the mind for tact
but nomatter what
He follows  his heart;
even though he is bruised and hurt

The mind fills him with doubt
but the heart tells him  to fight
Reminds him of heroes
and sweet love-making
Turns him to a matador

the eyes give him sight
but the heart fills him with insight
Hugging him tight
it neutralises his fright
He marches right

Into enemy territory
She is barely making through
They think she should remarry
News of fallen soldiers  devastates her heart

Man's strength is from within the heart
Courage is not from spears
Not arrows and swords...
That small body part!

Emperors and conquerors
Lovers and soldiers listen
Fathers and Mothers
They listen to the heart

He creates  devastation
Wrecking the enemy camp
As his battalion joins in
His heart moulding him
Into a hero

That small body part
Endures all in patience
As she waits
Saying its never late

...a  time of jubilation
Victory cries are heard
Those back are few
But they removed the enemy
By conviction of their hearts

He is a legend
The man after everyone's hearts
She is joyous
As she runs into his embrace

The heart
That small body part
Endured it all

A soldier's heart...
Listen to the heart.It speaks in that small voice within.
Nolan Higgins Mar 2016
When he was born his father was drunk,
his mother was doped up.
He was born three months early with double pneumonia,
but he lived.

Growing up, his father would put down the bottle
only to hit him and his mother.
For some reason, he wasn't sure, his sister and brother were spared.

His father died when he was eleven.
His father killed himself with the same pistol he killed two Japanese men with. His mother remarried, with no job, experience, or even a drivers license, she had to remarry quick.

His stepfather put down the bottle only long enough to hit him and his mother. This time, his sister and brother were not spared.

Two weeks after his seventeenth birthday, he learned to play while my guitar gently weeps on a third hand guitar his stepfather had spent a fifth of his monthly salary buying.

He made money playing guitar. He wasn't the best, no Eddie Van Halen, no Eric Clapton. He did without the flashy showmanship. He had something called dependability. He was never late for an audition, he never ****** up an audition, he never fought with his band mates.

Driving home from a gig thirteen days after his twenty second birthday, a drunk teenager in a pickup truck plowed into him at an intersection.
He spent 5 weeks in the hospital. Doped up the whole time. When they let him leave, he left with a plate in his head and a monkey on his back.

For three years he lived on the streets. He'd play his guitar on the corner by the CBGBs for change. He'd take that change and buy ******. After three years, exactly three years of this, he realized he could play guitar better sober. He stopped using.

He got an associates degree in English, a concentration in teaching.
He taught English and Beginning Guitar at the same high school he hid his bruises at years earlier. He had favorite students, how could he not? They were always hiding bruises.
Lynda Kerby Mar 2015
im not in any hurry to remarry and
i didnt mind being his wife
but i bet if she's half as insecure
possessive and
jealous as i have heard
it has got to burn her up inside.
in the beginning i was so hurt and
i would tell how my husband left me
for his step sister and
everyone would say eeew sick
but i know its not like they were raised together.  
he left me on mar 19 2012 and
i will never forget it
i got on my knees and
losing any pride and
dignity i had
i  BEGGED him to stay
but he brought his mommy with him
so i wouldnt make a scene
i asked him to at least smoke a cig with me and
he did and
i offered to give him a break
i told him the house would be spotless and
i would be whatever kind of wife he needed
but when he looked at me with sad eyes and
said please Lynda let me go,
i knew he had done enough time locked up and
i couldnt be another person to take away his freedom.  
then for 18 1/2 days i went to bed and
cried and
did not get out of bed to eat or *** or anything.
my world was turned upside down by him
fool me once shame on you, fool me
but the one thing i have known after the hurt left is that i truly want him to be happy.  
He gave me some of my all time best memories
but also gave me the worst times i had ever experienced.  
my whole family disowned me for taking him back
for almost 3 yrs,
they just now have taken me back into the family and
will speak to me.  
i will always love him,
he was the soulmate i literally spent my whole life looking for,
but it cost me a lot of heartache to be with him.  
i am not the same person as that girl he met in the bar
wearing daisy duke short shorts
pain changes people...and
i guess life is too short,
mom's die,
children go missing and
vanish with out a trace and
husbands come home in the middle of the day and
move out and
with out tell ya why and
you never see them again
Lora Lee Jun 2016
      I see
in smile-crinkled eyes
our later emotional distance
would have led
to my demise

how we reunified
awkward, then sweet
I almost didn’t recognize
              this frail man
standing by
the train station street
only when you
waved, started
limping did I understand
       And I said, "No! Wait" and
flew over to you,
a five-year- wait
for a bearhug
  so long overdue

You had forgotten your cane
in the excitement
of it all
My heart was strained
in tenderness
and worry that you
would fall

only you
could always make me
laugh uncontrollably
embarrassing me
in NY streets
   with songs and general madness
teaching me about life
on our city walks
and talks
observations made
through Second Avenue
   and Sunday parks
our secret language
           and made-up
funky creature
our "who's gonna eat
the most spicy thing"
an essential
Chinese restaurant

I cried each night
for a month
after you left the house
          thinking you left because of me
even though you and mom
explained it countless times
that this was untrue
but alas--- seven-year-olds
have their reveries
and when you did remarry-
a few years later
I grew to love her, too

My crazy-sweet
quietly loving
always open to me
never judging
How I hurt you
So unintentionally
And how finally,
in such grace,
you came back to me

are still my precious
bear hug sweet daddy
survivor of war
of car accidents
always wanting me
to meet my dreams
I think of you, now
so lonely
over there
I sit in my solitude
quietly stare

How ironic
We are again close
yet an ocean apart
a phone line's airwave
from my
        open heart

For my Dad. Love always
Your favorite song:
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
If I wore a suit and tie,
And buy you anything that you want,
Would you leave that naked man for me,
Who gave you his clothes, when you had none?

What if I gave you a ring for each finger,
But his life savings could only afford the cheapest one,
Wouldn't you just throw the ring back into cereal box where it is basically came out from?

If you passed away I would remarry,
While he'll probably sulk at your grave everyday,
But I would make your wedding dream comes true,
Would you rather do in his backyard,
With all those plants in the way?

Tell me young lady who would you chose,
Show the world what love means to you.

Choose him she should,
Choose him she didn't.

She chose a man who could give her everything,
But not love,
Of choosing a man who could give her love,
Over everything else.
Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

From Princess Esther Fatouma,
The future queen of lies and deception
Dear ALLAH Elect, the most high,
Who blessed me with the powers to cheat
My luciferous pleasure to have contact with you,
Based on the pathetic and critical condition I find mine self,
Though, it's not financial problem,
But my health you might have known
That cancer is not what to talk home about,
Though I don't know you, but your are my sweet victim
And my contact with you was not by mistake,
But by the divine favour of ALLAH the maker of I the prankster

I am married to Mr. Mohamed Sule, I love him dearly,
My husband worked with Tunisia embassy in Burkina Faso
For nine years before he died in the year 2008.
We were married for eleven years without a child.
He died after a brief illness that lasted for five days.

Since his death I decided not to remarry,
When my late husband was alive
he deposited the sum of US$ 2.2m, waaa!
Two million two hundred thousand dollars,
in a bank in Ouagadougou the capital city of Burkina Faso
It is a wonder why all this sonnetic fortune,
In west Africa Presently this money is still in bank.
He made this money available, minus chains
for exportation of Gold from Burkina Faso mining.
Recently, My Doctor told me some thing new;
I am yet to visit the land of my ancestors, my husband
That I don't have much time to live because of the cancer problem,

Having known my condition,
I decided to hand you over this money
To take care of the less-privileged people,
You will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein
I want you to take thirty Percent of the total money for your personal use
While seventy percent of the money will go to charity
  Helping the orphanage and all those that are homeless,
And I pray that you are foolish enough to provide your bank details
You would have converted yourself in to over parented orphanage.
poem on digital pranks
Imran Islam Sep 2017
I'm fine
I'm not a beauty queen
I'm just a normal woman
I'm a good person
I'm honest.

Yes I've got a boyfriend again
That's why I haven't talked to my friends
I talk to him when I can
I know what type of woman I am
I know what I can do and it's for my boyfriend
I am not with him at this moment
I have not done anything yet; He is overseas.

That's like right now I live with my ex-love
and he doesn't get what he wants.
He also wants to remarry me that ain't going to happen.
I know he loves me again but I just can't!
I don't love him.

We were married before it, ain't like he never seen me before
I don't do that with every guy just him
We started dating when I was 13
I had made love in 15 with my ex-love.

He was my first love first everything
And my first heartbreak and the first person to smash my heart
He smashed my heart that night!
He's broken my heart into pieces
He is the reason why I won't love again

But we share the only bed in the place
That's not a good thing especially when I live with him
There is no couch or another bed in his place
We sleep in the same bed. We don't do anything
Yea I do, that's when I want
If he had it his way he would never go without it
Like I said that's not much, I don't love him.

That's a long story and a very hurtful story
I don't tell people my life stories from him using them against me
I don't trust men as far as I can throw
The only friends I tell are close to me or they are important to me
My boyfriend knows that that's all who needs to know
I don't let people in my world that's how I stay safe from men.

Every guy that I left always wants me back
That's what they want, and what they get is different
That’s my life story.
Just a Life Story
authentic Sep 2017
We are destined to arrive at our graves alone so why is it that we pursue companionship so furiously with someone who will arrive at a different time? We anxiously dive into this realm of uncharted territory, hoping to find someone who will fill in our timeline with love and fancy. What I have come to learn over the years is that love is a savage and merciless emotion, a creature unyielding and untamed, yet we still chase it relentlessly.
It’s just what we do. Among all feelings, love can give you wings and revive the dead broken parts of yourself that you once thought were irreputable. Love can set your life into bloom. Love feels like spring. Sometimes. Other times though, love is malicious and malignant but we say, No, love only means well, Love has the best intentions, but is this true?
Let’s say that perhaps Love does mean well and is truly trying very hard to devise us each with a kindred spirit to bring us unbounded warmth and pleasure. However, Love is not perfect and will often miss a step or forget the formula. Love will forget to call or remarry only 6 months after the divorce.
But do we blame Love for this? How can we?
It is the most compelling passion that is granted to the human race. The one thing that can soften the savage beast. In a world full of temporary things, Love is a perpetual feeling. Love keeps us constant and alive like a compass in the dark wood.
So, as this fleeting moment that we call life presses by, we sit next to the pretty girls in class and dance with the man at your best friend’s wedding because Love is infinite. It is a relentless thirst that we will try to quench, always. It is the one thing that neither god nor any force on earth could steal from us. A right embedded into our very souls, carved into the stone walls of our minds. We will do the impossible for love.
It wires us, makes us feel safe, makes us feel crazy, makes us feel everything all at once. We would die for it. We would **** for it. Love has no limits. It is the one thing that we can take with us when we are buried. I do not know what happens when we pass over, but I take great comfort in knowing that someone will come to visit my bones and tend my flowers even after I have gone.
That is why we dive.
Jude kyrie Oct 2016

The plane was unstable
But that's what test pilots do
Work out the kinks out
It was called the Lockheed starfighter
the updated version.
The landing gear was stuck
I had started for  the airport six times but my fuel was in vapour.
No choice it landed belly up .
I saved 29 million of the country's money.
I got out of the plane they  
rushed me to hospital
That's where I got two crash landings in one day.
She was a nurse but so beautiful.
She said I got to do your vitals honey.
My vitals were already standing to attention.
She noticed but said nothing.
Just smiled.
I asked if I was due a bed bath
Still smiling she said I looked like I needed a cold shower.
She would look into it
We married six months late
I don't think in my long life I was ever happier.
My buddy was a some kind of weird science guy working on secret government projects.
I don't know why we clicked but we did.
He said your gonna **** yourself in one of those flying coffins
And I am working to bring you back.
He was right that ******* widowmaker blasted into the trees on landing
The took me to the ghospital he said he's dead.
They put me in one of he frozen contraptions a cryogenic vault way below the base.
And froze me.
Then he got killed in a lab explosion and time went by

¡the building was being demolished
But I was a popsicle in the cryogenic tube
A young construction guy found the forgoten vault.
He unfastened the tubes and gas exploded in room
The top opened
And he saw me below.
He ran screaming out to report the incident
By then the ice was melting I was awaken in a new reality
fifty years later
I got up sirens were blasting everywhere
I was naked but looked like I was when I was frozen.
I found some clothes in the lab and put them on.
When I got outside I was blinded by the California sun
Then cars were streaming by
A helicopter flying over head
Flashing neon signed everywhere it was bedlam.
I ran and ran
Then found a newspaper in the garbage
It said August 12  2016
It hit me
I was a ******* time traveler.
I was in a state of confusion
But this was a residential area.
A nice ranch bungalow was in front
I saw a big tree house for the kids
Running up the ladder I stopped and wept
Where was Jenny my house ?
I added twenty to fifty one *** ***
I still looked Twenty four.
I fell asleep
The noise awoke me it was dark.
A guy was trying to put heavy moves on the pretty lady in the kitchen she was screaming
I ran down into the house and the guy told to get lost.
I asked him to leave quietly the lady does not seem interested he went for me
But I kicked his ******* ***.
And threw him out. He had just had his *** kicked by a 74 year old geezer.
Her little boy was watching
The ******* television was the size of the movie screen
She told me she had dated this guy  months earlier but he was an *******
Sixties girls did not swear much this one had a dose of sailors mouth.
It looked like I had missed out on some smoking burning
bras ****
She let me stay couchsurfing
The kid was nice I liked him
I told him where I was from
looked at me and said you're a ****** but you helped mom.
The kid looked into some kind of spiders web on a small walkman thing no wires how did it work.h e called it an eye phone.
Then he found my buddy's address.
We phoned it was his daughter he's dead she said before I was born his lab blew up.
We went over the next day.
She said you are Jimmy right.
I said yes
I told her I lost my wife jenny the love of my life.
I lost her by sort of dying myself.
She smiled No she's alive.
She gave me a book it had my buddy's neat handwriting in it.
If for any reason I get disabled and Jimmy shows give him this.
It told me of his secret experiments in cryonics.
Then it dropped the bombshell.
Ageing cannot be reversed.
You will get to the age you should be in  days after reanimation.
I looked at my hands they were getting ******* liver spots.
My hair was turning grey.
I could carry groceries in the bags forming under my eyes.
I did not have time to waste.
I had a four hundred miles trip ahead.
I caught the bus to Seattle then took a car to the ocean
Her house was on a hill
It was windy I was out of breath just getting to it from the road
I felt weak and old I think I am going to die before I get there.
Then I was at the front door just a few more steps
And I would see her once more.
The bell of course ..I rang the bell
No answer the house was silent.
I fell to my knees weeping like a child.
I was too late
But then a beautiful older lady appeared behind me.
I recognised her eyes and that smile.
She dropped a basket of cut flowers onto the floor
Oh my god she gasped ...Jimmy?
Yes Jenny it's me
She held me close and we embraced.
Oh I have dreamt of your return she said.
We kissed again
Some passions defy age and time.

A year later

She made me remarry her to renew my vows
You might have forgotten your old ones she reasoned.
The person that gave her away to me
Was a beautiful lady about 49 years old
She kissed us both
Wishing us a life of joy.
I love you mom
And you too daddy
It was Alice my beautiful daughter.
Who introduced me to my granddaughter Jane.
And my great granddaughter.
Of nine months old Abby.
Who capped of the whole event
With her first half word
Gan Gan.
Awww love warms even the frozen heart
Guy Furniture May 2016
I just wanted to let you know,
That I want us to last forever,
I want to make those lists we said we were going to make,
But I don't want to just have fun making the lists with you,
I want to have fun doing every single thing on every single list,
I want to continue our little game of musical tag,
Where we send each other songs to listen to,
But each song has meaning,
And each song represents our feelings,
Towards one another,
Like when you sent me that one song ;)
But of course only you would get that hint,
I want to ask you about the significance in each song,
And I want you to ask me why I chose that song,
I want us to stay together,
Every hardship,
Every fight,
Every moment,
Every year,
Every second...
Of our lives,
I want to love you,
And I want you to love me,
I want to be there for you,
And for you to be there for me,
Just me,
And you,
I want to fight,
For you,
For me,
For us,
I want to create new memories,
With you,
And remember those memories throughout our lives,
I want to be the couple who makes it,
Never get divorced,
Never have to remarry,
Never have to forget,
About one another,
Because I love you,
And I want to be with you,
And I know it gets hard,
Things get rough,
But we can make it,
I'll be there for you,
And you'll be there for me,
Despite all odds,
We can do it,
Because after all,
We're perfect together,
For each other,

For us
beforeiamgone Nov 2015
you are a gift.
i would really like it if you were here.
like everyday all the time
although i cant promise i m so good enough
to be saying it all the time
but it feels good to be thinking of that
it would be nice, really
we could go places, i could go alone
but i need to go with you i think
and we should try marriage
maybe even divorce
and remarry
the point is, let's have each other
facing each other
behind each other
in front of each other
next to each other
i like solitude but i like being with you
and i know we could have been
and we could be great
so i just thought i should say
really, it is beautiful
really, it is.
i think i love you in that very peaceful way
it feels like rain and coffee and breeze in my hair
and the rustle of leaves and so much and so many
i think i love you and i feel that way when i do
it is nice, you are too...
I am lonely and broken hearted and all I need is apology from you. They say you can die from a broken heart and words hit harder than a nail.  It is true the scientific evidence is out there and you want to believe you can make it as a singer or musicican over at, and you have no verifable work history August 2012. You hatch onto  women via and tell them tall tales. Your church of Christ will get wind of all your lies.I am lonely I have done nothing but atleast I can remarry in my church whereas; you can not.
Don Bouchard Feb 2018
Some men pine away,
Others pick themselves up, grieving
To shake themselves as if to say,
"That chapter now is ending,
And I must on my way"?

One man mourns her loss as though
The universe is ending;
Drowns himself in alcohol,
Defeated, hopeless, misery unending.

Another plunges into work,
You'd never know an inner ache
Had driven him berserk;
We watch to see a crack or break,
But nothing seems to lurk.

Another builds a monument so fine,
Resurrects her beauty high above
Whatever glory she had once refined...
No ending to his paeans of love.

Other men find loneliness intolerable,
Run off in search of other loves to fill the void,
Besmirch her memories ineffable,
Remarry only to become annoyed.

"Most men must suffer when alone":
A rule to write on stone eternal,
While human love is flesh and bone,
Romantic love transcends supernal.
Thinking and observing....
Jude kyrie Sep 2019
Threre is a time for paris
It is not today with its updated tempo.
It is when life was new
Full of first
First freedoms
First kisses
First loves
There can never be another first love.

I sit here on this spring day
Just as i did so very many
Years ago.
The warm sunlight of the old city
Reflecta on the river seine
Just as it did back then
When I found her.

She saw me holding my easil
My pallette in my hand.
So young so innocent
Have you eaten she whispered
In he soft french accent.
As beautiful to my ears as the chiming of church bells

I suppose my thin build and gaunt face cried out starving artist.
No mam'selle i answered
Not for a while i must finish
My paintings to sell them.

She touched my hair way too long and overdue for a cut
She lifted it from my face
You are so beautiful she purred
As my heart fell into her hands

She took me back to her flat
A small place over a cafe in montmartre.
I ate bread and cheese and coffee.
And fell asleep
When i awoke she kissed me
Come to me she said I will take care of ypu.
I finished my first six paintings and in between painted her portrait .
I think it is the best work I had ever done
Before or since.
Americans came to buy my art and wanted to buy her portrait i refused to sell it.
It is part of me i explained
It contains the best of my heart.
At night she would sing at the cafe and collected tips from the patrons
But she would not sing la vie en rose until i came down to to rest from my artwork.

It is my gift to my lover she explained to the tourist who requested it of her.  .

Then she would touch my hair
And sing the old french ballad
I fell in love with her so hard
So very hard.
When our daughter was born
I think I was the happiest man alive.
Michelle meet your papa she sang.
It waa four years later the sickness came.
She smiled and said she would be just fine in a week or two.
But i knew…..i knew.

Forty years later
I sit as I do each year on this day in the springtime at the spot where we met.

My lovely daughter Michelle
Comes to pick me up with her daughter my grandaughter
Named Annie just like my love.
Dad she said come on home
Its chilly here by the river.

My grandaughter ask of me
For the thousandth time
Grandpere why did you never remarry even after all those years.
I tpuch her pretty face so full of first times to come.

I Smile and say
Because you only get one first love nothing else can compare ma petite.

Back at my flat over the old cafe her portrait hangs over the fireplace.
And down below among the tourist in the cafe
A beautiful voice is singing
La vie en rose
And I know it is for me.
Ahhh i get so emotional
When i hear
La vie en rose
And i just played it
So i wrote this
Butch Decatoria Feb 2017
Man drowns in a pool
    On the roof--a penthouse suite
    Flew too high to swim.

Few laugh at bad news
Most weep at delivery:
Storks at the stirrups.

Two who're divorced
Remarry on the same day,
Their annivers'ry.
Veronica clark Sep 2019
I don't need the world in the palm of my hand
I don't need my own house or even my own land
I don't need any monetary thing or two
I dont need these to say I love you

I don't need a fancy car or even jet pack
I don't need any tea set or knick knack
I don't need any of them it's true
These aren't the things that made me say I do

I need your heart, your warming smile
I need your hope when mine is gone for a while
I need you to have and to hold
Because of these things I want to keep you, hold you til I am old.

We may have started off a little as friends
Now your a beat in my heart of new trends
Even as time fades and dies as it should
I would remarry you every day if I could.
Mind, body, heart , soul
Love, hope, guidence ten fold
sunday Dec 2019
She left us a cookbook before heading down South-
I don't know why, we don't know how to cook
nor was her cooking ever good,
so it's hard to say if we can even trust this book

"A Gentleman's Essentials in the Kitchen"

My brothers and I (three of us) were in a diner,
debating on what to do-
after Mom left the funeral we were forced to
acknowledge each other for the first time in years

1 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup butter, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup milk

She did not remarry after the divorce,
so I think she probably took it hard coming to Dad's
"Life Celebration"
She probably had some lingering love for him
But I don't know, it is the first time I've seen her in 17 years

1 1/2 cup of flour, 1 3/4 teaspoons of baking powder

I hear my older brothers arguing over the logistics of the funeral,
how cheap it was, how weak the amount of attendees was,
how smelly the reception was, how shaky the transitions were,
how sad they were, how mad they were,
how defeated I was

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and grease and flour a large pan

Dad never spoke to Mom (not that I know of) since they split-
I don't think there was anyway he could ever see her face without
falling down crying over her mistakes/
I can still smell her putrid odor walking through the front door 17 years ago
I can still hear them yelling knives, gravely ripping through the air with arguments and deflections through many rooms 17 years ago
I can still feel the spike of pain and blood running down my face by "motherly" hands 17 years ago

Cream the sugar and butter, beat the eggs, and stir the milk in

He wasn't a good dad, he was just objectively better than Mom
He remembered our birthdays, but never got us a cake-
I think he tried to bake one for my 10th birthday, but
all I remember is him taking off his oven mitts and taking us to
saying, "You can get a happy meal today, the rest of y'all, pick from the dollar menu- or share a 2 for $5 with me"/
Mom always baked us a cake
My brothers used to love my birthdays when I was a baby because she would still bake a cake, even when I can't eat it
For my 7th birthday, it was a simple white cake

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven

Why did she even come this weekend? She had nothing to do with Dad's life for years. He was fine where he was, and so was I, and so were my brothers, and probably so was she. Is it a social obligation to go to your ex-husband's funeral? Is it a social obligation to divorce after abuse? Nobody forced them to do anything. I was forced all my life to go there, move there, eat there, study there- but all the freedom lies on my stupid parents. She can leave whenever she wants and it's just me and my brothers arguing and picking up the pieces. She leaves a book and is it supposed to mean something? Is she going to bake 17 awful white cakes from all the years she decided to frolic in the grass and hide from my scars? Is the book a symbol of her love or a ****** way of saying sorry in a poetic manner?

Take it back. I said I didn't need it. Exchange it for a real apology. I don't even want to exchange it for my Dad's life, just say something  meaningful Mom, don't hide behind a ******* book.

Just stand up for something righteous. I can't breathe your unapologetic air that we shared.

I felt a tear drop onto the page of the book that was open on my lap. It was the first time I cried the whole weekend. That single tear had been crawling its way through the trenches of my depressed visual vessels only to be dropped off by gravity onto a recipe for a white cake.

The cake is done when it springs back to the touch

I sink back into my chair being pulled and gravitated towards the floor, exhausted and learned
Yay new prompt
Eric the Red Feb 2018
High School
First love
He cheats
Settled for lovers
Move in
Work, Sleep, Get Up
Repeat X20 Years
Work, Sleep, Get Up
X5 Years
Old Knees
Worry About Work on Vacation
She Cheats
** Hum
X3 Years
Buried Parents
Not Paying Attention
Near Death Experience
‘I love you My Children...’
Quits Job
Plane Ticket
‘IHaveToDoThis! IDontKnowWhyButIJustDo!’
Freezes to Death at
28,000 Feet
Michael Perry Nov 2021

my father was a young man when
my mother died suddenly, both
families encouraged him time
and again saying, he was young
he needed a wife, his boys needed
a mother, after  awhile, he took their
advice and my father did remarry, for
better or worse he was ready to move on-
what of my mother, would  she have been
given the same advice? if the circumstances
had been reversed-  probably not, they would
have said, tend to your children, and tend to
your husbands grave, be a dutiful wife
you do not need to be married again, so she
would have poured herself into her duties, raising us
as best she could, and she would have continued
being the grieving wife, for as long as it took
until it was her turn to die, doing everything she
could to make his lasting repose;  her life's work
like a good wife if the situation had been reversed, she
would have accepted her circumstances; not changing a thing
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
The music stepped aside,
  as the words cut in to dance

Painting the floor red
  in lettered steps of eternity

To a song now consonant
  in verses of celebration

Thoughts and feelings remarry
—in patterns of remembrance

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Clarkia Jun 2021
From the moment
My husband hung
From his noose
It was apparent
Will never be loved
Will never remarry
Will always
Just be me, alone
Worthy of love
But unable to obtain it
Why do I love you now
Another unobtainable
Shattered dream
No reason
I just can't have it

— The End —