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MonkeyZazu Nov 2013
I'm lost in the jungle. It's so dense and vast.
Makes me wonder if I'll ever get out.
I keep moving forward, trying to escape.
It's no use though. The darkenss misleads me.
Continuously in circles I wander.

It's so hard to move. The vines engulf me.  
Tangled in them I struggle.
If only I had a blade, a machete of some sort.
Something to free me, detach me,
let me flow through this jungle as the river does.    
Constricted, alone with my discomfort,
I deal with the vines myself. Embrace them, natural and bare.
It's hard. Feels almost impossible.  
But on my own, by myself, of my own will, I sever them.  
A subtle gratitude is felt. A sense of accomplishment expereinced.

Glimmers of light sparkle through the canopy. A path emerges.
It was obscured in the shadows of the vines.
On this path the jungle feels so different.
Observing the trees and creatures,
There's a calmness, a peaceful harmony.
The path leads to a peak. At that summit I gaze the treetops.
Shining radience touches everything. Many paths lead to this peak.    
Seeing the jungle as it really is, I ponder. A realization is had.
No matter where in the jungle I am, the sun is always shining.
Whether I can see it or not, a pathway out is always there.

Within the jungle I was lost.
Above the jungle I am found.
This poem goes out to anyone experiencing depression. Hopefully you can break free from the mental obstacles(vines) of that mindset and find the way out.
Poetic T Jun 2017
radience glistens
extinguished before our birth

echo's light the past
Cailey Weaver Mar 2014
Sunlight filters through my window
I feel the warmth of sun rays' touch
It helps me know, it helps me see
Just why I love my life so much
It's so hard to find the happiness in life these days.
Especially with everything that goes on.
Sometimes it takes those little beautiful moments to help you remember why life is really worth living.
Heather Moon Mar 2015
Hands that hold to speak
quiver in this moonlight
awaiting slipping moments peak
to cry to the heart
Trembling its darkened dawns
dusting away at the pieces
of myself that have been
left to the wind.

Emptied caskets
fill the spaces of
energetic flesh
on my breast
Gashed and still
in this wippity whimperous moment.
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me when I make silent calls between two worlds,
Do you hear my voice calling to you?
Then gapes a girl curious to explore the world
"I think I hear you" she says,
all the while raising an ear to snippits.

I just want to love you so, so deeply
I want to cleanse you
I want to make you shine with a radience like sunlight
liquid dancing flickers on flowing river songs
creek beds of bliss
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you, you , you, you, you hear me?
I´m pleading to that smile
hidden by mental chitter chatter
hop off the train, empty off your platter
of burdenous fruits
release all of that matter

Do you hear me?

Hey darling, moon belly seastar
I see you
I love you
I am you
Do you hear my long echoing cries for freedom?
Do you hear my gentle sighs,
gateways to divine skies
Do you hear me?
A drop of arms
A rising breath
an emptied teth
"I hear you¨" she says,
"I hear you, I hear you, I hear you!!"
her voice roars on
"I hear you, I am you"
Wild ravonous wails
I hear your nightingale calls,
I hear the ups and downs as heartbeat falls,
I hear rambling nectar
rollin smoothly off our soul
I hear a lovebirds
sonnet roll
Oh mother, oh Great on in Me in You in We,
I hear you, I hear you, I hear you,
I hear you

and I´m ready to listen.
betterdays Mar 2017
the god boy, grows a pace
no longer small, squalling child

now showing a fierce independent streak
that causes pride and fear in equal amounts

it is hard to balance the need to learn
and the need to protect
we fail the balance regularly
yet are fortunate to have suffered
no great ..... or lasting consequence

his greatest attribute,
our greatest joy
his sunny side up,
the ability to always,
see the best
in everything.....

as we slow and grey,
he seems brighter,
more intense...
gathering colur into him
only to give it out...
in a argent radience
that is contagious...
in  it's beauty

of course,
he has his flaws
my child,
is far from perfect
like his father,
his floor is his wardrobe
and like his mother
he is prone to losing himself
in bookworlds, while mundane
chores await..

but he is both the worst and the best of us

and more importantly
he is himself....forging
and identity and entity
bourne of love and compassion

and honestly
as a mother godess
and as a father god

there is naught more
we could wont
or ask for...
Caroline Lee Mar 2016
Gold lines and the light in your smile
Humid nights and spring intentions I can honestly say that it's been a while
We used to drive around this city until all light was gone
But even after all,
the light never left
Even when I slammed the door and you broke my ribs and the night swallowed us both whole
Just when you thought the distance killed me and that I had lost my soul
The distance only maintained the surreal beauty of it all
The evenings on that hill watching the city light up and the sunlight flee
The evenings I showed you the inside of my chest and you showed me your scars
The evenings we were so high above the city and the smoke that I thought we might go back down
But even angels sometimes fall from heaven
Even Adam had to leave the garden
And so fall we did
Far from the radience of our finest nights
Far from the comfort of each others presence
Far from the freedom of our adolescent dreams of grandeur
But the light lingered on
And it will never be the same but
Maybe we'll live to see the garden again
Maybe we'll go back to that hill
Maybe we'll drive around the city again
Maybe we will
Maybe we will.
We change with the seasons and it's been really hard. Influencing songs: Greatest *******- Damien Rice, ****** Up Kid- Kevin Drew
Does anyone know the real me or is a reflection all they can see
Pulled in every direction I wish I could split in two
Everyone hates each other but I love both
When am I suppose to find peace within if I always have to enforce it out side
"we love you friend" "i love you babe" and yet I'm suppose to love both
Tangled up in everything all at once trapped beneath the very depths of my soul
Innocent, soft radience is what i want to show
hard, silicon, stupid ***** is all that they know
secret lives, secrets i no longer want to hide
Silently the soldiers weeps, I wish to rise up from the ashes
cant think, cant eat, cant dream too many noises are on in my mind.
Isaac Sands Jul 2012
The night sky glows an ephemeral silver,
Stars gazing upon me as I slumber.
Their beauty is immeasurable,
None striving to out do,
But rather coexisting in Beauty.

The Moon's light shines,
Gently enhancing the sky.
Graceful and clean,
It brings peace to my soul.
The brightest silver,
Never dull nor faded.

Alas, the sun rises,
Its radience masking the others.
Yet they are not gone,
Merely resting
'Til they grace us all
With their prescence
Once again.
matt d mattson Jul 2018
There are two little fires sitting next to me
They radiate a fierce warmth meant only for themselves
The light and heat of their dance Illuminate the dim bar with a loving And jealous radience
If I sit too close
Or look directly
I will burn myself
Their fire is for themselves
But it's warm nonetheless
And I don't mind
I hope their fires burn for a long time to come
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
The World Will Be Burned

Over eight hundred thousand
Pounds per missile, Mate
British Sterling Money
NOT Imperial Weight!
I could cry.
Many Muslims too
Have teary eyes
Those who loved her smile
Those who bathed
In the radience
Of her beauty
Will remember the missile
And her smile
The missile
And her smile
The missile
And her smile
For a while
And then
When they have been brought
To the boiling point
The world
Once again
Will be burned

Sean Hunt  
Windermere, December 6, 2015
This exquisitely beautiful woman was killed by a missile:  her picture is on my Facebook page:
Jack Code Dec 2016
A message from you makes me blush
I swear this ain't a crush
I let down my guard
And yes fell abit too hard

They say I'm insane
But am I really to blame?
I don't know how to put it
But I swear you've got it

The radience of your smile
May be seen for miles
Your perfect fair skin
Makes my eyes spin

But your soul
You truly have a heart of gold
Sara Brummer Jul 2021
Listen, my love, to the moon at daybreak
and speak in soft light clouds.

Wind is a golden loop that sings
to the leaf-green heart of summer,
foaming up from meadows.

Passion grows flowery,
as a daisy asks for love,
and roses answer with
perfumed kisses.

Let your smile awaken a garden
of dreams, lay a bed of love
between spring and summer,
write love letters to each morning,
granting me admittance to your thoughts.

Let your dreams hold all the radience
of your desires. Let wonder penetrate
your every hour. Hurl your heart high
among the bright globes of sky,
as the swallow draws his image
on the gates of heaven.
So beautiful, so safe
Makes you feel
At home, at hope, at faith
Makes you question the boundaries
Of the infinite beauty
In this world God made
As her surface radiates

But as the willow retaliates
And as the widow segregates
You see the resemblence
Of duality on her face,
In her eyes an infinite cold
The kind you would still embrace
Just to be blessed by her grace.

So you could die at least,
Again and again and again
Comforted you might feast
On her illusion of radience
Amongst the ones, she recognises not
Seen as just another self righteous,
Humbling, esoteric beast.
Gavin Oliver Jun 2019
I miss your laughter, it's sound lifts my spirit.
I miss your smile, it's radience lights my soul.
I miss your smell, it's fragrance intoxicates my senses.
I miss your touch, it's gentle feel gives me electric shivers.
I miss the way you brush your hair from your face.
I miss the way your eyes are filled with joy.
I miss the way you hold my hand as we walk in the rain.
I miss your compassion and understanding.
I miss you more than these words can express, I feel it in my heart and in my thoughts.
Did I tell you I love your friendship?
Did I tell you enough that I really do miss you?
Kora Mar 2020
And off we went into the vast but rapidly fading radience of existence
Colm Sep 2020
You are the radience inside my heart
The warmth within my December hue
The fire above my hearth
Is you
As you're always burning, not the answer
But the voice which softens in the dark
The winds which whisper in the snow laden park
And speaks of secret ivory keyswere alive
Theses always were
Is you
"You were not the same after that"

— The End —