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Mahatma Gandhi  
Young visitors in a gallery,
Stood before a portrait of Gandhiji,
Charmed by his toothless smile,
Eyes sparkling through glasses round
And an old watch dangling from his waist,
With his chest bare and a **** cloth
Covering his lean , frail frame.
While they wondered how the good old man
Could shake the mighty British empire
And fight without weapons of destruction,
They were thrilled to behold a vision rare -
The smiling  Gandhi emerged from the frame,
Saying that his weapons were invisible,
Yet, they could vanquish the most powerful
Without hatred and shedding no blood!
His loving voice and childlike smile
Combined with an unbending will,
Wielding the power of truth and nonviolence
Could conquer his mighty ruthless foes
And turn them into everloving friends!.
Feeling amazed, the visitors stared
At the Mahatma moving back into the frame;
Begged him to remain and lead them again.
"My countrymen," he said "seem to have forgotten,
" The bloodshed and horror of partition.
"Terrorists and fanatics **** and burn
" And innocent victims feel miserable and forlorn.
"Twice a year, on my 'samaadhi', flowers are strewn,
" While helpless millions struggle and groan.
"In these days of endless greed and senseless crime, "
"Guided missiles and misguided men,
" My words seem to have no relevance,
"Yet, if they listen to their own conscience,
" Give up greed and serve with compassion,
"The India of my dreams will arrive soon."
Sad and surprised, the visitors stared:
Though the figure vanished, his words inspired
And they resolved to follow his noble ways
And strive for the welfare of all mankind.
                  ***  M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 Jan 1948. A memorable tribute came from Albert Einstein: "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a man as this ever in flesh and blood  walked upon this earth."
Mother Teresa - love immortal
In frail human frame;
Angel of peace and compassion,
Knew no bounds of caste or creed:
With arms outstretched,
Waded through slums forsaken
To help the poor in their humble homes:
Orphans discarded, dying destitutes,          
Deserted cripples and lepers deformed,
Found in her a ministering angel
Whose gentle touch revived hope;
Brought solace and joy.  
Unmindful of praise or blame,
To serve the poor was her only aim,
And never did she crave for wealth or fame.
Like St.Francis of Assisi, she prayed -
" Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace,
" Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
" Where there is injury, pardon,
" Where there is doubt, faith,
" Where there is despair, hope......."
Life inspiring, a splendid saga
Of selfless service and sacrifice.
For ever she lives in the loving hearts
Of those who strive to rid the world
Of sorrow, misery and distress.
           **     M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.    mgnmurthy4@gmail
May countless lights  
Show delightful sights.
May there be no threat of violence,
No clouds of smoke,
No smell of sulphur,  
No sound of gunfire,
No scenes of ruined homes,
No sorrow that dims the light
In anyone's eyes,
May the light of knowledge and wisdom
Illumine the path to happiness.
May the light of joy and love
Sparkle in everyone's eyes
In every humble home.
May our fervent prayer
Lead mankind from darkness to Light.
May all nations together strive
To pave the way to harmony and peace.
*M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.   mgnmurthy4@gmail. com.
Festival of Lights, 'DEEPAVALI' is celebrated all over India
     on 11 November 2015
Many of us think of the owl
As a foolish, ugly fowl:
It can neither strut like a peacock,
Flaunting colourful plumes,
Nor, like the shy nightingale,
Sweetly sing, every spring:
But the sages of ancient Greece,
Seeing  the night bird's virtues rare,
Said nothing foul about the owl,
Admired its bright round eyes,
Sharp and keen, able to see its way
And fly in the darkness of night:
Eyes, quite strange, looking not sideways,
But always straight and always right
And quickly turn its agile neck
And see all things happening
Behind its back as  well as front!
In all directions ,the owl can see
But, from different angles do we ever see?
Boastful humans, full of pride,
Who speak ill of the humble owl
Can scarcely match the skilful owl,
And a poet who loved this little bird, wrote -
"A wise old owl sat on an oak,
The more he saw, the less he spoke,
  The less he spoke the more he heard,
   Why can't we be, like the wise old bird!?"
                  *** M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
A moral tale
"What aa piece of work is man!;
" How noble in reason!...." exclaims Hamlet,
As there was a mistake in the second line, it is repeated here, after adding the preposition "in". I request the readers to excuse me.  M.G.Narasimha Murthy.
Hyderabad, India.     mgnmurthy4@gmail. com
Morning sunbeams danced on the ripples
Sparkling on the majestic flow of Mother Ganga.
Noisy crowds of pious pilgrims from all corners,
Pestered by ash-smeared, bargaining priests,
Rushed towards the sacred waters for a holy bath ,
In a hurry to wash off their numerous sins
And save themselves from Yamadharma's* wrath.
Three solemn-looking monks in saffron robes,
Moved briskly past the motley crowds,
Looking for a less noisy, cleaner spot.
At a distance, they saw a colourful launch,
Carrying pilgrims across the vast expanse,
When, all of a sudden, the launch tumbled
And scrambling pilgrims, in panic jumped  
Into the river flowing fast over hidden rocks.
Seeing their desperate struggle, the surprised monks
Took a hasty plunge and swam towards the sinking launch
And pulled some of them towards the sandy shore,
While one of the sturdy monks carried on his back,
A woman clinging to the side, breathing hard
And left her after she recovered composure.
Resuming their walk along the river bank,
Two of the monks appeared rather grim and cold.
Breaking their solemn silence, the frowning monks
Called their companion a big sinner
For he had carried a young woman on his back.
Unperturbed, the robust monk said with a smile,
Although he had carried a drowning woman on his back,
He had left  her safely on the river bank
While the scolding monks carried her still in their minds
And they hardly knew what detachment meant !
Startled and rudely awakened, the two monks
Prostrated before Vivekananda, the awe-inspiring saint!
                **     M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Name of the God of Death in Indian mythology.
Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, founded the famous Ramakrishna Math at Kolkata

Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, founded the famous Ramakrishna Math at Kolkata in
18609. In his most inspiring speech at the World Parliament of Religions at  Chicago in 1893, he emphasized the oneness of the teachings of all great religions and worked for the good of mankind.
May countless lights  
Show delightful sights.
May there be no threat of violence,
No clouds of smoke,
No smell of sulphur,  
No sound of gunfire,
No scenes of ruined homes,
No sorrow that dims the light
In anyone's eyes,
May the light of knowledge and wisdom
Illumine the path to happiness.
May the light of joy and love
Sparkle in everyone's eyes
In every humble home.
May our fervent prayer
Lead mankind from darkness to Light.
May all nations together strive
To pave the way to harmony and peace.
              ***M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.   mgnmurthy4@gmail. com.
  * Festival of Lights, 'DEEPAVALI' is celebrated all over India
     on 11 November 2015

In the memorable words of Ben Jonson,
Shakespeare, the great Bard of Avon,
"Is not of an age,
But for all time."
Endowed with a brilliant mind,
Worldwide knowledge and intuition,
He comprehends the changing trends
And creates enthralling situations.
With his amazing knowledge of man's nature,
Creates admirable, everlasting characters
Like Hamlet, Macbeth, Caesar and King Lear,
Rosalind, Miranda, Shylock and Portia.
Skilful blend of wit, irony and humour,
Youthful merriment, song and dance
As well as poignant scenes of sorrow and remorse.
Dialogues lively, powerful and spontaneous
Enrich all his comic and tragic scenes.
In his inimitable way, he describes -
How "..the poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven
And as imagination bodiesforth
The forms of things unknown,
The poet's pen turns to shape
And gives to airy nothing,
A local habitation and a name."
The world cherishes his poems and plays -
A perennial source of delight and solace.
*   M. G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.
(Copyright: MGN)
Shakespeare passed away on 23 April 1616. This year marks the
400th anniversary of his death. This is a small tribute to the world's
greatest literary genius. M.G.N.Murthy
Divine presence, deep and invisible,
The elusive, mysterious soul,
Inherent in every living cell
And dormant in every particle;
In silence, moves and multiplies,
Evolves in various amazing shapes;
Vibrant in every being, it grows,
Shines through countless eyes -
Like sunrays glittering on rising waves
And moonbeams shining in every drop
On lotus leaves in a silent lake;
Like a luminous rainbow's purple hue
Merging softly with heaven's blue,
Blends with the elements, imperceptible,        
                 Beyond the grasp of the five senses,
Through the living links of breath and pulse,
Remains inseparable from the cosmic force;
In forms different, seeming distinct,
Yet, one with the Universe around.
*    *  M.G.Narasimha Murthy
The Soul and the Universe is the title of the poem. This is a description of the divine presence everywhere in nature and the oneness of the individual and the cosmic force
Muhammad Ali, the renowned boxing star,
Thrilled the world with his terrific fights;
Fearsome moves, nimble feet and fiery fists,
Memorable in his own well-known words,
Could "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee",
Cruhed his mighty rivals with awesome ease.
Honoured and loved as a great humanist,
More than titles, he valued respect and equality
And fought against racism and injustice.
Stripped of his title and thrown into jail,
Bravely opposed the Vietnam war,
Refused to join the army and drop bombs
On unknown people who were not his foes.
When ill-treated for the colour of his skin,
Threw his Olympic medal into the Ohio stream,
Roused the conscience of his fellowmen.
Ali, the great pugilist, king of the boxing ring,
Shines in the galaxy with Mandela and Dr. King.
                      ***.   M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.
* This poem is a tribute to the great American  boxer
and heavy-weight champion Muhammad Ali who
passed  away on 3 June 2016.   M.G.N.Murthy.
"What a piece of work is man;
" How noble reason!... " Hamlet exclaims,
"In action, how like an angel!
" In appearance, how like a god!
" The beauty of the world,
"The paragon of animals! "
But now, with his boundless knowledge
And the amazing gifts of modern science,
With powers of excellent construction
As well as terrible devastation,
How he shapes the changing world,
Baffles even the best of minds.
Shocking to see human beings, so often,
Become violent, ruthless and inhuman
Unable to restrain their emotions,
Misled by rumours and wrong notions,
Fill their confused minds with poison
That destroys reason and compassion.
Crowds furious, with anger burn,
Abuse and **** little children
And their own kith and kin.
Such senseless deeds are done,
Not by mindless beasts, but men!
Hate each other, distorting true religion
And fight wars to restore peace,
A paradox , indeed, of wild justice!
* M.G.Narasimha Murthy
* Some of the lines from Hamlet's famous soliloquy, Shakespeare
Senses, vibrant and restless,
Drive into the depths
Of human consciousness,
Myriads of subtle impressions
And kaleidoscopic images,
While memory, ever alert and mercurial,
Recalls every relevant experience
For guidance in changing situations,
Giving rise to thoughts and impulses
That result in action and reaction.
To keep the mind well balanced
In life's daily toil and turmoil,
Intellect strives to harmonize
Conflicting thoughts and emotions,
Focussing them on a single aim,
To still the mind and bring calmness
To unravel the mystery of existence
And sages call this meditation.
            ***  M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
Jostling through the crowds of Varanasi -
Ancient, vibrant and ever noisy,
Vivekananda found at the end
A lonely path that seemed to blend.
With his solemn, pensive mood.
Longing for silence and solitude.
As he walked along the narrow path
Winding amidst lush green plants
Towards a sprawling, lovely lake,
A horde of monkeys, all red faced,
Sprang on him from a nearby branch.
Taken aback by their sudden attack,
He ran very fast, never turning back,
But the menacing beasts were at his heels
And one of them pulled his saffron gown
While the others growled and shrieked.
Shocked to see this frightful scene,
A holy man coming from the lake,
Shouted "Do not run; they will overtake.
Stand there, face the surly brutes."
Regaining his composure and lost balance,
Vivekananda stopped at once,
Held his ground and raised his hand.
Stupified and bewildered, the monkeys fled .
        Thus awakened, he soon realised -
         "When you are threatened by opponents,
           Face them with courage and confidence,
            Yet, without malice or vengeance.
             To win life's battles, have grit and strength,
              For, strength is life and fear, worse than death."
                              **.  M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India
* Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, founded the famous Ramakrishna Math in 1899. In his
most inspiring speech at the World Parliament of Religions at Chicago
in 1893, he emphasized the oneness of the essential teachings of all great religions and worked for the good of mankind. M.G.N.Murthy
Kuzhur Wilson Nov 2013
From Chundanthuruth to Madrid
I was driving
On an errand
That was not really urgent

In the car, a song
Not actually sweet
Not even beautiful
Was playing in a hum..

Whenever I got bored
Looked at the sky
The sky too looked back
Once I winked at it
Since the sky could not wink
Closing one eye
It shot a frightening glance
At me; said
" get lost, mind your business! "

I kept driving..
Beyond Kalamasseri
At the container road signal
Stood a man
Signalled to stop

No sooner did I stop
Than he got inside
And sits authoritatively
On the seat to my left
Regarding my song
Neither too sweet
Nor that beautiful
With contempt..

(In looks, a gentle man, infact a rogue
I said in brackets )

Though Idid not like much
I asked him his name
' Life ' he said
Since it was my first
Encounter with "Life"
Asked his initials too

Without paying heed
Life played a song
I did not like
Life played another song
I did not like at all
Life played a different song
I did not, did not like
Life played different different songs
I did not like

Life played song
I did not like
Life played song
I did not like
Life played song 
I did not like
Malaamparamp, moolampilly
High court junction
Marine drive
On the way to Madrid
Life kept on playing
Different different songs

My "I dont like, I dont like"

Life again played a song
I did not like it
Again I did not like
Again and again 
I did not like

Played a song
I liked it a bit
I liked it a bit more
Bit by bit
I liked that song
Liked the song
Liked the song very much
Liked only that song

That song became mine
That song became me
What to say;
I even danced
To that song

Just then
Just then
Once again
I asked Life
His initials
Laughingly it said
" Life.PK"

(Translated by Vijayalakshmi Murthy)
Translated by Vijayalakshmi Murthy

Every one wishes for a happy new year,
Not without a feeling of lurking fear:
The reason is simple and clear:
The voice of reason very few hear
In the prevailing intolerant atmosphere -
Selfishness, greed, misery,starvation
And heinous crimes in the name of religion!
May the new year end this monstrous trend
And herald a new era of love and compassion
Through the right kind of liberal education.
                           M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
* April 8, 2016 (Ugaadi) and April 15,2016 (1st Baisakh, in
Bengal) mark the beginning of a new year according to the Hindu calendar.
Eager to offer obeisance
To their  heavenly preceptor Prajapati,
Gods, demons and humans,
His triple progeny and disciples,
Bowed before him with reverence,
Seeking his parting advice and guidance.
Pleased with their faith and devotion,
The divine teacher called them by turns
And uttered "Da"  - a lone syllable;
Paused for a while
And asked the gods
To explain its significance.
"Great Sire, you say - subdue yourselves."
In a flash, the gods realized
Their powers needed great restraint.
"You advise compassion," said the demons,
Conscious of their nature, too cruel.
"It denotes - give, share your wealth" -
The humans said, for they knew
They were avaricious.
Though the same syllable all had heard,
In different ways, they thought and felt,
In tune with their innate traits
And the master said they were right.
"Da, Da, Da," - the voice of Thunder
Exhorts the world even now,
Be generous, merciful and self-restrained -
To ensure happiness for all mankind.
          *       *    M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
Copyright: MGN (author)
* This inspiring moral tale is based on the Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad (5 section II). Da, Da,Da - Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata (Samskrit) -Give, Sympathize, Have self-control.
On the glowing American horizon,  
Dawns a new era of hope and communion.
Obama, the leader America was waiting for,
Emerges from the masses, a rising star.
Breaking the barriers of religion and race,
Obama smiles, with confidence and grace,
"Change has come to America" he declares!
Recalls Lincoln, Kennedy and Dr.King,
As millions of Americans dance and sing.
Elegant orator, par excellence,
Promises equality, justice and strong defence,
And measures to crush agents of violence,
Defeat terrorists and their evil designs;
Shares India's desire to isolate centres of crime.
Facing  challenging tasks at this crucial time -
Violent conflicts, failing Banks and economic trends,
He seeks the goodwill and support of all nations,
Treating them as partners and trusted friends.
'OBAMA' now personifies "YES, WE CAN" -
Our youthful world's best slogan!
Now is the time for all statesmen to join hands
And say "YES, WE WILL" and hail the brave new icon!
                         *       *      **  Narasimha Murthy, M.G.
Hyderabad, India.                       
*Taken from the collection of my poems "The Blissful Dawn and Other Poems". After listening to his brilliant, victory speech in November 2008, I wrote this small poem, a tribute to President Obama and the American people who elected him, a tribute to democracy. Narasimha Murthy, M.G.
Dive into the dark depths
Of the unfathomable sea                                                                        Of the baffling human mind:
Explore the concealed layers
From its surface, ever active and restless:
Slowly sink into the sub-conscious
And the more powerful unconscious mind
That regulates vital functions ceaselessly,
Remaining silent and invisible, all the while.
  Move deeper until you reach the source
    Of life's perennial spring,
    Flowing from your innermost being
    Into the boundless Universe, ever expanding,
    Beyond the confines of the sensuous mind.
    When this inward journey, spiritual,
     Brings insight into the subtle working
     Of the hidden mind, you emerge wiser
     And  stronger than ever before
     To weather the storms of life, ephemeral,
     And realize man's fervent prayer  -
    "Lead us from Darkness to Light" -
     "Thamasoma jyothirgamaya"
     The ultimate aim of all mankind.
**       M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
* In order to achieve this, one should strive to discipline  one's body, mind and intellect and attain tranquility and poise. All religions suggest practical methods. In Indian philosophy,
Patanjali's  "Ashtaanga Yoga" is very well known.
Jostling through the crowds of Varanasi -
Ancient, vibrant and ever noisy,
Vivekananda found at the end
A lonely path that seemed to blend.
With his solemn, pensive mood.
Longing for silence and solitude.
As he walked along the narrow path
Winding amidst lush green plants
Towards a sprawling, lovely lake,
A horde of monkeys, all red faced,
Sprang on him from a nearby branch.
Taken aback by their sudden attack,
He ran very fast, never turning back,
But the menacing beasts were at his heels
And one of them pulled his saffron gown
While the others growled and shrieked.
Shocked to see this frightful scene,
A holy man coming from the lake,
Shouted "Do not run; they will overtake.
Stand there, face the surly brutes."
Regaining his composure and lost balance,
Vivekananda stopped at once,
Held his ground and raised his hand.
Stupified and bewildered, the monkeys fled .
        Thus awakened, he soon realised -
         "When you are threatened by opponents,
           Face them with courage and confidence,
            Yet, without malice or vengeance.
             To win life's battles, have grit and strength,
              For, strength is life and fear, worse than death."
                              **.  M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India
* Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, founded the famous Ramakrishna Math in 1899. In his
most inspiring speech at the World Parliament of Religions at Chicago
in 1893, he emphasized the oneness of the essential teachings of all great religions and worked for the good of mankind. M.G.N.Murthy
The rosy hue of the evening sky
Fades into the grey of the earth;
Shadows weave a magic web
Around the hectic world.
On the desolate moor, dark and cold,
A lonely traveller plods his way.
As fearful fancies haunt his mind,
He prays for help  from Heaven above.
A glimmering star appears through gliding clouds,
Cheers his heart: his drooping spirit revives.
Far beyond the world of his dreams, it shines
And bids his sinking soul
Rise above the shadows of the gloomy world
And see the celestial light.
Restless and weary, amidst frightful sights,
With none to guide his faltering steps,
He struggles for a glimpse of the heavenly light.
"What vain struggle!" cries a voice deep within.
"The star that beckons you from the sky,
" Is but a reflection of the Light divine
"Enshrined in your own heart
" And pervades your MARVELLOUS MIND.
"Let thy inward eye pierce the veil
" And behold the splendour of the LIGHT within
"That will dispel darkness and thy path illumine."
                     ****   M.G.Narasimha Murthy
Hyderabad, India.                      mgnmurthy4@gmail. com
The poem is allegorical.
The Disastrous Quake
Hiding behind a hazy cloud
That hung above the darkening earth,
The pale moon looked portentous,
Sensing perhaps the imminent doom!
           Nothing stirred, no noise was heard:
           The bustling towns sank into slumber
           Under the spreading shroud of gloom.
When all of a sudden,
A strange, sub-terranian thunder
The earth's bowels tore,
Pierced the ominous calm
And shook the silent towns
With a hideous roar.
            Stately towers and humble homes
            Convulsed and crumbled
            Behind clouds of dust and smoke.
            Wails and moans and screams and groans
            Rent the midnight air.
            Men and women, mangled and maimed,
            Orphaned children, battered and bruised
            Crawled from the gaping jaws of Death,
            Their erstwhile homes,
             Now their graves, streaked with blood.
Dreadful spectacle, heart-rending,
Of splendid towns, centuries old,
Smashed in a moment of nature's wrath,
Reduced to rubble at one ruthless stroke,
Victims injured, on the verge of Death -
A groaning heap of shattered hopes!
                ***  M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
*Recent earthquakes: April 2015- Nepal was shaken by an earthquake of 7.8 magnitude, killing 8,959 people, injuring
22,303more and destroying 7,76,895 buildings including 131 historic monuments. This week, Myanmar, Japan and Ecuadar have been shattered causing huge loss of life and destruction of property.
Brilliant sunshine on trees in bloom
On the majestic mountain *****
And the sparkling, sprawling lake -
A vast mirror to the bright, blue sky
And the gliding clouds, snowy white -
An exhilarating, heavenly sight!
Strolling happily under lush green trees
Along the side of the glistening lake,
Deep in my heart, I keenly felt
A saintly poet's unseen presence
And recalled his rare, mystic experience -
Re-lived that " serene and blessed mood *  
In which the affections gently lead us on,
Until the breath of this corporeal frame
And even the motion of our human blood
Almost suspended, we are laid asleep
While with an eye made quiet by the power
Of harmony and the deep power of joy,
We see into the life of things." *  
An endless echo of the ancient Yogic voice
Revealing the ecstasy of spiritual communion
With the inherent,  divine presence,
All pervasive in the boundless Universe!
**** M.G.Narasimha Murthy,
Hyderabad, India
*William Wordsworth, the worshipper of nature.  
* Lines Composed Above  Tintern Abbey." William Wordsworth (1770- 1850)

Innocuous, yet unhealthy threat looms across
(air/radio) telecommunications devices
where smart electronic devices enthrall
and decree they co-opt role bing boss
linkedin with plenti networks that criss cross
even primitive computers utilizing DOS

by George, which archaic code
once powered Mill on the Floss,
now long since covered over
with flora I lichen and recognize as moss.

Surgeon general Admiral Vivek Murthy
helped found several health-
related advocacy groups and later
tackled the opioid epidemic
and e-cigarettes as surgeon
general during Obama administration.
As the Vice Admiral of US Public Health
Service Commissioned Corps,
he commanded a uniformed service
of 6,600 public health officers globally.

As twenty first Surgeon General of United States
strongly advises against, yet he does not boast
threat looms large coast to coast
watching more than five minutes at most
equivalent machination, the following I post
even at expense of suffering soul
subjected fires of hell;

eternally I will roast
re: guarding haunting experience
analogous visit by fashionably late ghost
recall exhausting 2020
presidential election coverage
able, eager, and ready to prey upon host
whereby curious George experiences
feeling noggin fried like toast.

A carefully worded (fake) communiqué
purportedly the brainchild of one freak
Matthew Scott Harris,
whose jargon puzzling as deciphering Greek
long story short while in utero,

he experienced cerebral leak,
said cheesy mousy man no longer meek
quite evident courtesy literary pique
his haughty style aiming to characterize
generic guy as self anointed Sheikh
sought after acceptance tepid and week.

Nevertheless he speaks/writes truth to power
aforementioned serious risk steeped within
social media platform sensory overload I ascribe,
whereby subliminal messages

voter's blitzkrieg does bribe,
albeit unconsciously,
hence me subsequent rhyme
equals forewarning in
(humane) league with mild diatribe
which receptive yours truly can transcribe.

All joking aside
oversaturation soaking up
analogous to heady delight
groom imbibes wedding his bride
presidential election aye chide
against viewing in excess
(five minutes at most)
affixed to live streaming broadcast
can find thee steadfast staring getting bug eyed
thus hoop fully let moderation serve as guide

cuz the eventual outcome re: guarding
president elect political experts cannot hide
though be wary lest premature ******* trumpets
sore loser candidate, that
bombastic egotistical ignoramus lied
cuz prejudice nsync with pompous pride
for four years to many
the webbed wide world let him slide,
now as one common Joe,
a hardened criminal he best bee tried.

— The End —