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Sean Russell Dec 2012
your smile reminds me of a picture of the cliffs of moher that was the month of june on a calendar my mom owned when i was eight years old in our old house not in that your smile looks anything like the cliffs of moher but in that i do not know why i remember that picture and in that i will most likely never forget it
Bryce Jul 2018
Fold you up like unwanted fat
cook you into a rocky stew
placed beneath a mantle of ice
far enough away to be misconstrued

You are old laminated time
And pillowed rock of incomprehensible
Earlier than any lime
Or sand, or sediment, or any kind
You are the grandfather rock
of mine

When I step with my inconsequential feet
living but transiently
I cannot help but be erased
that even you hath but one resting place

All the plants
and sands
and ever since the very first
we have always been ******
to this earth
walking upon your bones
I am sorry we cannot do more
but you know your creator
Speak in the same language
in amalgamators
of which we have forgot
and for that I can say
we are envious; are we naught?

Build softly, and carry us upon your thick
crust like pizza dough, cooking
and you let it sit
Let us win, set us up
drift us apart, leave us crushed
build us,
make us,
break us,
fill us

I want to be restored into your
stony belt and be redeemed
I want to become my own atomic fossil
to connect with the universe through long-lost
and once again
hear the story
as a young lad
the way it was meant to be told

I want to eat dinner with my grandfather again
my real sweet stony-chiseled cheeked
father again
to be loved a boy
and a girl
and the whole world
a soul touched back into the deep
left unshackled
by a ***** or a queen
take me back soon
rather than let me turn into

or Baltica
or Gondwana
smacked into new rock to form
and Tetons
and Moher

Carbonate or Silicate,
and the end its the same
It won't be the end
for that fate rearranged
Donall Dempsey Aug 2017

She ran on
into the storm

the last shreds of her
designer clothes

shrieking out to sea
terrifying the gulls

'I'm free...I'm free! '
she screamed nakedly.

The divorce papers(that
had finally come through)
tore themselves apart & the four

winds unfurling her fury
(laced with lightnings)

she conducted the storm
in a fine frenzy.

Nature's orchestra
drawing her to this

crescendo of self.

'****** tourists! '
bellowed the blustering

one man & his dog.
Donall Dempsey Aug 2017

She ran on
into the storm

the last shreds of her
designer clothes

shrieking out to sea
terrifying the gulls

'I'm free...I'm free! '
she screamed nakedly.

The divorce papers(that
had finally come through)
tore themselves apart & the four

winds unfurling her fury
(laced with lightnings)

she conducted the storm
in a fine frenzy.

Nature's orchestra
drawing her to this

crescendo of self.

'****** tourists! '
bellowed the blustering

one man & his dog.
An artistically woven
turquoise woolen
pullover made
out of the finest
moher fabric
made my day.

Made for you,
to be caressed
and cherished
as a perfect

It looked so good
on you, my darling!

Rainbow colors always
bring me happiness and
I gently touch you,
feeling already safe
as a deer in a flowering
forest; within narcotically
scented alluring hug, we
embrace again, tightly,
you and me, entwined.

Whiffed winds melody
played through tall pine
tree tops as a flute song
swaying branches. It seemed
as they are affirming our walk
along the shore, where the river
meets an ocean, hand in hand,

And, yet, every time the
strong cool breeze exposes
your magnificent masculine
figure in that woolen top,
my coolness faints into the
void and dissolves itself.

Our urge emerges!
I feel your fingertips touch
as a passionate flame dance
over my face, you turn my
head up toward your loving
gaze, wanting it so much,
slightly pulling me up
then burning my lips.

Our hurried steps are heard,
echoing as a rushed tempo
on the salty path, fresh air
lingers around us, leading
us to our charming summer
suite, to undress. And love.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic love Poet
Lauren Christine May 2018
i sit perched on the cliffs
a finite edge separating me from a sky scraper dive
to lacy waves that continually unfurl ever gasping
my body perched on impervious stone
i want to melt
to seep down and through the cracks of
this unforgiving earth
i want to dissipate
to be free of this solid form
and sink between the layers of
this mineral collage
i am me and the rock is the mineral
but i want to be the rock and the mineral, me.
I want my skin to release my essence so i can
as the gulls
as the daring wildflowers
sit ever patiently
as the stone
not in a metaphorical sense, understand.
in the realest way, the most literal translation.
dont mistake my words for poetry.
Had we never gone home...
Had we never sung our songs...
Had we never loved to part...
Had we never cried so hard...

Here was i calling out for ye.
They could hear me from Malin to Dursley.
O me heart lost and blind.
Torn and misled through the years.

There in Kilkenny,by the water,
Kind as the hills yet cold as Moher's cliffs was me father.
'where are ye going o lonely rover...'
'had ye never been loved by yer lover...'

Sang he,a song of loss and loneliness...
'o yer eyes painted a thousand pictures of long journey,rolling hills,running streams,and rugged coastlines'
'o how i miss walking on that road down the hill to the sea'
'o ol' Erin,to ye i gave me heart a long time ago with tear'
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2023
Dear Nithya
Wish you a very very happy birthday!!
I am sure this birthday will be that much more special
Given the momentous event that is going to happen
An event that will change your life for the better
Well, I've known you since I was a kid
Though we haven't met frequently
Nor have we spoken a lot
But I've always been fond of you
You are a very nice person
Very warm, friendly and jovial by nature
You bring a lot of cheer
To everyone around you
Not a single moment with you
Can ever be called "boring"
You are so witty
That the Sorting Hat will scream "Ravenclaw!!"
The moment it touches your head
Also, you are very sensitive
And care deeply about your family, cousins and friends
We've had some great times
Whether it be India, US or Ireland
Coming to Ireland, you were an excellent tour guide
The incredible views of the Pacific Ocean from the Cliffs of Moher
Continue to give me goosebumps to this day
And Glendalough Upper Lake was nothing less than Paradise on Earth!!
Finally, I shall never forget the moment
When we had the finest Irish beer, at Temple Bar
Then, as far as US was concerned
The cruise on Lake Michigan was absolutely unforgettable
As were the views from Hancock Tower
Not to mention, the picnic we had at the Chicago Bean!!
Anyway, coming back to you
I hope you have a day to remember
Wish you loads of love, happiness and merriment
And may the Lord bless you!!
Poem dedicated to my cousin Nithya on her birthday
Terry Jordan Oct 2015
When I retire in Ireland
I'll be fit and sixty-five
Then I'll ride the DART for free
and explore the country-side

I'll rent an old thatched cottage
Buy a bicycle with gears
Tool along Connor Pass Road
Out to ******, drink some beers

Eating the Irish breakfasts
Drinking too much Guinness to mention
Uncle Sam sends my social security
I'll collect my teacher's pension

Mornings I'll write a novel
About my Irish sojourn
A boat to Blasket Islands
Some Gaelic I'll be learnin'

I'll check my geneology
The DART to Cork and I go
Fitzpatrick's, a talented family,
Doctors, fighters, writers in the know

Always an ear to the music
Familiar faces all around
Perhaps some long lost relatives
Still in Cork who could be found

Yes, I'm in love with Ireland
The Cliffs of Moher call to me
I'll go hiking west of Doolin
Rent an apartment in Dun Laoghaire (dun leary)
I've enjoyed 2 trips to Ireland and both times felt as if I belonged there, that the faces I saw seemed familiar, like family.
You and me, and Molly Malone
In Dublin city, so far from home
Looking over the Liffey
That's when it hit me
My love for you, had only grown

In Galway Bay, we couldn't stay
The loyalty, love, and friendship day
Rainbows at the Cliffs of Moher
The Blarney Stone we can't ignore
Waterford Crystal and...Cabernet

You and me, and Molly Malone
Is the memory, that I've carved in stone
Dancing in Dublin
You've got my heart bublin'
My love for you, had only grown

Guinness, whiskey, cider
I got sick on chowder
Hanging out with Wilde
Don't forget that child
Ten thousand years they're not

You and me, and Molly Malone
Here comes the time, for us to go home
Even though we're leavin'
We will leave here knowin'
My love for you, had only grown
(My love for you, had only grown)
In memory of my 2017 trip to Ireland!
Most of it is self explanatory. one memory was of me and my boyfriend looking at a famine statue. a local Irish dad and two of his sons were passing by, when the youngest son (~8) shout out "those statues have been here for ten thousand years" the older brother (11) playfully pushes and quickly correct his younger brother and informs us that "no they're not"

I suppose we stuck out as tourists!
Daniel Magner Feb 2017
her voice is the ring of a hundred
silver bells,
rolling across the Irish Sea
passed Cork and the cliffs of Moher,
then on out over the ocean,
spanning the great divide,
till their shining reaches the East Coast,
flows over the Great Plains,
and on through the Mojave desert,
to dance around my ears,
banishing all fears.
A hundred silver bells
to ward against the whispers.
Thank you.

Daniel Magner 2017
Terry Jordan Jan 2018
When I retire in Ireland
I'll be fit and sixty-five
Then I'll ride the DART for free
and explore the country-side

I'll rent an old thatched cottage
Buy a bicycle with gears
Tool along Connor Pass Road
Out to ******, drink some beers

Eating the Irish breakfasts
Drinking too much Guinness to mention
Uncle Sam sends my Social Security
I'll collect my teacher's pension

Mornings I'll write a novel
About my Irish sojourn
A boat to Blasket Islands
Some Gaelic I'll be learnin'

I'll check my geneology
The DART to Cork and I go
Fitzpatrick's, a talented family,
Doctors, fighters, writers in the know

Always an ear to the music
Familiar faces all around
Perhaps some long lost relatives
Still in Cork who could be found

Yes, I'm in love with Ireland
The Cliffs of Moher call to me
I'll go hiking west of Doolin
Rent an apartment in Dun Laoghaire (dun leary)
I've enjoyed 2 trips to Ireland and both times felt as if I belonged there, that the faces I saw seemed familiar, like cab-drivers who looked like my brothers.  Also the 1st poem I posted when I joined HP.
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2012
We cast our vows—
Fools, on the cliffs of Moher,
Rogue breeze touching us.
Muzaffer Apr 2019
yorgunum angel
evet evet

şakalarına gülemiyorum
dahi antartika'nın

sırtımdaki kılıçlara
kurşun dökeceklermiş
düşmeyi rahatlatmak için
bardakta çekin bari :)

yine sancı girdi geçmiş günlere
her ne hal
gazi konsepti reva görülse de
randevu veremiyorum
sırada ısrar edene

okyanus suyundan tarhana
cape town gecelerinden
taze soğan olsa, gelicem kendime
budapeşte sokaklarından

poster poster sevişicem sonra
bir alana, bir bedava
takvim kızı, kapak kızı
patron hediyeli papaz kızı
tril tril mevsimlik
gülecek moher sırtımda

ve fakat

solgunum angel
evet evet

stokholm sendromu bu
kurşunu kendi doldurduğum
verip colt'u ele
hedefe kaz gibi oturduğum..
Jamison Bell Oct 2016
From the top of the mountains that rest under Apollos feet.
To the deepest of forest where Artemis has been heard to sing.

The cliffs of Moher overlooking the remains the forsaken Mal.
And to the canyons formed by Paul Bunyan's axe.

Where ball lightening dances to where the Angel she falls.
And even where they ghost danced so that Miwok could sleep.

I've told them all so many times, you must've heard by now.
Surely tales have found you wherein you ought to be found.

Pan himself is tired of my proclamations.
My devil may care position on you sickens even Cupid.

So let it be said and let the darkness be ******.
Tell Osiris that I am on my way for maybe he hasn't heard.

One day these words will reach you and then you'll finally hear.
I love you.
Alexandria Hope Feb 2019
Until last spring walks across the barren craig,
Flowers bright gold and blue in her hair,
When the sky unmasks the waking sun,
Siúil liom

And when the rains grow weary of deluge,
Making way for the moon across the Burren
Until the waves that crest the cliffs,
Flood over Moher

And when the last cairn is reclaimed by earth,
When it embraces the stones, the last castle wall falls,
Until that day, filled with ancient song,
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat
Let's pretend I put "that" or an equivalent line before the last one to hint at the last phrase's pronunciation.
Oh come on my profile back picture is from the Ring of Kerry and my location is officially county Clare, it was only a matter of time before I wrote of Ireland.
Andi Koe Mar 2018
I saw you that day when
the end of you was the only thing in your way.
Your undulating wrinkles softened the rocks, and I caught sight
(maybe just a glimpse) of music gingerly stroking your neck,
and you were beautiful.

On the Cliffs of Moher you stood two feet calm
atop a fire you had built as a pedestal for yourself
and all your wantings.
The time was droll, playing ribbons up the backs of your knees
and as I watched you ( me, wide eyed and heart so full of wonder it hushed itself to cease to beat)
I cried.

Your stories of arms threw hyacinths to the ebbing tide,
and the breathing of the earth was left impatient.

For a moment you took to dreaming,
and your eyes filled with alabaster love.
You remembered your brother, a radiating mass of
muscle and joy; how you once vowed
to save the world together. You remembered her, your pearl,
your human nightingale with wings in her mind, how she used to steal the wind
and hold its sweet smell hostage to sing your baby lullabys.

I saw you that day.
I Saw you that day.
I saw You that day.
In your face there was a secret and I knew it to be remarkable.

The Hum of your pumping lungs set my fingertips dancing from
the Drum of your aching prayer.
The Hum of your smiling skin left me breathless and heaving through un-clenched teeth to the beat of
the Drum to your star fixed gaze.
The Hum of your words reeling through the cracks in the sky to tune the wind with
the Drum of your hands on your chest.

And in this song you moved. A manmountain in the shape of pieces.
The world lept from its axis and ran to your side. "Oh! " you cried.
"Oh, for just a lapse in the root of time. I don't care for the meaning
of it all, I only want back my rhyme!"

I was still as you dripped into the cliff. You fell
knee, knee, hands to your head and head to your feet.
In this moment you were incompletely complete.
And I saw you,
and you were beautiful.
Muzaffer Sep 2019
dişlerini siyanürle fırçalayan biri için
göçükten yüzeye kulaç atmak
kaplan köpek balığıyla güreş tutmakla
eş değer nerdeyse

hatırlıyorum da
tursillenmiş kadar berrak
ve gümüş tasın etrafında ışıltılı kızlar
göz banyomu baştan çıkarıp
hüşu içinde durularken

karanlık pencerelerin
uykulu camları
kapkara bir horultu soluyordu
çıkartırken keyfini loş odalar
sondajlı hafriyatın

o saatlerde
küçük titremeler birden
atlı karınca turuna dönüştü
ayakta zor duran sarhoş binalar
sokağa petite beurre gibi
düşmeye başladığında
gördüm ambülans çığlığına karışan
yarı canlı umutların şaşkınlığını

akıl oynatan ceset eşkalleri
tanınmaz halde kimi
kimi bir çocuk
resimde gülümsemiş kimi

düğün mevsimiydi o ara
henüz yolcu etmiştik
hayırlı bir depreme
kolu bilezik dolu gelini

dişlerini siyanürle
fırçalayan biri olarak diyorum
daha beter hissediyor
canlı performansa gitar çalınca
pena gibi kırılıyor insan

tüm bunlara tanık olmak
bir ses
bir tıkırtıya
kulak kabartarak
vadesi kapalı bir canı
incitmeden çekip çıkarmak
yeni doğmuş gibi
anasının karnından

ve acı bir mutsuzluk hissi
cansız  bedenleri
tabutundan önce kucaklamak

bir vakit sonra
sarmaladık davetsizi
giydirdik sırtına moher hırka
uğurladık suçsuz gelini..


Deprem kayıpları anısına..
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
I wear no religious clothes
No robes or black suit for me
Tshirts, sweats, hoodies

Dino in the bar tonight
Hang down your head and cry
Lyin' back in her satin dress
Poor boy you're bound to die

Mayberry elementary school
Walnut Heights, Ohio
4988 Carbondale Drive
Allah da me o my o

Derek and Susan Lindsay
Empty Diamond, yearbook class
You'll know you're alive up there
She was a grand wee lass

             St. James Cathedral
             Contemplative Mass
Moon Flower May 2019
In the mirror image of a life I have not yet seen
one side a life surviving not living
the other all the wanderlust possibilities
my spiritual needs yearning desires guiding me

soaring through the sky where the angels fly
cotton soft puffy clouds sunshine prisms all around
calm picturesque freedom flowing delicate elegance
the aqua marine reflections from the oceans and the coral seas

majestic cliffs of Moher beds of Namur Ian
shale and sandstone moss green with gray tones
ancient river channels cutting through below
razor bills black with white undersides
monogamous birds one mate for life
grey seals, porpoise’s basking sharks minke whales
enormous sunfish feral goats, foxes, badgers and the Irish hare

the forest and trees higher than you can climb or see
pine cones autumn leaves amber brush fluttering
orange yellows crimson glittery golds season of beauty to behold
sleeping at night with open windows
under covers snuggled warm your face and nose briskly cold

a humble cottage on a rocky cliff
flashing lighthouse in the distance
waves breaking curling over into foam
rumbling crashing one after the next
dolphins dancing twirling laughing playing the children of the sea
magnificent whales splashing jumping singing rhythmical harmony

artic circle captivating mountain wilderness
Yukon’s pristine dempster highway breathtaking
foothills covered with chromatic tundra and celestial fireworks
fiery fall radiance dappling off the crystal clear lakes and creeks
grizzly bears and cubs fumble fishing, prancing reindeer
the woodsmen devil wolverine gulo mustelidae

private aurora hunting for the best magic light clear sky
beside a campfire with hot chocolate and roasting marshmallows
beneath kaleidoscopic crown of the borealis polychromatic hues
illuminating vibrating tones of purples winter greens and blues

wild horses running free on the oceans shore
zebras, long neck giraffes hearing the lions roar
elephants’ trunk eating peanuts from my hand
riding a camel on the desert sand

I don’t want to leave before I see
all of the world’s delicate majesties
break free of a life of sorrow and stress
experience this life the way it was meant

universal splendor engulfs my essence
wraps itself around me calling and pulling internally
mystical mysteries the forests living beings
stay lost in the woods with them for eternity

need to be as one with earth, animals and the breeze
through this window I vividly see
every piece of them in every piece of me
stars, twilight the moon how it shines
inside your body stimulates your mind

all of nature breathes in every part
calming my tortured painful heart
seeing there’s so much more to you,
understanding tides, the powder blue skies
paired grey wolves howling under the moon whimpering cries

connection you have to all worldly things
taking the time and reeling all of them in
swaying under the twinkling stars
skinning dipping in the dark

fawn’s first peek, frolicking playful antics of lion cubs
and their mothers hovering protective love
greenest of grass light and bright with a faint bluish cast
verdant diamond field meadow of effervescent wildflowers
all the colors on the color wheel
and maybe discover a few new ones still
sensual loveliness breath taking appeal

lay down slumber there for the day,
around your head butterflies fluttering in the sunshine play
bumble bee’s buzzing, honey suckle lilac
intoxicating fragrant scent

that place we all go to feel carefree
a permanent vacation from man’s society
that place we want to stay and never leave
imagine how many of them there may be

I want to spend the rest of my days
adventuring how many there are out there for me
fantasy wonderlands reality?
this planet earth holds infinitely

than I can leave this well lived life
to my heaven surrounded by
all the innocent creatures for all of time
that to me is eternally sublime
with no regrets left behind
Took me a long time to figure this out, but I am under the spell of lady wanderlust! Hope to find my wanderlust travel partner soon!
noi Feb 2022
Between cots fishermen cast snap nets drawn by the early morning tide.
Wooden cable needles knit and purl merino wool in a honeycomb stitch.
My breath warm and soft against your skin unafraid of the bitter winds.
Waves lap at the precipitous cliffs of Moher
overlooking the rocky coast
I’m wrapped up in you.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2018
If I die in Dublin
Bring me to the pub, Granny Brown’s

Sing for me Finnegan’s Wake
Carry me cold out of town

Bury me on the Cliffs of Moher
You’ll know you’re alive up there

Then stare out at the ocean
Windswept waves, silent prayer
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
Took a bus around Ireland
To get to know the country
Malahide is charming
Like a painting. Little boats.

Left my jacket at the Cliffs of Moher
Had to run back and get it
Made the bus late
Tour guide was *******

But he quickly let it go
Took us near Galway
Back home to Dublin
The Belle of Belfast in the bars

She has black hair and blue eyes
Her voice gentle like my mom's
Fragile beauty but a fighter
Exoplanet water with the stars

           This love we call ours
Ireland was misty grey music in the pubs book of Kells me at the post office with my boys bus ride through the country Galway cliffs of moher little apartment Finnegan's wake the belle of Belfast misty grey in the water and the sky

                    Aye! Aye! Aye!
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
I got some anger problems
Even at 53
Trinity College, Dublin
Man said meant to be

Bus near the Cliffs of Moher
She was a grand wee lass
St. James Cathedral
Seattle contemplative Mass

A little basketball
The Batman in the Night
The revealed places formed in beauty
The hidden places formed in fright

Prayers for Chicago
Eric Alterman in New York
Me in Ayutthaya
Vegetarian. No pork.

                    Patientia ...
American politics is mobilized ignorance
Demagogues in the Night
Hypocrisy on display

Go to the library
Rent some videos
Check out three books
You don't have to pay

Summer in Sweden
Then on to Dublin
Cliffs of Moher
Mother Mary May

In my solitude
Memories return
Grateful sleep
Un pequito play

         xie xie
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2020
I'm 51. The travelling's done.
Now I long for sleep.

Romances with women
Only make you weep

Saw the Cliffs of Moher
Windy was the sweep

Also saw Angkor Wat
Drove from Bangkok to Siem Riep

It might be fun if all is one
And we make a quantum leap.
Jerry Howarth May 2022
My Friend, My Wife, My Love
Today, May 8th is Moher's Day,
That special day set aside to celebrate,
That special woman, called Mother,
Who is called upon for everything,
But never expects compensation.

My Mother is in Heaven,
My Mother-in-law is too.
No two greater Mothers,
This special planet ever knew,
With the exception,
My sweet heart, than you.

My Mother was a great cook,
My Mother-in-law was too.
No two greater cooks
This circling globe ever knew
With the exception,
My Sunshine than you.

My Mother made me look good,
Feel good and dress good,
My Mother-in-law, her children too.
No two Mothers
This world's communities ever knew,
With the exception, sweet Sunshine than you

Now even though you are not
My Mother, but Mother
To our four children,
You are my wife, my Sunshine,
My friend, my companion,
The greatest friend I've ever had.
From Jerry Howarth's Book of Poetry

— The End —